OK. Ahnold and Maria just got it started, last year. Here are the inductees for 2007:

Ansel Adams Milton Berle

Steve Jobs Willie Mays

Robert Mondavi Rita Moreno

Jackie Robinson Jonas Salk, M.D.

John Steinbeck Elizabeth Taylor

Earl Warren John Wayne

Tiger Woods

I suppose a few other states have a Hall of Fame for folks born and brought up there. Could they possible have as many wonderful and talented folks as California?

  1. RTaylor says:

    Dvorak is a CA native and he was overlooked? Must be a Google conspiracy.

  2. sh says:

    Hey how about Charles Manson and the Zodiak. I could go on but you get the point….Don’t you?

  3. Cinaedh says:

    Hey six or seven of these people actually deserve to be honored. That’s not bad from a list of thirteen.

  4. ECA says:

    that most of those folks were BORN in California…

  5. alger says:

    #6 – right. Clicking the links, the hall of fame just calls them Californians. I guess you needn’t be born there to be one.

    Any other “important” questions?

  6. Misanthropic Scott says:

    I think New York, both the state and even just the city, compare favorably.


  7. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Hell, I’m ‘special’ enough to have my own Hall of Fame! Now…Where shall I put it?

  8. bill says:

    ILLINOIS has a better list… ha!

  9. Misanthropic Scott says:

    #10 – bill,

    You’ve got Mel Torme!! You win.

    How about Texas? Let’s not forget Texas. (Sorry Texas, this is actually a joke. I do not even know that all or any of the people on this page could truly be considered Texan. Perhaps that’s part of the joke.)


  10. jbenson says:

    California – the land of fruit and nuts.
    Where are the wacko inductees from San Francisco?

  11. joshua says:

    It’s not complete……I’m not mentioned ANYWHERE!!!!!! 🙂

  12. Mister Mustard says:

    >>I can look up the rest….but that is a bad statement.

    I guess being a “Californian” is like having AIDS or herpes. Once you’ve got it, you can’t get rid of it no matter what you do.

  13. The Core-Man says:

    Yeah, Connecticut has a Hall of Fame. But, the only people in it are The Carpenters, Michael Bolton, and that guy who played Radar on M*A*S*H!


  14. Phillip says:

    So the most populous state has a lot of good people? I’m just not impressed.

  15. hmeyers says:

    If people who were not born in California can be in the Hall of Fame, what
    on earth is the point?

    For instance, Jonas Salk was born in New York.

    “Weee, I moved to California at some point in my life” — wow!

  16. JoaoPT says:

    #6 California is a state of mind…

    Notable missing: Mikey Mouse.

  17. doug says:

    #4. c’mon – the St. Louis Walk of Fame considers everyone famous who has had a long layover at Lambert a ‘St. Louisan’

    And Blueberry Hill has become basically a Chuck-e-Cheeze.

  18. Floyd says:

    #2: Some factoids (from an Indiana native no less):

    Charles Manson lived in Indiana in his teens–at the reform school in Plainfield.

    Jim Jones is another madman that migrated from Indiana to California, with his congregation no less.

    I dunno whether California simply attracts crazy people and their followers, or makes them crazy after they get there. And I really don’t know whether Indiana plants the seeds of the madness or not. At any rate, I haven’t lived there since 1985.

  19. Greg Allen says:

    I’ve lived for quite a few years in California and I have to say… the place rocks.

    Residents of the lessor states (like my native Washington) like to endlessly rag on California but I dismiss it as their collective sense of inferiority… sort of like the way Canadians endlessly complain about America.

  20. doug says:

    #21. Yep, the state that gave us Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan is just awesome!

  21. Ralph the School Bus Driver says:

    #11, M. Scott,

    There is nothing wrong about being special in Texas. That is where they invented the “short” bus.

  22. Nth of the 49th says:

    Why not just have “The United States Hall of Fame” and induct everyone who was/will be born in the states?


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