What’s this about a payoff, er, incentive to drop Blu-ray? The story gets better.

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  1. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Vizio? As Hobson said to Arthur, “No, thank you.” I know I’m one of those insufferable equipment snobs, but Jeez-O-Flip, this is just more lowballing on price to the rabble, who are sufficiently dim to assume “big screen = good.”

    And John C, for the love of Gawd, think of the children! I MEAN – a frigging Westinghouse?? Builders of the worlds worst nuclear reactors, don’t think for a minute their corporate aversion to superfluous cost centers such as QA doesn’t extend down their product line…

    I’d have to consider committing seppuku if I ever advised even an enemy of mine to go near a Westinghouse product with a dungfork…

    • • • • • • •

    Michael Dell? It ain’t a tech-industry thing he’s caught up it, it’s Texas-style Bidniss-As-Usual, which is to say, underhanded. To be polite about it.

  2. ECA says:

    Westinghouse had a GREAT LCD, but it was one of the originals in the market…It had 5 PIP…COOL..
    But as they increased and got better, it went away.

    You really think Westinghouse MAKES LCD’s???
    they may SELL them under their name, but not much else.

  3. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    No, ECA, but they make the decisions about who makes what and how much they’re willing to pay to ensure it’s done right… You get what you pay for, and the same goes for companies who stick their name on stuff they buy from others.

    It’s a company with a poor rep in many areas, who once sold quality goods, but long ago learned from their #1 competitor GE how profitable it can be to cut corners. There’s a very good reason why the brand has taken so long to be revived in America, because until recently there were still too many people around for whom their name was a dirty word.

    Call it general principles, but I’m old enough to remember when the name Westinghouse came to signify cheesy crap and old-guard corporations like that seldom find it easy to change their spots… I despise electronics that break and by avoiding such outfits’ products, I have rarely had to fix my own stuff, which i really hate doing.

    Nope. A Sharp or Panasonic doesn’t cost that much more and experience has taught me that the difference is money well spent.

  4. ECA says:

    Iv seent he NEW WH, LCD’s and they are GOOD. NOT top of the market..but At 1/2 the price of panasonic and almost as good…
    The screens are GREAT…
    would like to find the maker tho.

  5. Guyver says:

    1. Vizio LCD screens are made by LG-Philips to my knowledge. Although I don’t own one, Vizio has gotten favorable reviews in magazines like Sound & Vision. Although I probably would not have a Vizio as my main HDTV, I don’t see it as a big deal to have one in the bedroom. Not a big deal given that the LCD’s ar LG-Phillips. But I agree on the Westinghouse. I wouldn’t go near one at all.

  6. Lauren, sometimes I wonder about you. The Westinghouse that makes the LCD’s and the nuke plants are two different companies. The LCD name is licensed just for marketing purposes. The product is a killer price-ration product with few user complaints. Cripes.

  7. RBG says:

    Point of order…

    Am I hearing a hubble-bubble (hookah) in the background of JCD’s audio? Which leads to the next question…


  8. James Hill says:

    #6 – I personally own a Westinghouse LCD and am very pleased with it. However, let’s be honest about the topic: There are only 3 LCD panel makers in the world. The question consumers need to answer is how much marketing they want to pay for in overhead.

    Vizio’s quarter shows the answer is “not much”. But what’s Vizio’s plan? To ramp up its marketing efforts.

    Watch for Polaroid to continue to gain market share, and for Vizio to level off.

  9. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Well, John C, sometimes I worry about me too —

    No, I didn’t mean to convey the idea that the people who construct reactor vessels moonlight at the TV plant… but the umbrella corporation, the leadership at the very top, the arbiters of corporate policy and culture, has always and infamously been a passel of crooks.

  10. Cursor_ says:

    I hate the bubbling sound in the background, you can leave out the animal noises and the announcer just plain makes me want to strangle him.

    Outside of that I like the content.


  11. schpoink says:

    I’ve got a 42-inch Visio HD 1080P LCD TV that I bought at Cosco for $1,100.

    It’s fabulous! Five minute setup, worked out of the box like a champ. A hair under the quality of the Samsungs and Sony’s for half the price.


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