As if…

  1. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #15 – creationists want to believe that they are created in god’s image

    But if that were true, we’d all have noodley appendages 🙂

    #1 – If the concept of Hypocrisy didn’t already exist, Xhristianity would have invented it.

    Comment by moss — 8/22/2007 @ 8:05 am

    Okay… You all know who I am. I’m pretty militant about these issues because of all the Fundy Bible Thumpers trying to steer my country into a theocracy, complete with a Xian Taliban…

    But here’s a thing. Xian is Christian with an X, like Xmas, as a shorthand. I’d never use Xian in formal writing. It really isn’t a slur, it’s just shorthand.

    But really, what does Xhristian and Xhristianity actually mean? Why replace the C with an X when you are left with the same characters? What does that actually say?

    Fundies in America need to be marginalized because they are a danger to our society. Mainstream and liberal Christians need to be criticized for not taking a strong enough stand against these self-appointed Holy Warriors who threaten our American way of life. And I don’t care if the born again crowd gets their feelings hurt, because face it, they should be smarter… But why intentionally adopt a spelling that seems only to insult everyone who is Christian, including Catholics (who are not a monolithic block), Methodists, etc… Hell, not all Baptists are bad. The branch known as “American Baptists” (one of whom presided over my wedding) are not right wing fire and brimstone nutbags, but actually moderate to liberal about most things.

    So that’s my question… I get Xian, and use it for my own convenience, but I don’t understand Xhristian at all.

  2. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Aw … now the bully feels bad and wants to make nice.

    Scottie, you’re wrong, wrong, and wrong again. I’m not a bully, I don’t feel bad, and I don’t want to make nice.

    I’m just getting tired of your drivel. As to being “deliberately offensive”, I’d make a comment, but bobbo might take me to task for overusing the “Pot/ Kettle” thing.

  3. Jägermeister says:

    Are you one of the millions of people who live by faith?
    Do you believe religion is under attack in modern society?
    Have the lines blurred too much or not enough between religion and politics?

    You might want to voice your opinions on CNN.

  4. Misanthropic Scott says:

    #33 – Mister Mustard,

    I’m sorry, is bully the wrong term?

    What is the proper term for an asshole that deliberately pisses people off to get a rise out of them, then uses the fact that the person did indeed get pissed off as evidence that the offending remark was correct?

    What the hell do you call the particular type of asshole that you see when you look in a mirror?

    Like it or not, that has been your pattern on this issue time and time again.

    And as for your alleged persecution, was the offense really that great? Did it come close to what true minority races and creeds experience in this country? Do you really still think that the vast majority of the population is being persecuted by the smallest and least respected minority?

  5. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Do you really still think that the vast majority of the population
    >>is being persecuted by the smallest and least respected minority?

    No, I just think that some of them are insufferable pricks, wallowing in their own “persecution” like hogs in shit.

    I’m sorry if pointing out the self-evident observation that Atheism is in fact a religion offended you. The emperor was offended too, when it was pointed out that he had no clothes.

    I would suggest you open your mind a little, lose the dogma, and just say “gee, I don’t know” if you don’t want to be affiliated with a particular faith.

    In the alternative, worship on, believer!

  6. Jägermeister says:

    #36 – Mustard Gas

    Repeating something until it becomes your truth doesn’t constitute reality… remember that.

  7. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Repeating something until it becomes your truth doesn’t
    >>constitute reality

    It doesn’t need to become “my truth”, Mr. Meister; it’s an indisputable (other than by the self-proclaimed naughty, dangerous, free-thinking, beret-wearing bohemian congregants of the Church of Atheism) fact.

    And not matter how loudly or how angrily or how much like a pig the Atheist cogregation squeals, no matter how tightly their panties get twisted, ain’t nothing gonna change that.

    If Atheists don’t wish to be considered part of a religion, they should drop the religious dogma and intolerance. Dogma and intolerance are never good. And Atheism __IS__ a religion. Make no mistake about it. A dark one, perhaps, but a religion nonetheless.

  8. natefrog says:

    #33, Mustard:

    Drivel? Hey! It looks like you learned a new word I had previously used to describe your nonsensical rantings!

    And here I was I thinking nothing got through to you!

  9. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #38 – It doesn’t need to become “my truth”, Mr. Meister; it’s an indisputable (other than by the self-proclaimed naughty, dangerous, free-thinking, beret-wearing bohemian congregants of the Church of Atheism) fact.

    It’s an indisputable fact that everyone except you is disputing…

    Words have meaning.


  10. natefrog says:

    I am curious, Mustard, can you give any justification for why you are so vindictive towards atheists and agnostics?

  11. Jägermeister says:

    #38 – Mustard Gas

  12. Mister Mustard says:

    >>It’s an indisputable fact that everyone except you is disputing…

    Oh, so now might makes right, does it Mr. Oppressed Atheist Minority Member? And not “everyone” is disputing it, just a few local High Priests of the Church of Atheism. And man, o Manischewitz, are their panties ever in a twist! Wowie! This has clearly struck a nerve.

