According to research Windows is less flawed, but who cares? Also I talk about the odd HP initiative and the new Trojan attack on Agh!

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  1. Mark Derail says:

    Just because there’s more weekly updates in any Linux distro than Windows, doesn’t mean it’s correcting flaws.

    It’s usually to support some new common library file that has many dependencies.

    OTOH, when Microsoft pushes updates, 100% of the time it’s to fix flaws, not to give us new programs or older programs with better functionality.

    Exception being IE7 – that the only two “features” I like is turning off Add-Ons and the Ctrl+T Tabbing.

  2. Mark Derail says:

    Monster passwords stolen – I’m worried for the companies that post job offers, that have their username & password stolen.

    It’s often given to a subordinate to post & manager on Monster, and would most likely “accept” and install a trojan seemingly coming from Monster.

    Does anyone know what platform Monster was running to allow the hack? Solaris, Linux, Windows?

    Is it possible that servers running Windows, because of the critical updates are easier to manage, are better patched and more often, than Linux servers?

  3. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Does anyone know what platform Monster was
    >>running to allow the hack?

    Monster dot com is Micro$oft all the way. Of course. Is anybody surprised?

  4. flyingelvis says:

    if the updates are not correcting flaws, then what are they doing? New functionality? The lack of proper functionality in an app can be considered a flaw.

    Developing and distributing applications for linux is a nightmare, especially gui apps. Microsoft learned a long time ago that developers need good tools. Linux develpers seem to pride themselves on using stupid outdated tools; and the resulting code/apps demonstrate this.

    For commercial developers there are real consequences for failure. Contrast that with most OSS developers where when a project is crap, they just move on. Look at all of the distro’s (abandoned) of linux.

    Who cares? I do at least.

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    Sony pissed somebody off? Who’d a thunk it.

  6. hmeyers says:

    > if the updates are not correcting flaws, then what are they doing?

    Microsoft updates are never about correcting flaws 😉

  7. FRAGaLOT says:

    I kept hearing bubbling water in the Aug 21st Tech5 podcast. John either has a bong, or a fish tank near him.

  8. hhopper says:

    That’s his “boiling cauldron.”

  9. John Scott says:

    The problem with Linux is it lacks unified support. Sure their is Red Hat and Suse. But much of the Linux community rejects them because they have become corporate. But that is exactly what Linux needs!
    Average home users want one place to get help. They want easily updated software and they want to know that the programs they are used too run. This is the same problem Apple faced. Now that Apple Mac’s can run Windows their sales have gone up. It is unfortunate but if your are to compete with windows you have to be able to run windows.
    Sounds funny ? I think it’s the old saying “if you can’t beat um join um”


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