“Virtue is really your relationship with God, Christ or Spiritual Self. The depth of that relationship is revealed in your behavior. Anything that enhances that relationship enhances your virtue. Virtue® perfume does that, by reminding you, through scent, to think of God and practice His presence.”
“Some women will say I prefer this or I prefer that, but this is not about preferences. It’s about being reminded to renew your-Self at God’s internal well. A fragrance, that is to remind you of God, can’t smell like a mass-market perfume. Use it with reverence for ‘that’ part of you enhances Virtue’s ability to help you connect,” promises Vicki Pratt, president of IBI.
This hustle has been on the streets for a few months at $80 a pop. Not especially different from other xhristian hustles; but, we all can use a Monday morning chuckle.
I doubt I’ll get the last word on this thread, but here goes.
No one is going to convince the “other side” about anything. Religion is what it is. Big biz, billions of bucks and comfort to many gentle people. But the giant problem is religious fanatics doing their best to kill in the name of “god”, whatever that may be.
I know my daughter (or Mr. Mustard) isn’t going to personally come to your house and try to convert you with a gun either way. (Although some weirdo religious nutjobs just might do so soon — always practice safe peephole precautions).
WWJD? Have a carafe of wine and tell some cool stories!
Aw nuts, this is exactly why I try not to get into these holy wars. I’ve wasted enough of my time already. Adios.
>>But the giant problem is religious fanatics doing their best to
>>kill in the name of “god”, whatever that may be.
Exactly, Mr. Ray. And I have about as much respect for those religious fanatics as bobbo or Mr. Fusion or Lauren the Fish Finger.
I just wish they would stop lumping ME in with THEM. I don’t lump them in with Mao, Pol Pot, Stalin, or any of the other well-known atheist fanatics, and I wish they would return the favor.
#33 – No one is going to convince the “other side” about anything.
Well, in so far as I am concerned, my debate with my selectively delusional friend, Mister Mustard, has not one thing in the world to do with religion.
It’s about language. And I’m right and he’s wrong, and there nothing to prove because words have definitions and mean nothing more than what they mean. We don’t get to invent definitions to meet our agendas, which is all he’s doing.
What kills me is that I know from every other thread he’s ever been in that he is very smart, and quite thoughtful, and not one of the watery eyed Jesus freaks who are attacking and trying to gut our culture and replace it with their fucked up sense of morality… In other words, unlike guys like Pat Robertson and Ron Luce ( http://tinyurl.com/kgwwx ), he does seem to want to replace our successful non-secular way of life with a repressive xian-Taliban of a theocracy. In fact, we aren’t fighting religion, so much as we are fighting fascism…
So why is he taking the aggressive, bullheaded, battle stance of these hate driven Xian soldiers? I guess he feels slighted because some of are honest about what religion really is and as a believer he feels attacked. I guess some collateral damage is to be expected.
I’m sorry he feels that way, but atheism still isn’t a religion, and right wing fanatics are to blame for the rep that the whole swatch of Christians get from the non-religious minority.
So does this stuff smell like sweat, and other BO? After all, that’s what a person living in the freakin’ desert would smell like.
I wouldn’t touch that stuff with a 10 foot pole….
Anyone got an 11 foot pole?
>>And I’m right and he’s wrong.
Ah, isn’t that always the way with ANY discussion you are part of, OFTLO? There’s NO valid point of view other than yours.
In my world, if you have a “deeply-held belief system with respect to God and supernatural phenomena, one for which there is no objective evidence one way or the other”, you’re part of a religion.
So. Offensive as it may be to your naughty, dangerous, free-thinking, unconventional rascally little ass, you’re just as much of a “sheeple” as the other 90% of the people in the country.
Oh, and btw: Sometimes (not always, but just sometimes) when just about everyone in your society thinks one thing, and you think another, it’s at least worth your while to consider the possibility that “I’m right and the whole world is wrong” may not be the best way to approach things.
M Mustard, speak for yourself. if there’s anyone who is oblivious to the other view, it’s you. Proving you wrong, like what has happened on this thread, has no effect on your viewpoint. I don’t even consider you a Christian, if you really want to know. You blatantly take your god’s name in vain (#27, “Good God Damn!”) and you continue to post nonsense as an argument when you know it’s nonsense (honesty?). For instance your last statement… “In my world, if you have a “deeply-held belief system with respect to God and supernatural phenomena, one for which there is no objective evidence one way or the other”, you’re part of a religion.” … ONLY describes a religious person, and in no way describes an atheist. Let it go. You have been proven wrong by OFTLO and myself. You are pushing the concept that NOT believing is the same as believing. Why don’t you also argue that apples are the same as dogs? After all dogs are non-apples.
