OK. Ahnold and Maria just got it started, last year. Here are the inductees for 2007:
Ansel Adams
Milton Berle
Steve Jobs
Willie Mays
Robert Mondavi
Rita Moreno
Jackie Robinson
Jonas Salk, M.D.
John Steinbeck
Elizabeth Taylor
Earl Warren
John Wayne
Tiger Woods
I suppose a few other states have a Hall of Fame for folks born and brought up there. Could they possible have as many wonderful and talented folks as California?
Dvorak is a CA native and he was overlooked? Must be a Google conspiracy.
Hey how about Charles Manson and the Zodiak. I could go on but you get the point….Don’t you?
Hey six or seven of these people actually deserve to be honored. That’s not bad from a list of thirteen.
that most of those folks were BORN in California…
#6 – right. Clicking the links, the hall of fame just calls them Californians. I guess you needn’t be born there to be one.
Any other “important” questions?
I think New York, both the state and even just the city, compare favorably.
Hell, I’m ‘special’ enough to have my own Hall of Fame! Now…Where shall I put it?
ILLINOIS has a better list… ha!
#10 – bill,
You’ve got Mel Torme!! You win.
How about Texas? Let’s not forget Texas. (Sorry Texas, this is actually a joke. I do not even know that all or any of the people on this page could truly be considered Texan. Perhaps that’s part of the joke.)
California – the land of fruit and nuts.
Where are the wacko inductees from San Francisco?
It’s not complete……I’m not mentioned ANYWHERE!!!!!! 🙂
>>I can look up the rest….but that is a bad statement.
I guess being a “Californian” is like having AIDS or herpes. Once you’ve got it, you can’t get rid of it no matter what you do.
Yeah, Connecticut has a Hall of Fame. But, the only people in it are The Carpenters, Michael Bolton, and that guy who played Radar on M*A*S*H!
So the most populous state has a lot of good people? I’m just not impressed.
If people who were not born in California can be in the Hall of Fame, what
on earth is the point?
For instance, Jonas Salk was born in New York.
“Weee, I moved to California at some point in my life” — wow!
#6 California is a state of mind…
Notable missing: Mikey Mouse.
#4. c’mon – the St. Louis Walk of Fame considers everyone famous who has had a long layover at Lambert a ‘St. Louisan’
And Blueberry Hill has become basically a Chuck-e-Cheeze.
#2: Some factoids (from an Indiana native no less):
Charles Manson lived in Indiana in his teens–at the reform school in Plainfield.
Jim Jones is another madman that migrated from Indiana to California, with his congregation no less.
I dunno whether California simply attracts crazy people and their followers, or makes them crazy after they get there. And I really don’t know whether Indiana plants the seeds of the madness or not. At any rate, I haven’t lived there since 1985.
I’ve lived for quite a few years in California and I have to say… the place rocks.
Residents of the lessor states (like my native Washington) like to endlessly rag on California but I dismiss it as their collective sense of inferiority… sort of like the way Canadians endlessly complain about America.
#21. Yep, the state that gave us Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan is just awesome!
#11, M. Scott,
There is nothing wrong about being special in Texas. That is where they invented the “short” bus.
Why not just have “The United States Hall of Fame” and induct everyone who was/will be born in the states?