  13. Mister Mustard says:

    >>I am curious, Mustard, can you give any justification for why you
    >>are so vindictive towards atheists and agnostics?

    Gosh Mr. Frog, I’m not vindictive at all towards them. I know and love many atheists and agnostics, and strongly support their right to believe (or not believe) whatever they feel is right.

    The only bone of contention here is when congregants at the Church of Atheism deny that they are part of a religion; a claim so silly I’m somewhat astonished that there are people willing to defend it.

    And I’ve never even said anything uncomplimentary towards agnostics. They don’t know, and they admit it. Can’t argue with honesty.

  14. Jägermeister says:

    #43, #44 – Mustard Gas

    I’m glad that you’ve mastered the core indoctrination technique used by religious organizations… repeating, repeating, repeating… But you see… we’re grownups… no kids. We can think for ourselves. But I don’t expect you to understand this.

  15. Streaker says:

    Mocking Christians? Yawn… that’s SO last century.

  16. Mister Mustard says:

    >>But you see… we’re grownups… no kids. We can think for ourselves.

    Keep saying it. Over and over and over again. You’ll believe it. Perception is reality. You’ll be OK, Jägermeister.

    btw, who the heck names himself after an “herbal liqueur” that tastes like cough syrup? Are you a frat boy?

  17. Floyd says:

    Mustard–you said:
    “It doesn’t need to become “my truth”, Mr. Meister; it’s an indisputable (other than by the self-proclaimed naughty, dangerous, free-thinking, beret-wearing bohemian congregants of the Church of Atheism) fact.”

    It’s a “fact” only to you. Atheists (and for that matter agnostics, and people who just ignore religion, like me) have simply decided decided that your “truth” isn’t worth barrel of warm spit.

    I actually read the bible many years ago, decided it was self contradictory (different writers espoused contradictory opinions), and therefore was not worth considering. All other “sacred books” I’ve read got thrown into the same trashcan, either because they were self contradictory (ex. peace and holy war in the same book), or they were just ridiculous (Book of Mor*on, but it’s not the only one).

    Keep in mind that as Mark Twain once said (more or less), faith is the profound belief in something that just ain’t so.

    What do I believe in? I believe in being decent to others (the Bill and Ted rule). I also believe that I shouldn’t believe in things “that just ain’t so. “

  18. Jägermeister says:

    #47 – Mister Mustard

    Why would anyone call themselves Mister Mustard… could it be because you like to grease up your buns before someone rams a hot dog into it?

  19. Mister Mustard says:

    >>[I]…have simply decided decided that your “truth” isn’t worth
    >>barrel of warm spit.

    OK, then; move on, son. Nothing to see here.

  20. Mister Mustard says:

    >>could it be because you like to grease up your buns
    >>before someone rams a hot dog into it?

    Oooh, homophobia now! Does your intolerance know no bounds??

  21. Misanthropic Scott says:

    #36 – Mustard Seedling,

    No, I just think that some of them are insufferable pricks, wallowing in their own “persecution” like hogs in shit.

    In case you hadn’t noticed, the only reason I mentioned any persecution is to show you how little of it you’ve experienced in your sheltered little life.

    I’m sorry if pointing out the self-evident observation that Atheism is in fact a religion offended you.

    You’re so full of shit the whites of your eyes are turning brown. Again, you state that something is self-evident when you are the only person around that seems to think this way. In fact, everyone else has been pointing out for weeks the many ways in which you are dead wrong and offensively so.

    I would suggest you open your mind a little, lose the dogma, and just say “gee, I don’t know” if you don’t want to be affiliated with a particular faith.

    If you bothered to actually read that to which you respond, you would note that I will admit doubt just as soon as there is a shred of evidence presented. For now, I will continue to assume there is NOT in fact a dragon living in my closet.

    #37 – Jägermeister,

    Good point.

    #38 – Noxious one,

    it’s an indisputable (other than by the self-proclaimed naughty, dangerous, free-thinking, beret-wearing bohemian congregants of the Church of Atheism) fact.

    As previously noted, it was already disputed sufficiently and put to rest on at least two other threads. Again, I would point out that I successfully used your own definitions of religion and atheism to prove that it was neither. You responded by simply stating the self evidence of your completely erroneous statement. Perhaps you should take a tack that involves some logic rather than analogies to other mythologies like emperor clothing. That child hood tale is at least as likely as the world being created by the megalomaniac of the Zoroastrian-Judeo-Christian-Islamic horror story.

    Further, getting offended by direct insults such as the one you keep hurling is not dogma and intolerance. It’s unwillingness to be bullied by small minded ob-noxious gas clouds.

    #43 – Custard Head,

    Is this not exactly as I predicted you would behave back in post numbers 29 and 35? The fact that you deliberately piss people off by being extremely offensive does not make you right. It makes you an asshole.

