(CBS) In life, Mother Teresa was an icon — for believers — of God’s work on Earth. Her ministry to the poor of Calcutta was a world-renowned symbol of religious compassion.

But now, it has emerged that Mother Teresa was so doubtful of her own faith that she feared being a hypocrite

In a new book that compiles letters she wrote to friends, superiors and confessors, her doubts are obvious.

According to her letters, Mother Teresa died with her doubts. She had even stopped praying, she once said.

  1. Misanthropic Scott says:

    I’m really late to this party and haven’t read the comments. I have to say though that I think it’s really cool that we may get an atheist saint. This could be a true first!!

  2. Misanthropic Scott says:

    #89, #90,

    Actually John, please take a look at the format of the Mother Jones blog. They have a section for the most recent blog threads and a separate section for threads with the most recent posts. This way, people can choose to check both the new blog topics and the newly commented upon blog topics. It’s quite nice.


    – Scott

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    May God Bless Mother Teresa. And all the little babies too, the born and unborn little babies. Even the genetically modified little babies too. And may many people send money to pay for the care of all these little babies.

  4. Jim W. says:

    from Skippy
    “There is LOTS of evidence which supports that sex education DOES work”

    i agree, It teaches them HOW to have sex, but I don’t think it teaches them the responsibilities that go along with sex, emotional as well as biological.

    BTW: you posted 2 liberal links (maybe 3) to my 1 conservative, so I will give back this 1 and call it even. and save the rest of the arguing for another thread.

    Media Miss Abstinence Study Flaws

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    #96, Jim W.

    The link you posted DOES NOT say one way or the other if Sex Education is a factor in STDs.

    Because the two groups of teens are not necessarily comparable, the study’s results have no real meaning, either supporting the effectiveness of abstinence pledging or disputing its usefulness.

    While common sense would suggest it is, your cite only criticizes the methodology of the study. Because the article does not cite or link the study, it is difficult to challenge HER criticisms. In other words, an effen waste of time.

  6. Chad says:

    Faith is not a gift from God. Reason is our gift from God and it’s unfortunate that we live in a society that no longer values God’s gift of reason. We are becoming an ignorant society, similar to England 400 years ago. To have faith in a revealed religion is to deny one’s gift of reason. Faith is a curse that has been mankind’s yoke and burden for thousands of years.

    Faith in Jesus=believing in Hell

    Hell is the impossiblity of reason and to see by faith one must close the eye of reason!


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