Someone discovers that Wikipedia being slammed by secret agents. And my take on the flashlight that makes you vomit!

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  1. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #19 – JCD

    “ many times do I have to deal with the cauldron?”

    Easy – just edit the intro to read, “…all things tech, John… C… Dvorak – and his Magical Cauldron!”

  2. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #22 – TIHZ_HO

    “Running VM with OS X or with Intel Macs means more Windows sales to Bill and Mac users get to have a play on the other side of the fence. There is a risk to Apple that some Mac users find that Windows is not the Dark Side of the Force and do the math – I can get a PC much cheaper…more apps available…hmmm….why did I need OS X again?”

    Well, I’ll bite on this particular piece of bait because I somehow think you’re at least semi-sincere on this point and one or two others… I said, s e m i . . . 🙂

    You should really try to be more catholic in your tech reading, T_H. Cross-platform migration of users has always been one way, with an insignificant number taking the reverse course, for reasons ranging from unavoidable necessity to insanity…

    The path, of course, is from Win to Mac. And in spite of your fascinating yet totally logic-free theory, in the real world, a major (perceived) obstacle to more people taking up the Mac platform was removed by Apple, quite deliberately.

    Now buyers, both newbies and current Windows users can be assured that they’re no longer taking an irrevocable and expensive step in going to the Mac. They can hedge their bet, in case they change their mind about OS X, whether because they find they don’t like it or they can’t find an OS X app to replace an essential Windows app. So they buy a Mac, and cheerfully install BootCamp and / or Parallels Desktop and Windows.

    But, and this has been the reported experience of all varieties of users, from computer-illiterates to computer journalists, they play with Windows for a while, but after a couple weeks at most, they notice they’re not touching Windows, they’re doing everything in OS X. And, the reports from Mac neophytes usually say, they are actually enjoying using a computer for the first time. Experience Win users, OTOH, usually are most chuffed about realizing just how much time, effort and paranoia that they no longer invest, since they don’t have any antimalware shit to deal with. And no small number say they simply remove Windows from their Mac, since they have tasted freedom and have no intention of going back.

    That, m’lad, is the way it actually plays out in the real world. Which is why Mac sales set new records every quarter and why even hardcore PC magazines that once laughed at Macs now rate them higher than most Win-only PCs.

    And of course the myths of Mac expense for both casual home users and all sizes of businesses have been soundly disproven by objective third-parties. You can keep repeating those myths if it gives you some kind of satisfaction, but when hardcore Fortune 500 consulting firms lay it on the line, the carping of lone individuals, fanbois and just-folks stuck in M$’s conformist rut doesn’t get it.

    • • • • • • • • •

    Since I’m betting that there will be an 8-core Xserve Real Soon Now©, to crib J. Pourn’s phrase, I’m waiting for that, and I’m gonna grab one as soon as it’s out. And, horror of treasonous horrors, I’ plan to install and run Solaris 10 on it as the primary OS and see how that goes. Put THAT in your pipelined instruction cache and smoke it… 🙂

  3. Arturo says:

    #20 Doc,
    I looked through the HTML and found the address of the MP3.

  4. TIHZ_HO says:

    #35 Oh I was very sincere not semi there really was no bait I was offering. I was discussing what I think is reasonable situation.

    You should really try to be more catholic in your tech reading

    Catholic?? I should be more Catholic in my tech reading? Meaning “Holier than Thou?, Only ascribing to the one true faith?” now who is baiting? 😉

    We are still only talking about an OS? This what is all about?

    C’mon everything you are talking about is personal preference. If what you say is true – then Apple better get moving and release OS X out of the cage!

    I believe you really don’t understand the PC market – said in the nicest possible way.

    A:The shrink wrapped PCs – Dell, Toshiba, Alienware, HP, Sony, Acer and on and on.

