
MANCHESTER — We’ve heard stories of him appearing on toast and on the floor of a Michigan garage. But now, he is said to be on the front of a Manchester family’s kitchen cabinet.

The cabinets are in the home of Malynda and Eric Smith.

The Smith’s have lived in the house for a year, but never noticed the image until Friday when their daughter pointed it out.

Unlike others who have made a buck by selling their “images” on e-Bay, the Smith’s say their “Jesus” cabinet door will stay intact. Selling it, they said, would be bad luck.

You can’t fool me. That’s Paul McCartney!

  1. JoaoPT says:

    For the benefit of mr.kite, there will be a show tonight…

  2. AlanB says:

    Looks more like Chewbacca. None the less, someone will buy the doors on ebay for a small fortune.

  3. jlm says:

    doesnt god have anything better to do than show up in random places???!!! Like give a cure for cancer or make Pres. Bush resign?

  4. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Naaah, that would be showing off…

  5. Gary Marks says:

    I think these people risk flooding the market for religious images and artifacts. I think with clever marketing, this clear image of “Jim Morrison” (hint hint) could easily fetch a higher price than a savior who seems to be showing up with increasing frequency.

    Oh, and for those of you who will point out that they have no plans to sell the image, treasure your childlike innocence while you still have it 😉

  6. About a year or so ago some person was selling on ebay a piece of toast with the likeness of the host George Norry.
    ” I went to the washroom and when i came back…”
    The piece of toast was bid up to a zillion dollars or so.
    ( A cook friend explained that it was easily done with brown sugar)
    On checking back some time later it turned out the final price was substantially lower – $ 10 or so.
    All of the high bidders found some reason to get out of the deal.
    ( The seller stipulated a portion of the price would go to charity)
    Regardless final prices are not actual prices
    Amazing that ebay let the seller out of final value fee charges and that the seller still had an account.

  7. julieb says:

    Kinda looks like Christopher Hitchens to me.

  8. Jägermeister says:

    #3 – jim – doesnt god have anything better to do than show up in random places???!!! Like give a cure for cancer or make Pres. Bush resign?

    Right on. Btw… If you look at these “signs from God”… they’re kind of pathetic… half a face in cement, a virgin Mary on a toasted bread, Jesus on a door etc. Why doesn’t he just appear and sing a song. If he does this, I promise to stop my silly denial of his existence.

  9. tallwookie says:

    WTF!!! he was on the ground yesterday! serionsly, this is screwed up.

  10. JoaoPT says:

    Bugger why can’t he just appear on MY cupboard door… I’m in need of a refurbishing, and the eBay sell would come handy. And also like two in one…

  11. Barry Gibb says:

    That’s not Jesus – it’s Barry Gibbs! I’d recognise the bum-part anywhere!!

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    This is the honest to god’s truth. Last weekend I was cleaning the pool, and there it was. An image of the baby Jesus. Right there in the water. And there were tears in his eyes. The tears were so big his whole face was wet by them. Then just like that, he disappeared as my daughter dove with a resounding splash. As amazed as I was, I said “oh well” and went back to cleaning the pool.

    Now that is a true story. May god strike me down if I’m lying. Alright, maybe the “cleaning the pool” part is a stretch. But I did see him. And I think maybe he winked at me. Or it could just have been a ripple.

  13. KVolk says:

    If you ask me the representation is a little wooden……….(rimshot)

  14. Floyd says:

    Jesus? Naw….
    Santa Claus, maybe, but without the hat or the “You’ll shoot your eye out!” comment.

  15. nightstar says:

    Funny thing.

    I just had a dump, and(doubtless due to poor diet) I left a streak on the bowl that is the perfect likeness of Jesus.

    I’m gonna go down and drain the water so I can sell that shit on E-Bay!

  16. Ron Larson says:

    #2 nailed it. It is Chewbacca. Perhaps a Star Wars fan might be interested in buying it. George Lucus… are you there?

  17. ECA says:

    NO cracks..
    I think they are getting Board…
    This must be a splinter group..
    This is going against the grain…

    Im becoming Unhinged…as always.
    Lets put a Polish on this, and really see it Shine….

  18. JimR says:

    Take another look. It’s definitely the cowardly lion from the Wizard of Oz.

  19. Canucklehead says:

    15 nightstar, I am rolling in the aisles laughing. thanks buddy.

  20. Jägermeister says:

    More miracles… Hallelujah…

  21. BubbaRay says:

    #17, ECA, Not bad! Aaaarrrgghhhhh! I’ve been overpunned — now…..can’t……move…..fingers……ty

  22. moss says:

    It’s the general-king who headed the native army on Jar Jar Binks’ planet.

  23. Les says:

    Can’t you tell that it is RINGO STARR!!!


  24. JPV says:

    It looks more like a Wookie than Jeebus.

  25. ECA says:

    I think It was a little WOODY…
    Maybe to much Sap…
    the TImber of it was abit Veneer’d…
    I should quit this before I get NAILED or SCREWED, but Im Glued to the Monitor.
    This is about to Dove tail into an ……

  26. ECA says:

    Grizzly Adams..

  27. tallwookie says:

    lol #15 – good one 🙂

  28. nightstar says:

    ECA I’m so glad your Finished.
    Your puns were Plane, your prose Wooden
    I was worried you Miter gone on forever.

    Back on topic though from his parables Jesus could always come up with a saw or two. He usually nailed some angle on humanity with a clever Allegory. It all makes perfect sense since he was the son of a carpenter.

  29. ECA says:

    But it wasnt Knotty…

    LMAO, God Im good.

  30. Anonymous Coward says:

    Holy shit!


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