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Humankind has always created mythical superhuman beings. The fact that the Abrahamic deity has exactly as little evidence of being real as any other deity – NONE -, it is completely safe to assume, since thousands of years of mythology supports it, that “God” is just another myth. That’s not an unfounded – meaning ‘religious’ – belief, that is a valid scientific theory supported by evidence. 100% of the evidence, in fact.
And with all the words he’s been spieling, old “Mustard” just cannot “muster” up enough guts to address that fact, because it destroys his claim. He shuns even acknowledging that issue, so he clearly realizes the death blow his argument would suffer if he attempted to reconcile it with the irrefutable facts of human mythmaking. 🙂
Lauren, you, among the worshipers at the Altar of Atheism, are going to buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrn in a lake of fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiire!
Now, go back to trading your single stock, won’t you?
Thanks in advance.
As I said- no guts…
#91 – Mustardito,
You claim I’m off the hook, but mixed my quote together with OFTLO’s. When you do respond to people, it probably helps a tad to read their quotes closely enough to tell what’s theirs and what they’re quoting from others.
In post #89, OFTLO clearly identifies part of that quote as being from me in post #85. I know it’s hard to keep track, but please try. It’s not as hard as reading a dictionary. 🙂
BTW, you lump these two statements together as if they were identical.
Atheism isn’t a religion, isn’t a belief system pertaining to God
The simple facts, from every dictionary I can find and from your own definition is that:
Atheism is NOT a religion.
Atheism may be a belief system about god or a non-belief system about god.
As someone who believes there is no god, I will state freely that it is a belief system about god. It is not, however, a religion. It is merely a rational conclusion based on all available evidence.
God is not special. God is a fantastic claim like Santa Clause, Tinkerbell, hobbits, gnomes, elves, and other mythical creatures. The fact that one fantastic claim is for a mythical creator of the universe and the others are for mythical creatures with lesser powers does not change the fundamental premise. All of these beliefs are beliefs in creatures for which there is no evidence.
There is a continuum of such creatures. Some merely don’t exist but are not thought to have special powers, like unicorns and hobbits. Some are thought to have some powers like elves and leprechauns. Some are thought to be minor deities like Ganesh and Loki. Some are thought to be major deities like Zeus, Satan, and Baal. And some are thought to be all powerful, like God, Yahweh, and Allah.
Why do you distinguish god as fundamentally different than the rest?
Why is a belief that god does not exist a religion while a belief that leprechauns do not exist is a rational thought?
Wow, I started reading this thread and quickly realized how useless and time waisting it would be to devote any more attention to try and make since out of any of it. You people must have large amounts of worthless time devoted to your arguments, and all the while Dvorak and his mini-minded subordinate editors get exactly what they want…Attention. Congrats on giving them more of what they want. We all make their day, I’m sure, when so much time is waisted in the comment section.
#96, perhaps you should have taken some time to check the spelling and composition of your comment. 😉