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Popular Science Blog – The Vomit-Inducing Flashlight — No comment.

a California company may be developing the real winner, an LED-based flashlight that shoots out incredibly bright pulses of light, and can potentially induce vomiting. The Department of Homeland Security is funding the study, and Penn State will begin testing it this fall at the Institute of Nonlethal Defense Technology. Any volunteers?

  1. tallwookie says:

    This technology is cooler though:


  2. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Wha? Does it project Tom Green movies or something??

  3. gogglesnteeth says:

    “We are winning the war on terr one belly blast at a time.”

  4. Thomas says:

    You cannot tell me that having a flashlight like this wouldn’t be a blast. Imagine going to a political rally and pointing it at the speaker. I can see college students using on their buddies at parties. A disturbing, yet strangely tantalizing device to be sure.

  5. BubbaRay says:

    Now someone will come out with some glasses (polarized, whatever) that makes one immune to the effect. Guess they’ll make the bucks, too. Great, another arms war.

    What happens when an epileptic is exposed? I can just hear the lawyers rubbing their hands together in anticipation.

  6. Jerk-Face says:

    I remember watching a TV program about non-lethal weapons. One was a flashlight that could actually knock someone unconscious without hitting him over the head with it. It emitted a flashing beam of light in such a way that it overloaded the brain of the person exposed to it, knocking him out. They played a video of it used in a prison and the guy just dropped to the floor of his cell nearly instantaneously. I haven’t seen anything about since. It probably put some poor sod in a coma and they had to bury the technology to avoid being sued.

  7. Boru says:

    Hope it saves babies from brain concussion, at least. until their fathers are properly educated not to try to outrun the electrifying effects.


  8. Noname says:

    Our Government Overlord for the Government Overlords, will always be looking for new fangled technology they can claim as non-lethal to abuse citizens with.

    Of course they will keep it as secretive as possible to avoid public awareness (public watch groups). They will declare it’s secrecy as necessary for National Security; prosecute those who act on the belief the public has a right to know, so they can vote intelligently (excepting those guarded by the president).

    Yea, so much for freedom of speech and the press. The republicans and those who voted for Bush effectively killed that American freedom.

    Welcome to the idiots buffet we call the USA.

  9. KVolk says:

    Well this could be an interesting way to deal with the obesity issue in this country of course then we would have a buliema problem.

  10. Jimmy James says:


    Minority Report style sick sticks!

  11. iGlobalWarmer (YOY) says:

    This will help with stuff like this:

    If they can make skateboarding and snowboarding Olympic events, they should be able to make puking an Olympic event. This would be a good training tool.

    I don’t know why people are complaining, when you tell people to knock it off and they don’t you have to shoot them with something. This is better than bullets.

    Imagine playing this at a big crowd of nutbag war protesters of something. They all barf at once. It would be fabulous,.

  12. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Isn’t that strange… I was just contemplating the fun to be had using this lovely device on a roomful of Young Republicans.

  13. Rabble Rouser says:

    Oh, not another Bill O’Lieley projector. Every time I see him on TV, I bark at the ants, talk to Ralph and Earl about a Buick on the big white comodophone, and hurl.

  14. Nicky says:

    This device will make me wanna bark at the ants! lol 🙂

  15. Per says:

    When i read this i think of the brown note and what a myth that is.

  16. Angel H. Wong says:


    Their high consumption of alcohol has rendered them immune to nausea.


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