As for OFTLO, from casual observation i have a feeling he has more smarts than you and I combined (80% me, 20% you 🙂 ). He also gave you an olive branch and you wiped your ass with it. Very Christian like of you. You need to practice a little humility Mustard. It’s OK to be wrong sometimes. Geesh.
#36 – Ah, isn’t that always the way with ANY discussion you are part of, OFTLO? There’s NO valid point of view other than yours.
This isn’t a discussion and we aren’t debating a viewpoint. We are debating a fact… the definition of two words… Religion and atheist… and I know what those words mean and you don’t. In fact, everybody knows what those words mean, and you don’t. That is all there is to this.
If we get to just fabricate definitions of words out of thin air and use them to serve our own agendas then potstickers centrifugal juniper up your silverfish dilapidated and then electrified bananas and cheese in your hydroplaning injector. That seems pretty self-evident to me. Now get thee to a dictionary and quit being a brat.
#37 – As for OFTLO, from casual observation i have a feeling he has more smarts than you and I combined
I’m really not sure that is true… But I appreciate you saying it. Honestly I feel lucky to on par with many of the folks around here, and that includes the folks I disagree with.
“…potstickers centrifugal juniper up your silverfish dilapidated and then electrified bananas and cheese in your hydroplaning injector.”
OFTLO, I’m changing your initials to OFTLOLOL. 🙂
>>I don’t even consider you a Christian, if you really want to know.
No offense, but I really don’t. It’s a little bit grandiose of you, a self-professed non-believer, to imagine he can determine who is and who isn’t a Christian. But ignorance never stopped you before, Jimmy. Why let it get in your way now??
>>I know what those words mean and you don’t.
Keep saying it, OFTLO, and maybe it will come true. You are right and I am wrong. You k now and I do not. Are you young at heart? Dreams CAN come true. If you’re young at heart.
One thing that will NOT come true is your allegation that your deeply held, evidence-free beliefs regarding God do not consititute a religion.
Gosh, it’s one of the more popular religions (behind Christianity, Islam, “no religion” and tribal religions, but well ahead of Judaism). You should revel in the popularity, rather than shun and deny it. Just don’t start praying to Mao or Pol Pot. They may be important Atheists, but they’re NOT your god. Remember your belief: There is no god.
It’s hard to imagine someone being that dumb on purpose.
Didn’t you claim once to have attended an Ivy League school? I think now that you lied.
You fail English 101.
You also fail to recognize that we are not talking about religion. We are talking about English. I won this debate before I even read the thread and you are a kook.
Nice content-free post, OFTLO. I’m glad to see you have the wits to remember my résumé, if nothing else.
>>You also fail to recognize that we are not talking about religion.
Gee, I thought that was why you had your panties all in a bunch; because I pointed out that your religious beliefs are no different from my religious beliefs, except that you believe something different (and the fact that I am tolerant of your religious beliefs, whereas you relentlessly berate, libel, and ridicule mine).
#37, Jim,
… It’s OK to be wrong sometimes. Geesh.
I can agree with that. Just last week I thought I made a mistake only to find out later I was wrong.
>>from casual observation i have a feeling he has more smarts than
>>you and I combined
Hey, at least I know elementary-school grammar. Hah!
#43 Mr. Fusion… yeah, don’t you just hate when that happens? 😉
#40 Mr. Hotdogwithoutthebunandweiner, I was born into a Catholic family and I was a good little Catholic for more than 30 years before I was cured and I know that when you don’t see anything wrong in disgracing your god (see post #27, “Good God Damn!”), you can’t be a serious believer. Either you believe and act accordingly, or you are a hypocrite, (or possibly an atheist yanking our chains) Simple as that.
>>I know that when you don’t see anything wrong in disgracing your
>>god (see post #27, “Good God Damn!”), you can’t be a
>>serious believer.
Just one of the many, many reasons I don’t belong to the fucked-up (just my opinion, ymmv) Catholic church. If I wanted guilt, self-loathing, debasement, and hatred of those who don’t believe what I believe, I’d become a fucking Xtheist!
Get a clue, Jimmy. Not all believers are as fucked up and intolerant as Catholics and Xtheists.
God loves you. Love Him back.
Well geepers, if you can talk to him like that, and you want us to love him back, do you have Jesus sex dolls? Not that I’d be interested… which brings up another question. Why are Jesus and God male? Or to phrase it in the new religious lingo, why didn’t that fuck send his daughter to save us?