1. Ralph the School Bus Driver says:

    That was so lame. Does anyone really think God is the only one who can light a fart?

    BTW, it is better to hold the lighter BENEATH the flame. You won’t lose as much arm hair that way.

  2. TIHZ_HO says:

    #29 “mocking Judaism or Islam.” Jews yes from time to time and once they did this really great Osama bin Laden recording a threat video to America infidels.

    Osama: What did I say…you, stop it with the face…every time I want to talk he makes that face and I can’t stop laughing…


    You are right about having a go at Islam might not be taken too well…but then I wonder if one day there will ever be an Iranian Family Guy?


  3. iGlobalWarmer (YOY) says:

    Considering that the regular posters here are evolving into their own ecoshpere, filling various niches, etc., you could make a case the the blog itself is the Creator.

    Glory be to Blog……

  4. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #33 – Now that you mention it, I do kinda worship John C Dvorak.

    he’s so sexy

  5. hhopper says:

    I for one welcome our Blog Posting Overlords.

    Wait a minute I’m one of ’em… WTF!

  6. TIHZ_HO says:

    Here is the Family Guy Osama clip – and Stewie…


    Thank God I can get Family Guy DVDs in China!

    The truth about Chinese factories




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