1. Jägermeister says:

    Sounds plausible… 😉 😀

  2. ethanol says:

    Great stuff, I love The Family Guy!

  3. Russell says:

    Well, my repose to this is the same as my response to whenever I see Family Guy clips: “Why did I just watch this crap?” Not particularly funny and extremely offensive.

  4. Mark T. says:

    “Quick, give me your lighter!” Too funny.

    See, now even evangelicals can claim the Big Bang Theory, too.

  5. DavidtheDuke says:

    The escalade one was the best.

  6. Mister Mustard says:

    That is sacriligious blasphemy. You are going to burn in an evernlasting lake of fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiire. Simply unacceptable.

    Jesus would NEVER “disco”. What were they thinking?

  7. edwinrogers says:

    Religion, guns, genital mutilation, someone tell me this isn’t the DU blog.

  8. Jägermeister says:

    #7 – edwinrogers – …someone tell me this isn’t the DU blog.

    This isn’t the DU blog.

  9. Undissembled says:

    The last clip was by far the best.

  10. Misanthropic Scott says:

    It’s about the same as the other scriptures as far as I can tell. I guess sneezed out of the nose of the great arklesiezure wasn’t good enough for family guy. They had to go with the big fart. Whatever. It’s all about even with any other theology.

  11. Lady Be Good says:

    “Family Guy” is a lame copy of “The Simpsons.”

  12. BubbaRay says:

    Oh Good Grief, now I understand the Big Bang, inflation, dark matter and energy [and maybe even string theory]! Might as well close the observatory for the night. Thank God you can’t smell in space! 😆

  13. Civisi says:

    Yeah, Russel. I’m with you. “Not particularly funny and extremely offensive.”

    Is there a way to ignore a particular blog poster here?

  14. ChrisMac says:

    The fact that this might offend a religious person is the reason why religion is dead to me..

    The “Do unto others” part is fine.. after that religion somehow went sideways.

    And while Greed and Pride are still the life of the party, we will continue to live in “interesting” times.

  15. OmegaMan says:

    They don’t make Jews like Jesus anymore!

  16. Jägermeister says:

    #13 – Civisi – Is there a way to ignore a particular blog poster here?

    Yes, push the power button on your computer. It’s divine power will make all of us disappear.

  17. hhopper says:

    You have to have a sense of humor to appreciate much of what’s on DU.

  18. digitalT says:

    I really like Family Guy but come on is this place is becoming as bad as Digg. John are you still here… do you even look at this crap!

  19. Wayne Bradney says:

    I like the Ned Flanders one also:


  20. Nth of the 49th says:


    Well uh.. ya don’t come here.
    Or is it like the remote on your tv you can’t switch a channel or turn it off if it offends you.

  21. RBG says:

    Isn’t it amazing how so many people can believe things just because it is written in a book or because someone told them it was true? I’m talking about science and evolution.


    Okay, the last one was best…

  22. Tonto Spagnolo says:

    This is offensive? What is having other people’s religious beliefs thrust upon you? What is giving religion tax free status? Those who find this clip offensive, are rather offensive themselves.

  23. I have lost control of the blog. It’s taken a life of its own. Run, run for your lives!

  24. Streaker says:

    Like I’ve said before… Mocking Christians? Yawn… that’s SO last century.

    Also, there’s nothing like trying to prove a point about religion by choosing a cartoon that finds humor in a neighborhood pederast.

    Would you like to read about cutting edge humor, then read this-

    [Please use TinyUrl.com for overly long URLs. – ed.]

  25. ECA says:

    Thats what you get for letting the monkeys loose…

    but isnt it entertaining.
    YOU REALLY get the feel of what people THINK, insted of these POLLS(10′ or other wise) showing that we are NO BETTER then other countries.
    those radicals that have never had a single inkling, to look at OTHER OPTIONS and choices…Only have been TOLD what to believe or have come to SOME understanding that they have MADE.

    this is as bad as listening to a PASCAL PUREST…
    Iv looked at many religions, and most of them say 1 thing…

    but, I am thinking some are pushing the buttons, and stretching things ABIT.

    LOOK, and LISTEN, were the main doctrines of christ. FIX what you can. And the rest, try to GUIDE…
    Even Christians, have a problem seeing WHAT christ was doing… and THAT his religion is STILL based on Judaism… but they dont LOOK at what Judaism SAYS…
    And that is PARt of the problem…churches STILL dont want you to KNOW EVERYTHING…

  26. Misanthropic Scott says:

    #15 – OmegaMan,

    Perhaps they never did.


  27. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Works for me.

  28. Guyver says:

    24. I was wondering if shows like the Simpsons or Family Guy ever took a stab at mocking Judaism or Islam. Or is Christianity the only religion that is fair game?

    I recall hearing about a political cartoon made in Sweden / Denmark (not sure) that made fun of Muslims being Terrorists and the paper got a death threat over it.

  29. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #13 – Is there a way to ignore a particular blog poster here?

    Yes… You can ignore a particular blog poster here… It’s a low tech solution, like using a pencil in zero-G, but it works.


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