What EXACTLY is the White Space Coalition and how can they get you 80Mbps Internet connectivity. I start to dig into the story.

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  1. KVolk says:

    John I liked this tech 5 broadcast the best. You had more pep and the water pipe noise was muted to just the right level.

  2. Yes…mostly because I’m into this whole weird White Space BS.

  3. ECA says:

    Sat, had a interesting tech…
    You would use your modem(phone) to connect to the net, and then RECEIVE the data from the SAT.

    someplace along the way they will have to use Digital encoding, Per user, to identify WHO and where data is coming to or going.
    Wide band is cool tech, except that EVERYTHING can bother it..Including your FAN on your air conditioner, Your Electric heating, your Electrical equipment, including your Electric razor..

  4. hhopper says:

    Yeah ECA, and Angel Wong can really mess it up.

  5. julieb says:

    We need this white space type stuff because we can’t get any real competition over the usual delivery methods. We might end up with broadband through our toilets just because AT&T doesn’t own them. Yet.

  6. iGlobalWarmer (YOY) says:

    #5- Google is already doing that:

    Then there’s this stub that doesn’t seem to lead to anything useful:
    I’m guessing this project ended up getting flushed.

  7. TIHZ_HO says:

    #6 LOL!

    At first I thought this was a gag site – but it’s Google’s April fools joke. Thanks for that link – made my day errr night.

    Great to see Google has a sense of humour!

    Think MS would do that?


  8. Maria Webber says:

    John, John, John,

    Love the content. Really, But I’m sad to report I must unsubscribe to your poscast. Its that water gurgling sound in every episode.

    For the hearing empaired its quite imposible to understand you with gurgling noise masking your voice.



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