ANSAmed — Wow, here is a weird story.

Despite the diplomatic ice reigning between the respective governments, Israeli erotic sites are reaping enormous success among the Internet surfers of the Arab countries. “We notice on our servers that thousands of users live in Muslim states with which we dont even have diplomatic relations,” Nir Shahar, who manages one of the most visited Israeli websites with erotic content, told an Israeli journalist. Up to 10% of the daily contacts of the porn portals in Hebrew come from Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Iraq. Some owners have decided to rise the wave of success opening an Arabic version on the websites and registering in this way an immediate surge of the clicks. Others, like Nir Shahar, believe the expense for translation is needless: “The videos and photos we offer do not need much explanation,” he says. There is a real passion spreading among the Islamic users: that for the hard Israeli videos in which the actresses interpret, in their way naturally, the role of female soldiers, secret agents or policewomen. One of the most watched films at the moment is Codename: Deep Investigation, a spy story which narrates in parody the real story of Mordechai Vanunu, the Israeli technician who had given out the nuclear secrets of the Jewish state.

found by John Ligums

  1. morram says:

    Remember how the WWII US troops loved to do the Japanese gals, even ended up bring several thousand home as wifes to freaking out family members. Same in Viet Nam, a bunch of my buddies brought back Vietnamese women, some young enough to be their daughters, lots were bar girls or hookers. Imagine how sad it is in Iraq, our boys are having to do those odd GI chicks or..!
    The Arabs checking out the Jew porn makes sense since the Jewish boys are busy checking out each other. I had a Jewish girlfriend in high school and she said Jewish boys cry a lot and cling to their mothers. So porn for them would be short fat old ladies or farm animals. JMO

  2. Angel H. Wong says:


    You have no idea how right your girlfriend is. I’m not saying more in case they send me a lawyer and force me to say they’re the nicest, greatest & kindest men on earth.

  3. This will be the last time |I post anything like this. I expected a decent commentary. But no. Just cheap jokes and jingoism.

  4. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #33 – What? John, have you read your blog lately? 🙂

  5. hhopper says:

    Yeah, right!

  6. OvenMaster says:

    Mr. Dvorak:
    I respectfully submit that comment #13 is right on the mark. The Arab world considers the Israelis as beneath contempt, so it would only follow that Arabs would consider Israeli women as loose, and therefore a subject for denigration and sexual abuse.

    As to my own personal remark, I can only say that yes, it was a joke. I happen to agree with #13. But how often can we all say “Yes, I agree”? I’m hopefully not the only one that cracked a joke out of frustration and loathing of the possible “use” of Israeli women as objects. If I have offended anyone with my three-word earlier comment, I apologize.

    And if anyone else considers this comment as kissing up to Mr. Dvorak, you go right ahead and think whatever you like. But I’d rather catch a little hell than do without contributions and comments like this from Mr. Dvorak.

    Thomas L. Martin aka OvenMaster

  7. Marcus says:

    #28, you forgot the “Oy Veh” in front of “you want I should cum already” I’m still laughing over your joke. As I read it, I could hear the words in some nasal-sounding voice. Your humor rocks!

  8. Snapper says:

    Reality bites.

    Sort of like Eve biting the apple. Or, every Adam since then wanting to bite Eve’s peach.

    Maybe it’s Darwinian theory. Or Intelligent Design. Or the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

    Maybe, ultimately, people will realize half the population is dumber than the other half.

    Maybe we’re just screwed.


