
It looks like American religious artifacts are becoming big business on eBay.

Not to be outdone by Deb Serio, a Virginia high school teacher who recently nabbed over $1500 for a garage floor stain she said looked like Jesus, Pennsylvania’s Felicia Teske is offering eBay buyers an eggplant slice that may bear the word “God.” Starting price: $1,000. Plus $20 for shipping.

Teske recently purchased her eggplant (aubergine, for you Brits) at a roadside produce stand, according to a local Pennsylvania news channel, and on Sunday evening, as she sliced it up in her kitchen, she saw the word “God” appear in the seeds of one of the slices. Though this El Reg hack is no expert when it comes to eggplants, he’s quite sure the seeds spell “gid” – a brain disease caused by tapeworm eggs. Or an acronym for Gender Identity Disorder

This just proves how smart God is. Since no one knows what he looks like, he showed up in the text version.
Found by SN.

  1. TIHZ_HO says:

    Satan, maybe you’re right God is the smelly one…




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