Murray refuses breath test in Sweden – Yahoo! News — How funny would this have been to witness.
STOCKHOLM, Sweden – Bill Murray could face a drunken driving charge after cruising through downtown Stockholm in a golf cart and refusing to take a breath test, citing U.S. law.
Police officers spotted the 56-year-old actor-comedian early Sunday in the slow-moving vehicle and noticed he smelled of alcohol when they pulled him over, said Detective-Inspector Christer Holmlund of the Stockholm police.
“He refused to blow in the (breath test) instrument, citing American legislation,” Holmlund told The Associated Press on Wednesday. “So we applied the old method — a blood test. It will take 14 days before the results are in.”
So.. He loses his swedish drivers license like he lost his golf ball..
I wonder why he didn’t cite Egyptian law. Or Korean. How can you even think like that?
#2 He probably did and finally settled with American law – that’s Bill!
I can just picture him in the role as ‘Ernie McCracken’ (from the movie Tenpin) with the Swedish police! LOL! 😀
We love you Bill – “You can change the music but don’t you ever change!”
By the way hasn’t he aged if he is in fact only 56 – looks 66 IMHO!
what they didn’t say is how they got the blood. usually they take it by making you bleed involuntarily!
what a complete idiot.
It was just a golf cart, man. I mean, a golf cart – not a car or a bus but a golf cart. I could see the problem if it was a dump truck but we’re talking about a golf cart here, a lousy golf cart! It’s not like he was driving a Mercedes or anything but a golf cart, man, a simple, small golf cart. When it comes time for the big vehicles, he’s there and he’s sober but we’re talking about a golf cart, man, a golf cart! Jeeze! A golf cart!
Etcetera, etcetera…..
Poor Bill is an alcoholic and most of his friends admit to this.I hope he gets help and soon.At least booze kills you slowly.
I still think he is H-O-T!
I wonder what happens if you refuse to take a breathalyzer at a checkpoint and you have not been drinking. Is refusing to take a sobriety test at a checkpoint a crime in itself? Can they arrest you, and on what charge?
A drunken standup comedian *yawn*
#9 they don’t arrest you. but you have to go to police headquarters or a health facility to get some analyze made. At least here…
11. Why? And what right would they have to detain you. Thats an arrest in my book. I am just asking, I dont know the law. But it would seem that they would have to have “probable cause” to detain you. If I were weaving, or they smelled alcohol on my breath, etc. Where is SN or Monsters Lawyer when we need them?
I don’t think ive ever driven a golf cart sober.
Perhaps the golf cart had a tail lamp out.
As the old Python crew would say, “It’s a good cop.”
nice nice,..
well he knows it is a car, doesnt care about the golf in front 😀
and btw its leisure drivin .. why not.
That’s the american way of life…their law is above all others…they may think like that, but…