What CEO was found guilty of 10 counts? Listen to find out. Also Yahoo still in trouble over China fiasco.

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  1. BubbaRay says:

    Your T-shirt — WGA – Every Day Is Y2K

    is only $5, but you must be verified by Windows Genuine Advantage first.

    And don’t forget, this genuine DRM copyrighted T-shirt is made by Chinese athiest gun-toting stem-cell research Neo-Con Dem abortionist Mac fanboy PC-defending gay Bushco / Halliburton anti-war chickenhawk sweatshop congressional high-def billionaires for Christ.

    That ought to sum up the entire comments for this thread! What did I leave out?

  2. julieb says:

    Now it seems there are legit uses for all the WGA cracks and corporate editions floating around.

    If my companies mission critical server is down because of MS’s WGA server fails, do I wait for MS or just crack it?

  3. iGlobalWarmer (YOY) says:

    Bubba, you forgot that WGA causes Global Warming.

  4. KVolk says:

    I think I saw a picture of Jesus in a WGA error message……..


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