    B: The PC builders who build their own PC according to their own preference, budget or whatever

    C: the owners of Dell, Toshiba, Alienware, HP, Sony, Acer and on and on who swap out hardware to update or add hardware for other functions.

    You are comparing Apple only to group A:the ready made PC buyers…

    Which is why Mac sales set new records every quarter and why even hardcore PC magazines that once laughed at Macs now rate them higher than most Win-only PCs.

    And ignoring the two other groups B & C

    Apple’s move to Intel would of course generate sales but not just for the reasons you have suggested being a “windows safety net”. This may have reduced the number of PC boxes that many Mac users would have bought for their reasons.

    So aside from the hardware what are we talking about? The OS.

    Unless Apple moves into the OS market the increase in box sales will eventually adjust while you are suggesting we are seeing a trend. Apple is in the hardware business NOT in the OS business and Macs will attract Hi End PC buyers as this the bracket they are in but that doth not the market make I’m afraid.

    And of course the myths of Mac expense for both casual home users and all sizes of businesses have been soundly disproven by objective third-parties.

    How is this a myth? Have you checked the prices for PCs lately? I don’t give a damn what “hardcore Fortune 500 consulting firms” say all I need to hear is what my wallet says. BTW its the “hardcore Fortune 500 consulting firms” who screwed up the housing market so don’t put too much faith in them.

    You sited these “hardcore Fortune 500 consulting firms” links before but I would simply just do a side by side comparison between the various models on the market and either dispel the myth or prove it. This is how people buy stuff.

    Give a model Mac and lets compare it to an equivalent model PC – that’s a fair proposal I think. Side by Side and lets kick the tires. 😉


  5. hhopper says:

    Pedro – The audio thingy doesn’t work in Opera. It never advances and when you click on it, it starts over. Switch to FireFox.

  6. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Just off the top o’ the head, for one – as a guy used to sitting at a tube all evening, guiding clueless newbies AND skilled computer-proficient professionals alike through the process of fixing their PC or Macintosh issues, as the case might be, I have more than a layman’s general impression of just how much time users of various consumer platforms actually have to spend keeping their computers functioning. Plus, I’ve owned them myself from the beginning, Mac 128k to PC, PC/XT, &c, &c… so I might have just a little personal experience to draw upon as to the nature and severity of computer issues and resolving them.

    Users at all skill levels spend far less time – even though it’s admittedly narrowed since the ‘bad old days’ – on fucking around with the computer versus actually using it when they’re using a Mac.

    Of course, I’ve known no shortage of people who have wasted absurd amounts of time getting some POS card or peripheral to function under Windows who were nonetheless utterly convinced that they had been wise to buy a PC. Because they were totally oblivious to what their time was worth – maybe it IS worth spending hours on the phone, over the course of days, talking to TS people, experimenting, rebooting, removing, reinstalling, &c, &c… rather than sticking the goddamn thing in, closing the box and pressing the power key and then going on with your work… but you ain’t gonna convince ME of it… Just because YOU don’t notice that the various apps you use have no consistency, that every one of them implements commonplace functions differently, requiring you to constantly have to remember different menu structures and key combinations as you switch between ’em – but 2 or 5 seconds here, another couple there, repeated countless thousands of times adds up to the proven fact that a PC takes more time out of your life than a Mac, to get the same amount of work accomplished. Always has.

    When the time consumed by coping with more-frequent OS and app crashes, UI inconsistencies, and measures to nullify the effects of malware on a PC are added up – not to mention the frustration, anger and resentment they generate – they amount to a considerable fraction of the total time spent in front of a computer, rather than doing something else – or, for the same time spent, more work done.

    TANSTAAFL. Save a couple bucks in cash. You always wind up paying it anyway, in time, effort or something else. That’s why the results of scientific measures of ROI and TCO are so often counterintuitive. Until the visible and invisible short and long term costs are tallied, you only think low initial cost is important. It’s only one factor, and many times not even the major one.

