1. Kevin says:

    Could’ve done without the first minute of the video.

    The hit was bad and the player should’ve been suspened for it.

  2. rasco says:

    I took a “dirty hit” while playing high school football. Ended up hospitalized for five weeks and I have a cronic condition that will remind me of that “dirty hit” the rest of my life.

    But I still will most likely let my kid play when he’s old enough; it’s a great sport and absolute fun to play.

    It’s a shame assholes have to do things like this, but I guess there are assholes in every sport.

  3. Cinaedh says:

    He’s an Aussie footballer. He hardly even noticed the hit, even though it was helmet to helmet and about as illegal as it gets in the NFL.

    As Gordie ‘Needles’ Howe used to say after he handed out an elbow to a newcomer, ‘Welcome to the league, rook!’

    These announcers should watch some Canadian Football League (CFL) games where there’s no such thing as a ‘fair catch’!

  4. ChrisMac says:

    The announcer has it right…

    Welcome to the NFL..

    Like it or lump it

  5. Axtell says:

    Wait a minute, it wasn’t a dirty hit, it was completely legal. The kicker is in play and can be blocked. It was the kicker’s fault for not being aware of his surroundings.

  6. SN says:

    5. “it wasn’t a dirty hit, it was completely legal. The kicker is in play and can be blocked”

    There is a difference between blocking and blindsiding someone with your helmet. Still, I agree it was the kicker’s fault. He was not paying attention. I’m sure that’s why he was hit. He was walking around like he was taking a Sunday morning walk in the park. The player who hit him politely showed him that the NFL is anything but.

  7. BobH says:

    Welcome to a sick world where a cheap shot is “legal” and applauded as a right of passage. The next time you sign a contract, understand the lawyer who drew it up knows what’s “legal” too. Don’t whine when they exert a cheap shot on you as a right of passage.

  8. SN says:

    7. “Welcome to a sick world where a cheap shot is “legal” and applauded as a right of passage. “

    While I understand your point. The kicker was new to the NFL, in fact it was his first game as far as I know. He is also not familiar with US style football. So he needed to learn the lesson that he can be blocked. Watch the video again. He was simply not prepared for it. If he was not prepared for it, he was not doing his job. You know damn well that the next time he’s out there, he will be prepared.

  9. James Hill says:

    As SN said, it’s your own job to defend yourself on the field. Besides, he plays for the Eagles: Better get used to taking shit.

  10. American Football is for Pussies says:

    I doubt he felt much. Being American Football he was wearing 16 cubit feet of padding, a space age kevlar helment and god knows how many mouthguards, cups, strapping etc. If he’d been playing AFL he wouldn’t have been wearing diddley squat.

  11. BobH says:

    SN and James Hill…

    “So he needed to learn the lesson…”
    “it’s your own job to defend yourself on the field.”

    You’re missing the point. There are millions of opportunities every day for one person to take advantage of another. The difference between savage and civil is precisely when one party has a clear shot and but exhibits the class not to take it.

    We all know the deal is “protect yourself at all times”. That does not excuse the conduct — nor will it do you much good when a someone with experience decides to exploit you in a way you’ll never see coming.

  12. moe29 says:

    That was an illegal hit. It was cheap too. Ref threw a flag on it too…

    and you guys are saying it was OK??? WTF?

  13. Cinaedh says:

    11. BobH – I fully expect it when a someone with experience decides to exploit me in a way I’ll never see coming. Otherwise, I’d never let them exploit me, would I? Hey, this is the American Way! It’s also called capitalism.

  14. Jerk-Face says:

    13. “It’s also called capitalism.”

    Apparently you want a system where the government has to step in to protect people who who choose not to protect themselves. I guess in your system we’d all be strapped to beds in fear we might do something we shouldn’t do. I bet you have lots of fun there.

  15. Chuck says:

    Eagles fan here… hated to see it, but it was a legal hit… borderline ethical with how high he hit him helmet to helmet, but still legal. The punter’s in play, and Rocca just didn’t see it coming because he wasn’t used to the US game yet, plain and simple.
    Luckily he wasn’t hurt, but he’ll be aware of who’s around him from this point on, that’s for sure.
    By the way, did anyone else notice the “rookie mistake” by the announcer, Ike Reese? “If I’m out there playing for the Eagles, I’m finding their kicker the next time we out there on the field, and I’m gonna take a shot at him.”
    Yeah, that was his first time in the booth… it was local, but he won’t be allowed comments like that if he goes national. LOL

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    I disagree, that was an illegal block. He was hit from behind.

    #15, Chuck,
    Ike Reese? “If I’m out there playing for the Eagles, I’m finding their kicker the next time we out there on the field, and I’m gonna take a shot at him.”

    I thought that was a good comment. Reese was only explaining why you don’t do that. Otherwise, it could be your legs getting rolled on. Accidental injuries are so rampant, they are the reason for the vast majority of retirements from football. The league and players don’t need the purposeful injuries too.

  17. jason says:

    welcome to the NFL? what is the point of that kind of move being allowed and where does that seem even fair or justifiable? the fact that thats allowed and is even applauded by the commentators, fans of the game and other players just highlights the chasm of difference between americans and the rest of the world. good on you aussie for taking it in your stride. if that had happened in reverse to an american they would be suing and whining all the way back home.

  18. It was helmet to helmet..an illegal hit

  19. hhopper says:

    It was illegal as hell. He’ll be fined if he hasn’t already.

  20. Shawn says:

    Mr. Dvorak is correct, the hit was illegal. A quick look at the NFL rulebook confirms this.

    15 Yard Penalties.
    “A tackler using his helmet to butt, spear, or ram an opponent.”
    “Any player who uses the top of his helmet unnecessarily”.


    This was a really dirty hit, in my opinion the player should be fined and suspended for at least one regular season game.

  21. Mike says:

    Thats what happens when you let animals around human beings….wait a minute…we’re talking football, they’re all animals for the most part.

  22. Aussiefan says:

    Saverio Rocca (pronounced Rock Ah) while playing Aussie Rules for Collingwoood and The Kangaroos in the Australian Football League took plenty of big hits like that and without the body armour. He is a big tough Aussie, i’m actually surprised that the other guy walked away…

  23. Aussiefan says:

    If you want to see Saverio Rocca and his younger brother Anthony doing what they do best in the Aussie game check out this you tube video of the Rocca Brothers.

  24. Mark says:

    Gotta agree with Aussiefan. Legal or illegal, Rocca’s from Aussie Rules and that hit wasn’t close to the worst he’s dished out or received. Seemed pretty cheap though.

  25. Cinaedh says:

    #14 – Jerk-Face

    Apparently you want a system where the government has to step in to protect people who who choose not to protect themselves. I guess in your system we’d all be strapped to beds in fear we might do something we shouldn’t do. I bet you have lots of fun there.

    I think what I said was precisely the opposite of your response, as quoted above.

    Either I have to learn to write more clearly or you have to learn to process what you read – and not what you only think you read.

  26. MattH says:

    The people that seem to think that was a fair hit probably also think Vick isn’t so bad of a guy.


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