    #44 – Mouseturd,

    Did you actually just say, effectively, “Some of my best friends are atheists.”??!!? Is that not cliche enough to convince you of your own bigotry?

  22. Jägermeister says:

    #51 – Mustard Gas – Oooh, homophobia now! Does your intolerance know no bounds??

    Not at all, but I’m sure you’ll repeat that until it becomes your truth. I’ve got nothing against homosexuals, so if you want to come out of the closet, that’s okay. It was meant as a question to you.

  23. Mister Mustard says:

    >>As previously noted, it was already disputed sufficiently and put
    >>to rest on at least two other threads.

    Scottie, Scottie, Scottie. Your knickers are in a twist that even Houdini couldn’t undo. And “if you bothered to actually read that to which you respond”, as you so stiffly put it, you would have noted that I said it was only disputed by the “self-proclaimed naughty, dangerous, free-thinking, beret-wearing, convention-flouting bohemian congregants of the Church of Atheism” That, in case you need some help here, includes you and your bretheren in The Church.

    >>I’ve got nothing against homosexuals

    Yeah, riiiiiiiiiiiight. You like fags just as much as you like Christies, Papists, Zoroastrians, hebes, towel-heads, and anyone else who doesn’t kneel in the same pew as you do. Your intolerance has been duly noted. Over and over and over again.

    Suck it in and deal with it, boy. Be a MAN.

  24. Jägermeister says:

    #54 – Mustard Gas – Yeah, riiiiiiiiiiiight. You like fags just as much as you like Christies, Papists, Zoroastrians, hebes, towel-heads, and anyone else who doesn’t kneel in the same pew as you do. Your intolerance has been duly noted. Over and over and over again.

    Turn up the contrast on your monitor… it seems to blur the text you’re reading. Or perhaps it’s just that your neurons are in the final stages of short circuiting. Keep repeating, Mustard… soon it’s the truth, just like Jesus walked on water and Eve was created from Adam’s rib. Very plausible indeed.

  25. Misanthropic Scott says:

    #54 – GasHead,

    Suck it in and deal with it, boy. Be a MAN.

    Is that what you said to your lunch money victims in elementary school?

    — Heywood Giablomi

  26. Mr. Fusion says:

    #32, OFTLO,

    Actually, using an X in place of the word Christ is ancient. During the Middle Ages it was often the preferred way of writing. Original method of prayer involved putting one’s hands on the opposite shoulder and thus imitating an X. The original bread pretzel was a depiction of this practice and given to the observant adherents by the monks.

    It has only been in modern times that the word Christ is common place and using an X is considered offensive. But as I usually say, “phuk ’em if they don’t know their history”.


    #38, MM

    And Atheism __IS__ a religion. Make no mistake about it. A dark one, perhaps, but a religion nonetheless.

    Geeze, am I ever glad I am NORMAL.

  27. Mister Mustard says:

    Scottie, Mr. Meister, my work here is done. Go in peace. Love thy brother.

    over and out.

  28. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Please notice how, here and on seemingly countless other similar threads, he habitually repeats the blatant falsehood that lack of belief is a religion. But notice also, if you will, how he never ONCE answers the simple statement that does to his assertion what a cruise missle does to a wooden dinghy.

    Yoo-hoo! Mustardinniamente!
    Atheism has evidence – it is an incontestible fact that people at all places and all times through history have invented myths of all-powerful supernatural beings. The Abrahamic “God” has exactly the same amount of evidence of existence as every other mythical invention – NONE.

    Answer up, MM, or be seen as the dishonest troll you are on this matter:

    Religion has ZERO EVIDENCE that it is true in any aspect.
    Atheism has PLENTY EVIDENCE that religion is MYTH.

    Claims unsupported by any evidence – and worse yet, claims contradicted by all known evidence – are matters of FAITH.
    Claims supported by all known evidence are matters of SCIENCE.


    If you’re right, it should be easy to refute that, ol’ buddy – or evade it, like the bullshit artist you are.

    What time-honored tactic will you resort to this time? The old ad hominem standby “Boy, you sure are angry! Something wrong with you!” – or will it be the “victim” copout? “Aw, you’re picking on me! Just leave me alone!” – or maybe, having been caught in those too many times, you’ll just pull an Elvis, and leave the building, right? Until you think the coast is clear, that is. So – which’ll it be? And who do you actually think you’re fooling? 🙂

  29. Bryan Carney says:


    The word “Christ” in greek is Χριστος. It was used in the early Xian church, yes, though only borrowed. The Labarum, that X with a P through it, it is still used.

    In my 12 years of Jesuit indoctination there was never a hesitation to use Chi, jesuitical as it may be.

  30. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Ya, but the guy’s right –
    Xmas = Christmas
    X = Christ
    and therefore
    Xian = Christian

    Xhristian = Christhristian

    …which is bogus.


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