Chief Pilot?
The Vatican may have territorial limits, its own post office and even a football tournament, but it has hitherto lacked what all real states offer: an airline.
That will be put right this month as the Vatican launches its first charter flights for pilgrims from Rome to Lourdes, with some of the world’s top religious destinations to follow, including the shrine of Fatima in Portugal and the shrine of the Madonna of Guadalupe in Mexico.
Mr Vaglio said the headrests on passengers’ seats would sport the logo “I’m Searching for Your Face, Lord”, while religious guides would be on hand, alongside the usual stewards.
Anyone collecting taxes on the profits made by the airline?
I would guess that the decal painted on the side will be a bullseye, cause some terrorists would love to blow that thing up. On a side note, the vatican has way too much power, money, sheep….
Gee, it’s a good thing churches are not actually business ventures worthy of taxation. Else, they might have to compete on equal footings with real airlines.
Yes, I know this is not yet a real issue since they’re starting with chartering. But, wait ’til they actually own the airline.
I wonder if they’ll sell both flight insurance and soul insurance. Fly with Us. If the plane crashes, your loved ones are taken care of AND your entry to heaven is assured.
Misanthropic they do sell “soul insurance” what do you think the reformation was all about, indulgences, and yes rome still sells them, ever seen a “mass card” they are indulgences that you can still buy. And if the pope has the power to get people out of hell if they buy these indulgences why does he not do it for free (ok I did take that last statement from Luther)
Anyone collecting taxes on the profits made by the airline?
That’s up to the Italians, French and Mexicans to decide.
I imagine as the day progresses, it will be clear that most folks who wander through this blog – independent of religious hangups – support equality of opportunity for entrepreneurs. After all, that is to some extent one of the much-vaunted market forces even when and where it doesn’t predominate.
Tax breaks for economic reasons are often part of marketing a region or an industry. Tax breaks for ideology are crap!
Eideard, that picture and caption — I don’t have a smiley for . Now I must find me a captain’s hat just like that one. đŸ˜†
If the stewardesses’ uniforms look like Sister Bertrille above, that’d be the dealbreaker for me.
Anyone collecting taxes on the profits made by the airline?
Well, every good Catholic would know that would be God C/O The Pope – God’s legal representative on Earth.
There is an interesting story about this.
In the late 80’s there was a freak wind storm that came out of nowhere and severely damaged many multi-million dollar homes in the northern suburbs of Sydney Australia.
Things got nasty when the insurance companies refused to pay as they got a favourable court decision they were not liable as this was a “Act of God” which is listed as an exclusion – right after “acts of war” and so on. (God playing with the smite button no doubt).
A interesting fact emerged that most of the people affected by this “Act of God” decision are Catholics (Many Australians are Anglican). As an former Catholic I was intrigued by this and at a dinner party I met the host’s friend who is a prominent barrister (lawyer). Over the wine I discussed what I thought would be the perfect case – to sue God.
If anyone damages my property wilfully or accidentally I am entitled to recompense if I can identify the guilty party
All Catholics completely understood the authority of the Catholic church with the Pope as the supreme ‘power of attorney for God.
One of the purposes of being a Catholic is to avoid being smitten. So with a court ruling that God has wilfully damaged my house through no action of mine I am entitled to recompense. While I cannot directly sue an invisible God who takes great pains to be undetectable I can take action with God’s legal representative, the Pope – or the Pope’s franchise – the local diocese.
The barrister I spoke with thought this case could be taken to court – but not in Australia, America is up for things like this.
I could see Churches in the future having their flock signing a accepting legal disclaimers before the service…perhaps as such…
HOLY DISCLAIMER: The theology, prayers and salvation supplied are presented in good faith and are believed to be correct and it is provided with payment by way of tithing for your guidance only.
Because many factors may affect your soul’s salvation or request for aid and or other use, we strongly recommend that before praying and evoking God’s good will that the faithful test their faith in the particular situation and or purpose under conditions expected during use to determine the suitability of the prayer for your particular situation and or purpose.
No warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied, including assurances of avoiding God’s wrath or cures for a particular disease or anything which falls into the realm of the Almighty or liabilities of consequential damage made by God’s intentional or accidental smiting. In no case shall the theology, prayers and salvation supplied be considered a part of our terms and conditions of the faith.
Further, it is understood that the faithful expressly understands and agrees that the theology, prayers, candle lighting and other rituals furnished by the Catholic Church and or its agents or representatives hereunder given and assumes no obligation or liability for salvation or results obtained, all such being given and accepted at your risk by attending church.
Furthermore suggestions of prayers, candle lighting, and other rituals and or salvation made by Catholic Church and or its agents or representatives are our opinion only, are given with payment by way of tithing and with no warranty expressed or implied of the results to be obtained. đŸ˜‰
#7 “If the stewardesses’ uniforms look like Sister Bertrille above, that’d be the dealbreaker for me.”
I don’t think you have to worry. They will undoubtedly be using alter boys.
They shouldn’t have to worry If one of their planes hits water!
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