We have already featured on the blog the original version of this documentary here. This video shows material not included in the original version. The documentary disputes Global Warming and that humans are behind the rise in temperature around the world.

  1. grog says:

    listen to any conservative talk about global warming long enough and all the obfuscation eventually will peel away and he will tell you that what he really considers most important is not being inconvenienced

    good thing today’s conservative wasn’t around during wwii when everyone had to pitch in, ration goods, etc. we’d all be speaking german now.

  2. Steve says:

    #30 Tell the people in MN that and see how well the road program is working.

    #31 I’m more than happy to be inconvenienced when it applies to everyone and some do gooder asshole flying in a private jet isn’t the one telling me.

    Before you try to pigeon hole me into some stereotype if you have read my postings you know that I’m an equal opportunity complainer about both sides.

  3. grog says:

    #32 so let me get this straight — so long as anyone flies in a private jet, you feel you don’t need to do anything about global warming

    that’s a very easy out, i like it.

  4. Phillep says:

    I hope humans can, and are, causing global warming.


    The graph on the top is deceptive with “today” being on the left instead of the right, as we are used to. Take a good look at the downward trend in the averages over the last 1.5 million years.

    What would another glaciation do?


    An easy 90% die off among humans, and a 99% extinction among animals large enough to eat as starving humans put everything they can in the pot.

  5. ECA says:

    I Like humans…
    they tend to NOT like change.
    Just because the river MOVED and you lived on the shore, we TRY to redirect it.
    Lets look back at a few things…
    Humans have cleaned up rivers, from NATURAL rubbish, and found that FISH DONT LIKE IT.
    We have tried to redirect rivers, and the RIVER didnt like it, and neither did the fish.
    In the great lakes, we Dirtied it up with waste, then CLEANED it up, but didnt STOP international shipping, and NOW we have some STANGE Mussles that are taking it over.
    Man thinks that he can Build on a flood plain, and doesnt REALIZE that the RIVER used to be THIS HIGH, or WILL BE this high…

    Lets look at TIME…The mini ice age was caused by WHAT?? A bunch of volcanoes that Blew up…Changed alot of weather patterns for years.. Look back at England in the 1300-1400’s(?).

    I like it when the EPA had ALL cars tested for standards, but said that DIESEL wasnt an AIR POLLUTANT…which is true it has heavy metals in it, and Pollutes the ground..

    how about WHERe and WHEN, the Straight of alaska, was OPEN to travel…what caused it? You dont think it will happen again?
    they have records that show the ocean has been 300′ LOWER, and about 100′ HIGHER…

    What I find intolerable, is WE, dont use what is HERE, NOW, to make things better.. Taking Manure and useing it to make Methane and hydrogen. Taking our TRASh and doing the same.
    LEARNING from animals, that Over population WILL kill us.

  6. iGlobalWarmer (YOY) says:

    #32 – Tell that to us in MN who were told the money was going in to “transportation”, assumed the bulk of that meant roads and bridges, only to find out that the money really went into mass transit and bike trails and pork.

    I would agree with you about limosine ridin’, jet flyin’ do-gooders.

    Some taxation is necessary. The level we currently live with, is massive overkill.

  7. Ralph the School Bus Driver says:

    #32, Steve,

    Before you try to pigeon hole me into some stereotype if you have read my postings you know that I’m an equal opportunity complainer about both sides.


    #36, iHotAir (YOY)

    Tell that to us in MN who were told the money was going in to “transportation”, assumed the bulk of that meant roads and bridges, only to find out that the money really went into mass transit and bike trails and pork.

    more bullshit.

    Geeze, you effen selfish assholes must all be republican. You so much like to invent crap and throw it out there as the “truth”.

    Steve, you constantly post right wing crap. Your denial is just more effen right wing screwed up denial.

    iHotAir (YOY) FYI, the bridge was under repair even as it collapsed. The latest inspection showed it would need further repair but was fine and deemed safe for traffic. And an FYI, bicycles and mass transit are still forms of transportation.

  8. Mark T. says:

    Excellent vid, Gasparrini. Thanks!

    I like the quote about scientists that disagree with the GW hysteria but remain silent – “They won’t speak out when nonsense is said in their names because they are funded by a climate crisis industry.”

    This is politics and huge research grants are at stake. If you are a climatologist and don’t agree with all the GW nonsense, you are in the business of going out of business. No grants = no tenure. This is science corrupted by money, politics, and a press that thrives on doom and gloom. Common sense be damned.

  9. MikeN says:

    Peter, the best guesses on global warming according to the IPCC is sea level rise of around 12 inches.

  10. hmeyers says:

    Nice high quality video. Thanks for this blog article.

    Whether or not there is global warming or not, we still ought to reduce pollution and seek cleaner power sources.

  11. Tom Disouza says:

    The affects of greenhouse gas ozone, which has been increasing near Earth’s surface since 1850, could seriously cut into crop yields and spur global warming this century, scientists reported on Wednesday. For more information about Effects & Causes Of Global Warming.

  12. Stars & Bars says:

    ‘Going Green’ Consumer Bandwagon Stalling, Poll Finds


    “While they’re highly aware of environmental issues due to the glut of media attention,” said Smith, “the simple fact is that ‘going green’ in their everyday life is simply not a big concern or a high priority.”

