“Virtue is really your relationship with God, Christ or Spiritual Self. The depth of that relationship is revealed in your behavior. Anything that enhances that relationship enhances your virtue. Virtue® perfume does that, by reminding you, through scent, to think of God and practice His presence.”

“Some women will say I prefer this or I prefer that, but this is not about preferences. It’s about being reminded to renew your-Self at God’s internal well. A fragrance, that is to remind you of God, can’t smell like a mass-market perfume. Use it with reverence for ‘that’ part of you enhances Virtue’s ability to help you connect,” promises Vicki Pratt, president of IBI.

This hustle has been on the streets for a few months at $80 a pop. Not especially different from other xhristian hustles; but, we all can use a Monday morning chuckle.

  1. TIHZ_HO says:

    What would Jesus Smell Like?

    Well, deodorant and mouthwash weren’t invented until this century so I would imagine Jesus would be rather on the nose, stinky in other words!


  2. Dallas says:

    I’m staying out of this one

  3. GigG says:

    How is this anymore of a “Hustle” than any other perfume? If I hose you down with urine I’ll bet you think of me every time you smell urine.

    You do realize that the anti-religion on this site is quickly rising to the level of a religion.

    Reminds me of what a Jesuit priest one told me, “You will never find anyone that talks more about God than an atheist.”

  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    Who gives two hoots what Jesus or god smells like. Geeze, bathing is a relative recent behavior in even Western Culture.

    In 1950, the average person bathed once per week. Around 1970, that has increased to around twice a week on average, and today is less than every two days in America. Our increase in hygiene is coincident with our increased awareness of disease and contagion.

  5. TIHZ_HO says:

    #4 Excepting the British of course… 😉

    You will never find anyone that talks more about God than an atheist.”

    And why is that?


  6. Angel H. Wong says:


    Less than every two days??? Eeew, I bathe at least twice a day.

  7. Mister Mustard says:

    >>How is this anymore of a “Hustle” than any other perfume?

    It’s not, it’s just an easy (and cheap) shot.

    >>You do realize that the anti-religion on this site is quickly
    >>rising to the level of a religion.

    I think it’s been at that level for a while now, GigG. And every squealing protestation by the deacons of Atheism makes that painfully clear.

    “oooh nooo, we’re free-thinking, naughty-and-dangerous, hip and happening dudes!! we don’t believe in anything, and if you don’t share our belief, we’ll persecute your sorry ass!”.

    Denial is a powerful thing. Sheesh.

  8. moss says:

    Poor, widdle persecuted Xhristian-poos. Better return to getting into discussions about tech and society with your peers. Where’s NASCAR racing, next weekend?

    Laughing at fools isn’t persecution. It’s deserved.

  9. alger says:

    Most perfumes advertise they’ll make you horny or attractive or both. Perfectly reasonable and compatible with the history of perfume btw.

    Then, we have hustlers who say their product reminds you, “through scent, to think of God and practice His presence.” Cripes! If I was a Christian I’d be offended by such a lamebrain scam.

    So, of course, the lamebrains get their shorts all bunched up to defend the scam – in the name of their religious silliness. You clowns should have been writers for Monty Python.

    You may now return to dousing yourself with urine. I believe there are other Stone Age tribes who do it – you may as well, too.

  10. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Poor, widdle persecuted Xhristian-poos.

    And even more important, poor, widdle persecuted Xtheist-poos! The way they’re squealing like pigs, you just KNOW they’re feeling the heat of holy hellfire and damnation from the deacons of The Church.

  11. JonK says:

    Since Virtue(®) is an accurate representation of the Vatican, the church of England, southern-Baptist churches, reformation movement churches, Evangelical churches, missions set up all over the world and the thousand people in my own non-denominational church. We all got together, formed the Virtue perfume company and are trying to hustle you all out of your hard-earned money. Oh, when will we Christians ever learn that our collective schemes will not work out?

    Also, is spelling Christian as ‘xhristian’ supposed to be an insult? You know that an x doesn’t make the hard k sound, right? And that names of religions are usually capitalized. That’s cool, tho, you can have blatantly biased views and sacrifice journalistic integrity and even basic etiquette for contempt, if that’s what Dvorak sponsors.

  12. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Also, is spelling Christian as ‘xhristian’ supposed to be an insult?

    Bingo! All those naughty-and-dangerous, “we don’t believe in squat, except in our non-belief” rebels without a cause believe that putting other people down somehow makes them superior.

    If only they weren’t blinded by their faith in emptiness.


  13. BubbaRay says:

    Where are the likes of Falwell, Tammy Faye and Jim Bakker, etc. when you really need them? P.T. Barnum comes to mind, reminds me of scamming seniors…

    Mr. Mustard, I admire your faith. My daughter was raised allowing her to make her own decisions about religion etc., and she decided to be a non-denominational Christian, married a preacher, and they both do a great job at their church in a small town in TX. They don’t preach to their heathen dad, and I don’t belittle their faith. I’m still surprised that when I walk into their church that the thing doesn’t catch on fire. 🙂

    This whole non-theist vs. believers deal here is starting to remind me of the Crusades, holy wars, jihad and the Muslims vs. the world.

