Sea and Air Power, one picture, three Aircraft carriers, two submarines, one B-52 bomber, four F-15, four F/A-18, eight F-16 and several other ships. Click picture to see a much larger version.

  1. TIHZ_HO says:

    Coming to a neighbourhood near you.


  2. brians says:

    Ain’t photoshop wonderful!

  3. JoaoPT says:

    Phew… just try to balance THAT carbon footprint…
    Good thing the Navy is not carbon neutral… (@ least for taxpayers)

    PS. well the carriers and the subs are probably Nuclear powered, so not much footprint there…

  4. James Hill says:

    And here I thought the path to Tehran was over land.

  5. Sounds The Alarm says:

    #4 – Nah it would most likely be via sea. With luck after a nice say 10 nuke strike on major population centers.

  6. Mike Voice says:

    Ah yes… the good old days, when your enemies could be intimidated by such a show of “power”.

    B-52 does make it seem “dated”, doesn’t it?

    Its easy to forget how long those ships/subs have been in service, let alone the F-15, F-16, and F-18..

    Where is the up-dated photo with Swath ships, SeaWolf submarines, Osprey tilt-rotor planes, B-2 bomber, and F-22???

  7. TIHZ_HO says:

    #4 James Hill

    If you leave America from the east coast bear slightly to right and go the until you hit Africa. Continue along the coast until you get to the end and go around the Cape of Good Hope then bear slightly to the left and go straight to India and then its a hard left, and straight as piss till you see it, or they see you.


  8. Mike Voice says:

    #5 With luck after a nice say 10 nuke strike on major population centers.


    We scream bloody murder about 9/11, Madrid, and London.. and you want to nuke “major population centers”??

    We need 10 more Hiroshima/Nagasaki in the world?

  9. B. Dog says:

    Did the commander guy forget the War on Terror or something? I reckon even I could win it with this mighty armada and some straight talk.

  10. iGlobalWarmer (YOY) says:

    #8 – Some folks need to be nuked for their own good.

  11. Rabble Rouser says:

    I hope that our tax dollars didn’t go to make this photo op.

  12. art says:

    #10 you must be on top everybody’s list

  13. Angel H. Wong says:

    I wonder if Bush Jr’s posse is going to steal that picture for propaganda purposes.

  14. paddler says:

    Don Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney held circle jerks looking at photos like that

  15. Harley says:

    One of my favorite movie lines:

    “They look like they goin’ to whoop some ass!”

  16. mandarin says:

    Isnt this in Transformers?

  17. Mike says:

    We are coming to kill you!

  18. nightstar says:

    Bringing Democracy to your Country… American style.

  19. KVolk says:

    I think ours is bigger than theirs.

  20. James Hill says:

    #5, #7 – From America… sure. But why not just stop there on our way out of Iraq?

  21. Micromike says:

    Yeah we’ve got big bad hardware but we still can’t whip a crummy little country like Iraq even though the UN spent 15 years making sure they were totally disarmed.

    Why? Because our commander in chief is a moron and he keeps losing huge weapons stashes around Iraq for the insurgents to use against our troops.

  22. ECA says:

    WOW, someone that has read the blogs…
    And the truth is??
    WHY in $@$@# did we take Sadam out ANYWAY?
    just cause he pissed off GW’s father??
    from Bad, old, obsolete intell, even tho the UN inspectors said there wasnt any..

  23. Blake says:

    Those aren’t F15s those F22/A Raptors!

  24. asdf1011 says:

    Wing Attack Plan R

  25. BW says:

    #5 & #10 are Jewish trolls.

  26. pjakobs says:

    and somewhere, in a quiet corner, some seagull lays a nice fat splat on one of those shiny ships.


  27. Steve says:

    #23 I believe you are incorrect. It is obvious from the trailing edge of the wings that they are F-15s.

    Just Google F-15 and F-22 and you can see the difference.

    It is a nice picture but I doubt that it is real. I’ve seen two carriers in the same area (not in port) but never three and certainly not that close together. But I could be mistaken.

  28. BertDawg says:

    I wonder if somebody Photoshopping a picture like this would think to show that one Lawn Dart (F-16) out of line (to make it seem more “real”)?

  29. art says:

    I’m just wondering, what makes you guys think this pic is fake? – It’s an honest question, no hidden irony or anything like that intended


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