This is being reposted because this is now the hot video all over the radio talk shows and a caller brought up an interesting point. Is it possible she was reading the answer from a prompter or cue cards and just got mixed up? The caller pointed out that she said “U.S. Americans” when the comment would only make sense if she said “us Americans.” And if you watch her she keeps tagging something with her eyes as she tries to answer. Because of various non-disclosures she would probably not be able to tell anyone that she was supposed to read an answer. To keep her quiet they put her on the Today Show this morning. — Editor

  1. ChrisMac says:

    Stupid questions.. Deserve stupid answers..

    She did quite well considering she wasn’t allowed to answer correctly.

    A: Cause 1/5th of the people in the US are nappy headded hos.

  2. nightstar says:

    She’s lucky she’s pretty. That girls gonna need to get by on her physical attributes.

  3. contrite says:

    Did she win?

  4. John Benson says:

    So, we are supposed to believe that over 60 million Americans can’t locate the US on a world map! That is ten times the entire population of Massachusetts!

    The number might be correct if the survey includes: babies, children under 6, adults with Alzheimer’s, and blind people along with the dummies who really don’t know the answer. I bet the survey company decided to consider illegal aliens as Americans to boost the results.

  5. I didn’t think Barbie was that stupid…

  6. BubbaRay says:

    For a minute there, I thought I was watching “Jaywalking” from the Tonight Show. But sadly, it was just another Bush press conference.

  7. Jägermeister says:

    1/5 can’t locate the USA… how about other countries?…

    or how about some other issues…

  8. Bill R. says:


  9. pjakobs says:

    #7: That’s so bad.
    But I’ll guarantee you, you’ll find similar people in any country.
    There’s always a ton of people who probably have a brain but refuse to make any use of it.


  10. Stoner says:

    Future stripper!

  11. Rocco says:

    I didn’t know Hilary was a blond.

  12. JoaoPT says:


    That part of executing not only Saddam but also the body doubles because they look suspicious cracks me up. Severely.

  13. Pete says:

    #7 our Canadian version of the same…

  14. Voltaire says:

    #3 – You killed me! 🙂
    Can the IQ take on negative values?
    Watching this video, I do now believe it is possible.
    I’d witnessed born American to look on the map for the Mississippi River in Florida. Katching……

  15. Ralph the School Bus Driver says:

    #7, jag,

    I swear, I was not in either of those videos. Now was my twin brother.

    I think that one guy might have been James Hill’s identical twin sister.

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    #13, Pete,


    Prime Minister Tim Horton got a double double.

    That is funny.

  17. Wayne Bradney says:

    Her answer hit the nail on the head, in my opinion.

  18. MIke says:

    Listen to President Bush. This lady has successor written all over her.

  19. BobH says:

    That’s not even funny. The girl may be a wonderful, pretty person but she was either nervous to an extreme or profoundly ignorant. If the latter, as I suspect, the South Carolina education system should be ashamed. That sounded like a series of learned clichés spewed randomly with not even the vaguest idea what was stumbling out of her face.

  20. Cripes..and then there is this one. And, by the way, for you International readers. This gag can be done anywhere in the world with any citizenry. Well, except maybe for the Swiss. Then again, maybe not.

  21. tonybgood says:

    This is proof she has no clue that she is IN the U S , And north carolina is a third world country of it’s own !!!

  22. Stu Mulne says:

    What really bothers me is that there are a LOT of ugly people who couldn’t answer that question either….

    She can get by on her looks. Some of the others may be elected to high office….



  23. TIHZ_HO says:

    She will be doing Apple Mac ads this later this year.

    #19 JCD

    I would ask the locals here in China but Chinese all know that the map of China looks like a chicken. Why KFC China never took up on that I don’t know…

    Years ago this kind of clip would pop up in the news in Australia and before the Aussies could finish laughing at the Septic Tanks (Yanks) it was the Aussies turn… 😀


  24. Brad Bishop says:

    If you’ve ever watched any of these kinds of pageants you know that they never actually answer the question but give some fluffy bullshit answer to please everyone. The last thing you want to do is to answer the question with your own thought – then you open the door to being called an extremist, racist, crazy, elite, stupid, etc. Say some fluffy answer and everyone passes it off (oh, that’s so sweet, she wants world peace). She just tripped across her fluffy answer.

    I don’t think that makes her stupid – I think it means that knowing that she couldn’t say what she actually thought, she had to say something different which can be harder than just speaking your mind.

  25. undissembled says:

    That depends on what the definition of US is.

  26. BobH says:


    Not to point too fine a point on it, but the sash indicates South Carolina. I’m not implying the locally grown blonde crop is any more astute as the tradition throughout the area below the Mason Dixon line is to go easy on education. There is a difference, however, between North Carolina and South Carolina if only in that one uses the word North and the other employs South in front of the word Carolina.

    At night, with the lights out, I imagine if one is doing one’s sister or cousin, it makes little difference.

  27. BdgBill says:

    I would give up a paycheck to listen to what (if anything) is going on inside of the heads of people that dumb.

    “I’m pretty..He’s cute…I’m Pretty…He’s cute.

    Seriously, what do these people think about when they are standing in a long line, driving for hours or otherwise unable to be in front of a television?

  28. TIHZ_HO says:

    #24 Pedro – And right you are! 😉


  29. Voltaire says:

    #20 That idiots are uniformly distributed over this planet surface is given and proven. What is your point to state the obvious, yet with another video? There is not a single place larger than 10 sq. meters where smart, intelligent and well educated people form a group for more than 5 minutes.
    Isn’t it wonderful? 🙂

  30. JimR says:

    Correct answer:

    “I plan to stop world hunger and bring peace to the world by making sure that no one knows where America is.”


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