    Live and let live. There, I finally posted something on a religious thread. Will miracles never cease??

  14. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Live and let live.

    You’re preaching to the choir here, Mr. Ray. Good for your daughter, and good for you.

  15. JimR says:

    #3, So you agree it’s a hustle. Talking about God can only be done by Christians. Atheists talk god and how there isn’t one.

    #4, Who gives two hoots what Jesus or god smells like? That’s amn easy question. Vicki Pratt, president of IBI does. Why does she care? Money, and the age-old observation that fools and their money are soon parted.

    #7 You think atheists are “free-thinking, naughty-and-dangerous, hip and happening dudes!!”. So you are insinuating christians are not those things? What’s your point here?

    #10, MMustard again… “you just KNOW they’re feeling the heat of holy hellfire and damnation from the deacons of The Church”
    … Um, you should know that fanciful delusion cannot be projected no matter how hard you try.

    #11, I suspect that the Vatican has broken and/or is breaking most of the 10 commandments, but we’ll never know since the Vatican considers the secrecy of their internal affairs such a Virtue(R).

    #13, it’s understandable that you have to be careful what you say. I have 2 very religious sisters. I do however find it annoying that the reverse isn’t true. Non-believers are more tolerant of the negativity expressed towards them by any religious person. i could be because we have an understanding of the proven human tendency to withdraw into a comfort zone of fantasy when faced with some of the hard realities of life and death.

  16. Mister Mustard says:

    >>What’s your point here?

    My point, Mister Jim, is that for every instance of intolerance, bigotry, xenophobia, and hatemongering on the part of misguided Christians, there is an equally compelling instance on the part of congregants of the Church of Atheism.

    And yes, I am insinuating (no; stating) that Christians are not ““free-thinking, naughty-and-dangerous, hip and happening dudes!!” As you will know if you’ve read the multitude of anti-religious posts on this blog, Christians are muddle-headed, unthinking, moronic sheeple, leading out their lives of quiet desperation. Atheism though, WOW! That’s COOL! Kind of like the bohemians of the 50’s.

    The sad thing is that they’re just as much muddle-headed, unthinking, moronic sheeple as the rest of us. Being at the first stage of change (precontemplation) though, they don’t recognize it. Blind faith is an ugly thing.

  17. BubbaRay says:

    #14, Mr. Mustard,

    >>You’re preaching to the choir here, Mr. Ray.

    Choir. Now that’s one thing I love about churches (among many others). The music. My kid’s church has a great group of musicians and a wonderful group of singers. Although not strictly “gospel” (which Elvis did so well), I enjoy the live music immensely.

    Unfortunately, I’m still worried about lightning or earthquakes each time I visit. And people give me the strangest looks whenever I do — “OMG, look! It’s a heathen!! 😆

    Go look through a 10” or larger telescope (I’ll bet there’s an astronomy club near you), you’ll see things that, at times, may amaze you and cause you to wonder how the universe really works. What was that quote about “mysterious ways?”

  18. Mister Mustard says:

    >>What was that quote about “mysterious ways?”

    I’m with you on the mysterious ways too, Mr. Ray.

    I don’t have the same blind faith that the Atheists do, that everything can be explained by quantum physics and Charles Darwin, and that anything that CAN’T be explained doesn’t exist.

  19. JimR says:

    #18, M.Mustard, “I don’t have the same blind faith that the Atheists do, that everything can be explained by quantum physics and Charles Darwin, and that anything that CAN’T be explained doesn’t exist.

    Mr Mustard, you know that sentiment is not true and yet you said it boldly and without regret. Isn’t that a sin?

    But in answer to your dishonesty, I can assure you that most non-believers consider anything… derived from any THING, that can not be currently explained, certainly does exist because it is in fact a “thing” to be observed by at least one the physical senses. Faith or your god have no such qualities and therefor can not be claimed as existing, but only as a possibility of existing. Probability is another matter entirely. Since there is no historical and arms length record of Jesus and the stories in the Bible, I can only conclude that the probability of your god is as probable as any fictional character or whim one might think of.

  20. Mister Mustard says:

    Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy. Why is it so offensive to you if I believe what I choose to believe?

    Other than my contention regarding the self-evident fact that your system of belief regarding God is a system of belief regarding God (and therefore meets the criteria for a religion, one for which there is every bit as much non-evidence as there is for mine), I have never criticized what you choose to believe.

    Why are you and your church bretheren so hell-bent on criticizing me for what I believe? Do your church elders sanction this sort of grandiose authoritarian approach to individuals’ rights?

