I’m Not Obsessed – Celebrity Gossip » Kathy Griffin Dating ‘Apple’ Co-Founder Steve Wozniak — Woz, stay away from actresses and comedians!

It appears funny girl Kathy Griffin has got herself a man and what a man he is. Steve Wozniak is the co-founder of ‘Apple’ Computers making him a very intelligent and very wealthy man. If all goes well Kathy will end up a happy woman. Financial security AND the love of a good man. Wondering how the met? Apparently Steve caught Kathy’s act and liked it so much he met her back stage and they started dating shortly after.

found by Aric Mackey

  1. gogglesnteeth says:

    So, will we soon hear Kathy Griffin on TWIT with Woz? Heaven help us if Leo is a fan of her too!!!!

  2. Carl says:

    Kathy is making a bad choice here.

  3. Mark T. says:

    I wonder if he has shown her his light sabre yet.

    How do you think he will get along with her entourage of gay sycophants?

  4. DavidtheDuke says:

    I lol’ed

  5. Tanqueray says:

    Gay sycophants lol

  6. SJP says:

    I always wondered why Woz wasn’t in a federal prison with Mitnik. Wasn’t he as much of a National security risk as Mitnik…or any other scumbag who ever used a cellular phone, (LIKE UR DAD)?

    Too bad he’ll be incarcerated for killing this anomaly called Katy Griffin. It’s seems more of a badge to be incarcerated for using a cereal whistle to make long distance calls than it is to whack this no talent, red head.

    Really, anyone whose ever caught her “act” (at that’s using the term loosely) is pissed off. Every night consumers scream for a refund. Maybe, out of courtesy to WOZ many will forgo the urge to kill this untalented sister of Carrot Top’s.

  7. Mister Mustard says:

    Why is he biting his tongue?

  8. RTaylor says:

    Don’t confuse an act or public persona for the real person. I don’t think you have to worry about Griffin being on TWIT, although I would pay extra to hear it. I can only imagine the riot act she could unleash on certain participants. 😉

  9. Cinaedh says:

    I’ve seen her television show, therefore I don’t believe a word of it.


  10. ethanol says:

    If they are both happy, good for them…

  11. flyingelvis says:

    the are both creepy. good for them.

  12. ChrisMac says:

    Kathy who?

  13. Joe says:

    I hope they don’t have children.

  14. Jägermeister says:


    I think Woz would be a very good father, but your wish will most likely come true because it’s less likely that Kathy will become pregnant at her age (not to say that it might happen, but for biological factors, it’s less likely).

  15. Ralph the School Bus Driver says:

    #6, SJP,

    10,000 comedians out of work and YOU are trying to be funny. Sorry, you need a better writer. That just sounded so, lame.

  16. david says:

    I think she jumped the shark about a year ago, and is no longer relevant on planet Earth.

  17. SlackNut says:

    #17 You hit the nail on the head. She jumped the shark when she started doing all the bashing on celebs.

    And don’t even joke about her on twit, stories of high school pranks from the woz is all I can handle.

  18. JoaoPT says:

    Is it possible to make out while riding a Segway?

  19. Mister Mustard says:

    I still want to know why he’s biting his tongue. Is it to prevent himself from bursting into laughter over the notion that an ugly fugly fuck like that could hook up with a decent looking 40-something chick in spite of his looks, because he’s richer than God? Kathy, I’m ashamed of you.

    OK, so maybe he co-founded Apple, but jeez. Take the gold-plated pocket protector and retire from the public domain. Have pity on us all.

  20. greg says:

    she is a mac person.

    and i have to admit i did watch her reality show.

  21. Angel H. Wong says:


    Sounds to me that you prefer strapping young men.

  22. Angel H. Wong says:

    I like her taste in men.

  23. Mister Mustard says:

    #22 – You horny bastard, Angel.

  24. hhopper says:

    Is it me or does Wozniak’s head get bigger every time I see him?

    And that should be, “Angel you horny bastard!”

  25. Atomic Bitchwax says:

    I didn’t know Woz was divorced. When did that happen?

    Woz is a funny guy. KG is funny, whether you agree or not.

    Best of luck to ’em.

  26. John says:

    that was funny!

  27. Sherrill~Pacifica, CA says:

    To #6 SJP: Her act does not make people pissed off; consumers do not ask for a refund; and don’t put her in “the same” with Carrot Top.

    She has a unique comedic talent, not mainstream; I/we find her very funny and she makes me tear up with laughter. I actually like her best when followed around with a camera in Bravo’s “D-list” show. She’s real, human, sensitive, and hilariously funny with frank statements about celebrities/current events that, yes, are truthful. She looks great – right on Kathy with your bad self! And thanks for bringing Steve into the spotlight…he is lucky to have someone like you to share his burnt-out, done everything/can buy anything daily doldrums he probably was not aware of. He needs your spice in his life for balance.

    Oh, and Kathy – I wanted to buy your T-shirt at the SF Masonic show Dec 1st – but $30 is too high. Price them at $15 and they’ll sell fast and would be great advertising – take the -$15 hit.

  28. D.Simms says:

    i think it’s sweet… she’s funny and hot, he’s a nice guy albeit a neanderthal and a geek…

    #6-SJP is trying hard to win Prick-of-the-Year award, but i agree with #16-Ralph, SJP is just a slob-ass wannabe, a lame-o

    and last time i saw Carrot-Top on the Colin Farrel show he was impressive… he’s smart and he works out, he could easily kick the ass of most guys i know… why do Americans insist on confusing the onstage persona with the real person?

    as for #18-Slack, i have to comment… you say Kathy jumped the shark when she started dumping on other celebs last year? wtf? she _always_ dumped on celebs, that’s her schtick…

    and IMHO, she just keeps getting funnier, and she has just as much guts and edge as the gutsiest male comics out there…

    and some of us find her sexy as hell…
    that includes a lot of us straight guys

    Kathy, we love you

    Woz, you lucky neanderthal

  29. Perfect match indeed, lol. They have something in common… may be nose or smile mysterious smile …

  30. Syed Ikhwan says:

    woz nice guy and she’s sweet. so that made they both good!


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