    Those consultants and various other experts you disdain measure objective real-world performance, which often conflicts with individuals’ one-sided, selective personal impressions – like yours. 🙂

    Macs exhibit significantly higher uptime in all environments. Mac users exhibit significantly higher productivity as well as satisfaction with their user experience, whether those two factors are related or not. And Macs exhibit lower support costs in time and money, again, in all environments. They are still unimpacted by malware. And their mothers don’t dress them funny. These are things that are proven facts, and have been for a long time.

    Certain human artifacts inspire loyalty, others don’t. There are cults around Aston Martin cars, Rollei cameras, Vacheron-Constantin watches, mbl audio components, Cirrus airplanes – and also Macs. Of course, since cheaper (in $ / € / ¥ / £) alternatives to all of those things exist, the members of those cults are not informed, demanding, discriminating users, but dim, gullible fools. Right? 😉

    [/sales pitch]

  7. JoaoPT says:

    #37 You never do that with a Fan…
    Never compare side by side a Mac and a PC. It’s just not worthy. Because after establishing that the PC is cheaper (on average 30 to 40%) they start to factor in subjective points like the design of the Mac, the superiority of the OS, the “being part of a whole different experience”.
    And they will say Windows is much more expensive too (which is ridiculous, because they compare the retail price of XP or Windows to the OSX price, forgetting that PC users buy the OS when they buy the machine. Also while the 5 years of XP a PC user never paid anything for an upgrade, while OSX had at least 4 129 dollars system releases.)
    And they never compare a Mac to any white box either. They always compare to Brand PCs, like Dell or HP, that are not the mainstream sellers. At least in my neck of the woods.
    But hey! the new $1200 iMac is reasonably priced. Except that a PC user would buy the screen separately, and in 3 or 4 years will upgrade the Box/CPU and still use the same screen. And even so I can easily find a PC Box/Monitor combo with Vista included with more disk and ram cheaper.
    Ah of course, no iLife… well, yeah! But is it worth it? Picasa is free and at least as good as iPhoto. Every capture card comes with some video editor free, Every DVD recorder comes with Nero bundled, iWeb? why? Isn’t there web 2.0 free sites to build your page? GrageBand? well that’s cool. Well, in true fairness the iLife suite is Ok and nicely priced, but is it the selling point? To me is like the Blaupunkt radio that makes you buy the car…

  8. JoaoPT says:

    Ah, thanks Lauren, I let that one pass… the famous five minutes from opening the box to surfing the net…

  9. KVolk says:

    I always wondered how much of the time spent with computer “problems” are about the operator not the equipment. It is like golf, you blame the clubs not who is gripping them.

  10. JoaoPT says:

    And also this myth of the PC being so plagued with virus, malware and inconsistencies is, well …a myth.

  11. TIHZ_HO says:

    Gee I wasn’t even baiting or chumming – at least I didn’t think I was…

    What can I say to that …but Garwsh!

    So let me make sure I understand this correctly

    …Windows is useless, PCs are less, people with PCs spend an unusual amount of time fighting off viruses – and they are stupid, and when you factor in all the lost time in dollars they cost more than Macs?

    Only in America then can you have a totally useless product become the market leader and in almost every household…

    Or putting it in another way…if what you said IS true why then is Apple so far behind in users than PCs? Why isn’t it the other way around? Is everyone that stoopid? (with two ‘o’s)

    Natural selection in business determines what sells and what doesn’t, and where it is positioned in the market. No amount of advertising is going to ever make a something more than what it is for very long.

    Where Apple is in the market is where it should be and that is far behind the leader. Unless some radical changes are made at Apple this is where it will stay.

    Radical changes at Apple?

    Apple switched over to Intel – crossed over it is only a OS now separating the forces of good from evil.

    What I do understand clearly that there never can be a rational objective discussion with Born Again Mac users – sorry to stoop to saying that but it becomes a religion with so many it is what defines them. 😉

    Call this an intervention.


