A british comedian gives his thoughts in regards to the spread of Islam in Europe. Have a look and see how much you agree with what he says. You can visit his website here. For what it’s worth, the situations he describes are true, however, it is up to you to see if you agree with what he says.
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Wow! As a comedian, this guy makes a great philosopher.
Obviously he’s been smoking just enough dope to help him see things rather clearly, I’d say.
George Carlin has been in the same clear headed territory for years. The best way to skewer fanatics of any flavor is with humor, especially if it’s the truth.
For the religious true believers out there: you have a right to your beliefs, but we also have a right to see those beliefs as what they really are: a way to make big bucks off true believers.
My mission, to make this the most watched YouTube vid ever!
He is right. Sharia Law is barbaric.
Unfortunately the fellow speaks the truth with facts and examples and is correct
Not much of a comedian, IMHO. I didn’t find this at all funny. I found it incredibly insightful, however, right down to his conclusion where he points out that we in the U.S. could use a lesson in how to deal with religious extremism as well.
You don’t hear frank talk like this often enough. He makes excellent points and he has thought this out in more depth than virtually all politicians out there.
Too bad he will probably be condemned to death by the Islamic hierarchies for what he has said and will have to have bodyguards anywhere he goes from now on. I wouldn’t doubt he is already under an assassination watch.
I see the Islamic migration into Europe as a harbinger of bad things to come. Not that I really believe in Nostradamus but I find it interesting that Nostradamus predicted that WW III will be an invasion of Europe from the Middle East. I don’t know if Nostradamus ever really said that it would be an invasion of organized armies into Europe. That is where he was a incredibly savvy – i.e. don’t be too specific with your predictions and then let history run its course until they intersect. Perhaps it will be a cultural war waged from within brought on by millions of Muslim immigrants that are already in place.
America is fighting Islamic terrorists on their home turf because the threat has been horribly displayed in America. Europe is just now waking up to the fact that they could be the real battleground in the coming culture war.
This is similarly to the decline of civilization thread. One poster said that you can’t measure decadence or incivility, but you can measure population, and Europe’s birthright is so low that it’s all Muslims in their future.
What can one say, he is correct. This issue of political correctness has gone to the extreme.
Of course one can draw parallels regarding Orthodox Christianity but there is no comparison, Sharia Law today is medieval and barbaric while Orthodox Christianity is not.
From my time in Jakarta I can say one predominate Muslim country where the acceptance of other faiths is commendable is Indonesia. Admittedly there is secular friction from both sides but on a whole it is not the norm.
Christmas in Indonesia is not suppressed at all and is even a national holiday. Muslims are happy to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, put up decorations, Christmas trees as they feel it is a happy time of the year without the religious meaning. They have their own celebrations about the same time so they have a double reason to be happy.
This is in stark contrast to other countries where there can be no mention of Christmas so Happy Holidays takes its place.
I have a lot of respect for Indonesians for showing me the other side of Islam as they showed me as it should be – that a good Muslim not only respects other faiths but it is their responsibility to Allah to protect people who are not Muslim. I have been told time and again for a Muslim to injure or otherwise allow harm to come to others is against Allah – as long as they don’t try to cause a Muslim to leave Islam. So Christian missionaries have no place there.
At least this fellow is an equal-opportunity mocker. Here’s what he has to say about the Chosen People
They tried to bring in Sharia law here where I live, Ontario Canada, and thankfully, the government listened to commonsense and said no. A Liberal government no less.
Pat Condell is a normal, rational human being. What’s wrong with the majority of Europeans?
Give Sharia Law a chance and the Inquisition will seem like the good ole bad days. Phuck the Islamites and their stone age religion!
Here’s my fav in the Pat Condell series, wherein he has a go at virtually all religions (perfect for Sunday):
Somehow I don’t think he needs to worry about Mencia stealing his material…
• • • • • • • •
Banning abortion, putting “God” on currency and in oaths of office, prayers and chaplains in Congress, trying to ban anything they deem “non-Christian” – those things and more point plainly to the desire of too many of our countrymen for a homegrown Shari’a…
I fully agree with him on that religion should be personal and not taken into consideration when writing laws. I don’t give a shit if your religion says… if it doesn’t make sense, it’s not going to be applied on us all.
>>I fully agree with him on that religion should be personal and
>>not taken into consideration when writing laws.