    Wonder why ALL the media attention? Could it be an attempt at brainwashing the public. Watch for new carbon taxes to pick your pocket soon.

  13. Glenn E says:

    At the risk of not being everyones’ friend, I’d just like to say that I totally loved watching the entire tGGWS video at YouTube. What was linked here before, I believe, was only an edited excerpt called “Data From the Great Global Warming Swindle”, and not the entire documentary. To see the thing in its entirety, you have to download (or view) it in eight parts. Just search for that title, minus “Data From”.

    The documentary gives a much clearer explanation for what’s going on in the world, that the “Global Warming is caused by man” fanatics do. I’ve been hearing this chant about mankind screwing up the earth for my whole life (50+). Long before they had any scientists to back up their scare stories. Now there’s nothing wrong with cleaning up the environment. I just don’t think we need to go back to the medieval era to accomplish it. But that’s what it’s starting to sound like they want us to do. Recently, some “scientist” claimed that Ice core data showed that the environment was greatly effected right at the start of the industrial revolution. So, according to this clown, the very moment a couple of steam boilers starting burning coal in Europe, we were all screwed. And I thought that the Unibomber was an isolated nutcase, being against the world’s industrialization. I quess not. So are we to go back to water powered mills, for our power needs? And wait it out for about a hundred years for the atmosphere to love our presence again? Hey, ya know this ain’t gonna happen. So why don’t they stop preaching how much we’re going to have to sacrifice? It’s a stupid fantasy to expect the whole world to come together on solving this, when it never has on anything else. Especially, when the problem is really so uncertain in the first place.

  14. Steve says:

    #33 No, what I said was I do not want some bullshit artist telling me to change while he is flying around in a private jet.

    #37 Obviously I believe in more conservative things than liberal things but I’m not a conservative. I’m certainly not some right wing religious nut job either since I prefer to be agnostic.

    As far as the thread goes and on point I happen to have switched to fluorescent bulbs (efficient ones) everywhere, I turn off lights when not in use, I am presenting to my employer how to save energy at work, I compost/recycle yard waste and I pick up trash along the road and try to keep our waterway clean.

    So I actually do something for the planet instead of talking about it like some blowhards. Could I do more, yes, but at least I do something. I’d like to put up a solar array and wind farm on our property but just can’t swing it right now.

  15. MikeN says:

    I’ve got an idea. Let’s start with taxes on private jet flights, that burn more than X amount of fuel per passenger. Let’s let Hollywood and corporate executives foot the billl. Granted the executives will keep on using since it’s shareholders that foot the bill, but maybe some other people will start flying commercial again. This will also help the airlines get out of bankruptcy if they could boost demand for those seats, which would keep the government from having to bail out their pension funds.

  16. Mister Mustard says:

    >>only to find out that the money really went into mass transit and
    >>bike trails

    Oh no! Oh fuck! Not mass transit and bike trails! Goddamned commie pinko fags!

    Imagine that! Instead of spending millions tearing down people’s homes to put up another 35W or 394 or 494 or Highway 169 (gak), they’re actually spending on something that would reduce pollution, reduce congestion, improve the quality of life, and get poeple thinking about (and using) alternative means of transportation.

    Some of the things that make Minneapolis one of the most livable cities in the US are the bike trails and mass transit (including the new Hiawatha light rail). I guess there’s an allure for some people for sitting in traffic for an hour or two, but it’s always escaped me.

  17. Phillep says:

    43 – Glenn

    A medieval lifestyle would just be a side effect.

    What is intended is for a few (like bobbo) to live a priviledged lifestyle like the royalty and magicians in a fantasy novel, while the rest of us stumble around barefoot saying, “Yes, massah, I be greatful you peed on ma haid.”

  18. nightstar says:

    The whole global warming debate is truly very humorous. You will always have “experts” disagreeing over their theories due to their own vested interests and egos.

    Our environment is constantly changing due to our actions as a species in addition to natural occurrences. Global climate change is merely one aspect of those changes. Any who deny this obvious reality are either delusional or willfully blind. For example Scientists were able to record a wobble in the earths axial rotation when the Three gorges damn in China was filled. Just think of the impact our actions have, and not just cumulative effects I mean direct!

    Back in the 1970s during the first fuel crisis being youthful and idealistic I bought into environmentalism. I used to volunteer my time at the recycling centre sorting glass and metals(yes there was recycling then).

    Now I’m consuming as fast as I can throwing away as much stuff as possible. I refuse to subsidize consumerism through my efforts at conservation. I’m hoping that if enough assholes like me break the system the assholes in denial about the reality of impending environmental change will have to deal with it.

    The fact than any of you post here indicates you’re not wealthy or influential enough to be significant to policy makers. So argue all you want it won’t make a difference. There are events occurring that will change the world regardless of whether or not you are carbon neutral.

  19. Robert says:

    Get a load of this thread in PZ Meyer’s Pharyngula Blog:


    There are comments in support of Lomborg and against. I posted that it is better to replace fossil fuels with realistic alternatives (nuclear fission today, nuclear fusion tommorrow, etc) than using government coercion. One of those who supported coercion and opposed me (MikeB comment #100) said this, “As Al Capone once said, ‘You can get much further with a kind word and a gun than you can with a kind word alone.'” That floored me!

    Posters who acknowleged manmade causes of global warming but advocated alternate energy over coercion were vilified.


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