  21. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Anti-religion sentiment seems, fortunately, to be on the rise, at least
    >>in this little microcosm populated by free thinkers and non-
    >>conformists (probably in higher percentage than the
    >>general population).

    Woo hoo hoo! Naughty! Dangerous! You free-thinking non-conformist rascal you! Youse really ARE the Jack Kerouacs of your generation!! So bohemian! So avante garde!! Do you wear a black leather jacket and a beret too?

    >>The right wing Xians have declared war on mainstream culture…

    Well, take it up with the motherfucking right wing “Xians”, dude, and leave me out of it. I don’t lump you in with Mao, Stalin and Pol Pot, so don’t lump me in with the right-wingers, eh? I’d say that the aforementioned High Priests of Xtheism have done at least as much damage to mankind as Jim Bakker or Billy Graham.

  22. Mister Mustard says:

    >>one of those criteria is that you have to believe in some
    >>kind of God to be a part of a religion.

    Gosh, OFTLO, being the naughty, dangerous, ree-thinking non-conformist rascal that you are, I’m surprised you would rely on a fifty-cent dictionary purchased at the local convenience store for your “criteria”.

    A somewhat more nuanced, intellectually satisfying definition is as follows:

    “Religion—sometimes used interchangeably with faith or belief system—is commonly defined as belief CONCERNING (my emphasis; note it does not say belief IN) the supernatural, sacred, or divine, and the moral codes, practices and institutions associated with such belief. In its broadest sense some have defined it as the sum total of answers given to explain humankind’s relationship with the universe. In the course of the development of religion, it has taken a huge number of forms in various cultures and individuals. …”

    So you see, dude? You’re kneeling at the altar of your own church, like it or not. Suck it in, deal with it, and move on.

  23. Floyd says:

    Jesus was human, and lived in what’s now Israel and Jordan. It’s hot; they probably perspired a lot there, and didn’t bathe all that often. So Jesus probably stank as bad as everyone else did.

  24. Mister Mustard says:

    [edit: comments guide]

  25. moss says:

    Dude, you’re stuck with defending your peers – and rather than admit to a hustle being a xhristian hustle – even when it ain’t xmas-time (chuckle), you try to lay the blame off as being non-xhristian.

    Read through the website. References to Christ, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, blah, blah, as central to the “virtue” credo make it pretty clear where they stand. Right on your street corner.

    If it wasn’t for hypocrisy, sophistry and solipsism, you wouldn’t have anything to say.

    Too bad. You give the non-predatory religious folks who visit and discuss – just another kind of bad name.

  26. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Too bad. You give the non-predatory religious folks who
    >>visit and discuss – just another kind of bad name.

    I love you too, moss.

    I just hope you’re not going to get all het up about this, like Lauren the Fish. You adherents to the Xtheist Faith can sure be some nasty cocksuckers. Good God Damn!

  27. JimR says:

    #20, MM, re your question”Why is it so offensive to you?”

    What are you referring to as “it” and where did I show offense to “it”. talking nonsense doesn’t help your argument. You also didn’t respond to why you would lie to make a point. Isn’t honesty a virtue to the religious?

    Speaking of religion, your definition and the use of the word “concerning” and it’s ambiguous application to the meaning of religion, is suspicious. Following are examples from respected sources. Where is yours from?

    Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913):
    “The outward act or form by which men indicate their recognition of the existence of a god or of gods having power over their destiny, to whom obedience, service, and honor are due; the feeling or expression of human love, fear, or awe of some superhuman and overruling power, whether by profession of belief, by observance of rites and ceremonies, or by the conduct of life; a system of faith and worship; a manifestation of piety; as, ethical religions; monotheistic religions; natural religion; revealed religion; the religion of the Jews; the religion of idol worshipers.”

    American Heritage Dictionary:
    Belief IN and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe.

    The Concise Oxford Dictionary (1990):
    Human recognition of superhuman controlling power and especially of a personal God entitled to obedience

    Cambridge University Press:
    The belief IN and worship of a god or gods, or any such system of belief and worship

    Merriam Webster:
    The service and worship of God or the supernatural

    …NONE of which describe “NOT believing” in something, or even being “concerned” with the something you do not believe in.

    So Mr. Mustard, you are clearly WRONG, and caps used sparingly add a nice touch. 🙂

  28. Mister Mustard says:

    I don’t lie, Jummy. You should know that by now.

    And I’ll grant you Xtheist proselytizers one thing: You are more persistent than any holy-rolling, snake-handling, faith-healing “Xtian” than I have ever met in pursuit of your goal to convince others that you are right and the rest of us are wrong.

    Good luck.

    Over and out.

  29. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Mustard… Man, you have really jumped the shark on this thread…

  30. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Man, you have really jumped the shark on this thread…

    No, OFTLO, I __AM__ the shark. And you’ve just been relieved of several limbs, courtesy of my pearly-white teeth.


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