Other than Ted Haggard, Jerry Falwell, Little King Dumbya, and their acolytes, I think we ALL agree with that statement, Mr. Meister.
The mayor of London is as bad or worse than the mayor of Brussels.
It’s hard to choose which one has done more to help Muslims take over Western Europe, but I’d still say Freddy is even more of a PC sap than Red Ken…
#17 – Mustard Gas
Not to forget their millions of loyal followers…
I just shot the guy an email. I thanked him for his opinion and butually honest delivery.
I however reminded him that these people are no more islamic than the catholics were christian when salughtering cathharhs or jews and protestants were in slaughtering catholics and anabaptists.
These are in fact wolves in sheep clothing and we need to identify them as such. Anything less plays into both the hands of these psychotics and the people in power that seek to control us through fear-driven propaganda.
To start addressing the problem we must use proper terminology.
As an European I was just thinking… There are more on our minds now that a growing minority within borders. As someone mentioned before, this negative growth in population in Europe is much more frightening than may seem at first glance.
Not only the obvious problem of maintaining a Social Security model with less and less people paying the bill.
It’s the erosion of culture and tradition. With less offspring there’s even less chances of transmission within the society. And the breakup of family that, today is not even a nuclear family, often becoming monoparental is no help either. Parents have less and less time to give to children. Fundamental transmission of practical day-to-day knowledge and folklore culture is taking second place.
So, in a world that passes each generation less and less “common knowledge” or pratical sense. A world that relies more and more on school and pre-school “clinical” nursing care instead of parenthood, looses it’s identity by the minute.
Asian exploding cities and the one child per couple policy and overall practical (economical) restrictions to having children, with a much more tradition eroding, shift in societies, will have an even higher toll.
It is obvious to me that societies where the fundamental values of family and conservative traditional religious values will endure more firmly. Unfortunately to our “modern” western societies, these are what we, paternalisticaly, call Third World.
So Latin America’s exodus to the North and Middle east migration to Europe are faces of the same phenomenon.
Just to correct a sentence that was ambiguous:
It is obvious to me that societies where the fundamental values of family and conservative traditional religious values are more prevalent will endure more firmly.
>>Not to forget their millions of loyal followers…
Death to the infidels.
I have been exploring his site and vids this afternoon. I think I have found a new hero! Tell it like it is, Pat!
I would love to see him go head to head with any televangelist out there. He would have the poor guy completely twisted around the axle.
I also find it interesting that he has a link on his site that takes you to a DU posting. Any coincidence, John C.?
He appears to be making his vids with his computer and webcam. It doesn’t appear that he is reading his text (although he may be). If he is this composed, coherent, and cogent all “off the top of his head” during free-form speech then he obviously has a very sharp mind. I would love to catch one of his shows. Too bad he is on a writing sabbatical. I will be anxiously waiting to see what he produces.
Move over, Christopher Hitchens and George Carlin. There is a new atheist in town.
He probably saw the links headed his way and sent some our way. There was no arrangement.
Here’s a good run-down on what is actually happening (Islamification) in Belgium:
I would recommend everyone read it and consider the fact that the EU is headquartered in Brussels. Also there is an interesting holocaust denial going on there too. But it’s denial that any holocaust of the Armenians by the Turks EVER took place. A hoax they say.
I agree with this guy and his plain talk. The terrorists are all moslems and they got their motivation to become killers in their churches (mosques). I also agree the christian fundamentalists are just as bad and I refer to the people who want George Bush to be President For Life. They want Bush to use the army to slaughter all opposition in Iraq and then bring the army home to slaughter all opposition against Bush in America. check into Familysecuritymatters.org to get it direct.
Check this link for a Google Snapshot of a page they took down because it exposes too clearly their intent.
Christ, Micromike, don’t you know about tinyurl? That link stretches off into the great beyond.
Humans, bless all their brilliant, sadistic and easily led/bullshitted teeming hordes, will either one day achieve a cultural “Awakening” or exterminate themselves in gleeful certainty that they are “Fighting The Good Fight” or some such silliness.
There are many ways to take over a world…
1 is to Fill a nation with the Beliefs and ideals you wish to use to take OVER the gov.
Lets TEACH those folks to read, and be able to read there OWN religion.
Let them find 1 religious LEADER, to tell them what the book says, and not 2000 different versions, of the SAME BOOK.