  12. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    pssst! pedro!

    Look at this kewl flashlight I just got! No, closer!

  13. TIHZ_HO says:

    Those consultants and various other experts you disdain measure objective real-world performance, which often conflicts with individuals’ one-sided, selective personal impressions – like yours.

    You got me there.

    Real world performance huh?

    Is that how America is got to where it is now and is where it is heading off to as well? Cashless? Or is that Clueless? America’s economic growth is based on what exactly? It was these people you so reverently admire who sold off the American dream from out from under the American people. Well those experts you put your faith in will save the day no doubt – using Macs of course. That is all you seem to understand and you call me ‘one sided and selective’.


  14. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    You’ve been into the cooking sherry again, T_Z, after I told you……

    “People I admire”? “sold off the American dream”? Huh??

    Uh, T_Z – somewhere along the way you got the people who measure computer uptime, count crashes and count support calls and suchlike confused with the Bush administration…

    And you, Joao – I thought you knew to use a smiley when making a joke:

    “And also this myth of the PC being so plagued with virus, malware and inconsistencies is, well …a myth.”

    Oh. OK. If you say so. My mistake.

  15. GregA says:


    Web 2.0 is not the answer to everything, particularly on the business side. There are some things that I will never trust to a third party. Namely my customer list and my inventory history. With those two bits of information and a little know how, someone could replicate my business virtually overnight.

    I am not yet nearly convinced of the security in web 2.0 applications and services, and the information is simply too valuable to be trusted to a third party.

    Nope, other than little worksheets and maybe a letter, nothing important is going into Google Doc or Google Calc. Just forget about web 2.0 CRM or POS applications.

  16. JoaoPT says:

    It was a bit of a joke. 🙂 see the smiley…
    If you hook up your XP system to the net directly over a DSL or Cable modem you might get bitten. Used to be worse, but after SP2 that firewall is on by default. So it takes a bit more to get infected. And there’s free antispyware too on XP. Of course, there’s Spam, and people gullible enough to open mails that shouldn’t be opened. But I had no virus at the office for years, and I just use a NAT modem router and a freeware antivirus. No spyware too.
    It’s an old Mac brag: “look no viruses” but you and me know that that’s not OSXs virtue. It’s exposure and Apple is just not a target. Safari was exposed as soon as has put it’s nose out on the PC. In a way was a smart move from Apple, cos now its getting more savvy…

    #50 Greg

    But iLife…gimme a break. If you use your home Mac/PC to get your pro work done, you should be using productivity software. And that’s no iLife… Office, maybe…iWork, ok.
    But if you want to put up a blog or a little family site, you can do it online, and you can use picasa on the photos… that was my point.

  17. TIHZ_HO says:

    You’ve been into the cooking sherry again, T_Z, after I told you……

    What’s with the ‘cooking sherry’ then?

    Uh, T_Z – somewhere along the way you got the people who measure computer uptime, count crashes and count support calls and suchlike confused with the Bush administration…

    It was the “Fortune 500” tag that you added to the consultants… Ok the IT geeks didn’t crash America – fair.


  18. TIHZ_HO says:

    By the way Lauren the Ghoti all this time I didn’t know your were a guy…as a guy used to sitting at a tube…

    Not that it matters as it doesn’t really, but the moniker “Lauren…” and what is a Ghoti anyway other than a constructed example word used to illustrate irregularities in English spelling? Just curious there is no baiting, trolling or setting a chum line or any of that.

    An interesting thing, I Googled Lauren the Ghoti and got her/his comments posted for this site and others it seems…so I did my own moniker and got the same.

    Hell, even my stupid blog site I only started a couple weeks ago with the one posting gets a hit! So you would think I can get my company web site listed this easily and quickly? You would think …BUT NOOOOooooooooooooooo! As John Belushi would say (org SNL)

    John, is it ok I link over to your site from mine? Maybe that will help…. 😀



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