  9. Jopa says:

    Well, as someone that lives in the middle east (Israel) I can tell you this:
    1. Israeli women are HOT. As hot as it can get. They are also nice and friendly but not easy to get – the perfect blend.
    2. Arab women are generally disgusting – they are usually fat, hairy and stink (I am NOT joking). That’s a result from being oppressed by their culture (Islam) and wearing that suffocating burka all the time.
    3. I don’t know about the Jews in the rest of the world, but here we are First Israelis and then Jewish. Israelis are tough – period.
    4. Muslims consider all non-Muslim people to be inferior. I find this amusing being the primitive goat fuckers that they are (imagine a Neanderthal accusing a Homo-Sapient of being primitive and stupid).
    5. Arabs like to see Israeli women because of reason #1 and they probably feel that in some perverse way it degrades us that they wank while looking at our women.
    6. Have you ever heard porn in Arabic?!?!? **PUKE**

  10. TIHZ_HO says:

    #28 Good call about the ‘Oy Veh’, and Thanks! 😀


  11. TIHZ_HO says:

    #17 “…beautiful ladies everywhere. Maybe harder to find in the Arab world” …that’s the reason for the burka (Body Covering Sheets)

    John asked for more serious discussions…so

    As was already pointed out in many Arab countries women are segregated from the men and make sure that this separation is complete burkas are used. Jews do not wear such….

    Ok, enough of that – here is Osama bin Laden’s HOT niece, she can terrorise me any day… 😉


  12. Tanqueray says:

    I mean there is no way to explain this story without sounding like your joking. Its pretty mind boggling. Maybe they are letting out their angst in a more creative way other than just blowing themselves up.

  13. Angel H. Wong says:

    “5. Arabs like to see Israeli women because of reason #1 and they probably feel that in some perverse way it degrades us that they wank while looking at our women.”

    Just like in the same way Jewish men go after Catholic women.

    “6. Have you ever heard porn in Arabic?!?!? **PUKE**”

    Do you actually listen to porn??

    Anyhoo, talking about arab porn here’s one, obviously NSFW.

  14. Jopa says:

    #43 – what the f**k are you talking about?! I don’t know even one jew who thinks wanking at pictures of beautiful women (no matter where they come from) degrades them. Arabs do think like that – this is their culture.

  15. Jopa says:

    #43 – what the f**k are you talking about?! I don’t know even one jew who thinks wanking at pictures of beautiful women (no matter where they come from) degrades them or their men. Arabs do think like that – this is their culture.

    I don’t “listen” to porn, but I can hear it! And in arabic it’s HORRIFYING!
    They always sound like they are screwing one of their animals :)’
    “IDFA! IDFA! YA HABIBI!!!!!!!!”

    And Wong, that’s for you – Hara bzib el amak ya kalb! TFU!!!!!!!!

  16. Suka Blat says:

    Sorry to disappoint you Wong… i think it is more of a Christian thing to jerk off to Christian women (especially the Catholic school girl fetish you seem to have), than it is a Jewish one.

  17. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #45 – I wanna hear that. 🙂

  18. Jopa says:

    #47 – no you don’t, it will kill your sex life for a year.
    By the way, IDFA (say it as you read it) means “Shove it!” (in arabic)
    and YA HABIBI (again, said as read) means “My love” (in arabic)
    Imagine bin laden with one of those ninja turtle looking women that haven’t washed in two weeks and you get the picture….

  19. Angel H. Wong says:


    Try the orthodox ones.


    That’s not what female jewish standup comedians think 😉

    “women that haven’t washed in two weeks and you get the picture….”

    You’re talking about French women?

  20. Suka Blat says:

    #49 – Oh… if comedians say it is so then it must be true… not.

    And btw, seeing as France is becoming more and more Muslim (and that’s a simple fact) there is no necessary contradiction LOL.

  21. Jopa says:

    #49 – Wong, I bet you don’t even know one orthodox jew. In fact I am completely sure of it, because I know some orthodox Jews and they will never discuss anything with someone outside of their community. These people are as timid as it is. You are full of it.
    Kalb ibn kalb.

  22. abraham says:

    Jeez, Dvorak, your website sure does attract a lot of ignorant anti-Arab/Muslim bigots and wack-o’s.

  23. gimmy says:


  24. Israeli porn says:

    I just love Israeli porn movies


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