Wayne “Dullard” Allard – my favorite invisible senator

A French tax official cheated the government out of 600,000 euros ($820,000) by creating a phantom identity as a university professor and claiming a salary for some 15 years, the government said Monday.

Education Ministry officials uncovered the scam in June and began legal and disciplinary action immediately, Budget Minister Eric Woerth said in a statement.

I don’t know why the French are so upset. We have clowns posing as members of Congress – and accomplishing less than nothing!

  1. Mac Guy says:

    I had plenty of those in college…

  2. igor says:

    they are upset coz the didnt beat you at it 😛

  3. Jealous says:

    I’m jealous. I want to get a scam going like this. However, I don’t think I could stomach being a “tax official”…

    Since the guy was in a trusted official position, and violated that trust, he should get the death penalty. On live pay-per-view. Through being stoned to death by (the over-taxed) middle-class and poor people.

  4. Cinaedh says:

    This reminds me of a story I heard at an unnamed natural resources department.

    In the early 50’s, head office decided to get rid of all working livestock and switch to motorized vehicles. Unfortunately, out in the field it was obvious only horses could go certain places it was necessary to go and no-one was going to be able to do their work with motorized vehicles.

    Some wise guy hired two native Americans named Fred Horse and Helen Horse and put them on the payroll. All pay checks were duly cashed and spent on hay and oats because, of course, Fred and Helen really were horses.

    This scam worked perfectly until Fred and Helen retired. It was a grand retirement party and I don’t know what happened to their pension checks.

  5. Nimby says:

    #4 – Actually I was forced to do this by the USGov. At a US-funded project in northern Afghanistan during the reign of the Northern Alliance and it’s opposition to the Taliban, we had a huge project that required hundreds of men. To supply them, we had to use dozens of donkeys. But, there is no budget item for working animals! So, we were told to budget them as part-time day laborers. Getting them to sign for their money was another trick!

  6. Meh says:

    Sickest business term ever created: Human Resources

    Sounds like Stem Cells, or Soylent Green, ehh?!

    Of course, if you employ personnel, you probably have to treat them like people.

  7. KVolk says:

    Ghosting an employee is an age old trick for government corruption.

  8. Cinaedh says:

    #5 – Nimby

    It’s too bad when you work for the government you sometimes have to break the rules (and likely the law) and take a chance on being arrested and/or fired, just to accomplish the task the government assigned you in the first place.

    This is an “old-time civil servant’s trick”. Nowadays, most civil servants would be too terrified to do these things. Good for you! You’re a throwback to the good old days.


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