
MONSTER-SIZED McDonald’s hamburgers stuffed with up to eight meat patties and nine slices of cheese have been slammed as “a heart attack waiting to happen”. Some of the fast-food chains sell super-sized Quarter Pounders, which contain about 220g of fat and 11,500kJ each, on request.

The “double pounder” is the equivalent of more than three days’ worth of fat for a grown man – or almost five Pizza Hut deep-pan Hawaiian pizzas or 45 Tim Tams.* At about $18, it is not listed on the menu, nor under nutritional information.

It has developed a cult following as a challenge for teenagers, after a video was posted online of a 17-year-old boy ploughing his way through the burger at a McDonald’s restaurant.

    And here’s the video:

*Tim Tams are a chocolate biscuit made by Arnott’s Biscuits, Australia. A Tim Tam is composed of two layers of chocolate malted biscuit, separated by a light chocolate cream filling, and coated in a thin layer of textured chocolate. And this burger is equivalent to 45 of these? Holy crap!

  1. joshua says:

    Ahhhhhhhhhh….nothing like a lite snack to tide you over until Mom makes dinner. 🙂

  2. andy says:

    i feel sick after watching that.

  3. Misanthropic Scott says:

    Supersize someone else please!! I’m not going near that thing. Of course, I live in NYC, so no reason to go to McD’s unless I’m somewhere on the road … and very very desperate.

  4. Improbus says:

    Sweet Jebus.

  5. Tanqueray says:

    Aaah my dreams have come true, this definetly surpasses the triple burger at wendies, mmmm i love bein an american. I wonder if they are gonna bring the supersize back.

  6. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    What is being served as food is terrifying… and while the contents of almost everything at McDonalds certainly makes the company guilty of at least being an accomplice in thousands upon thousands of negligent homicides, it surely isn’t these egregious fast food that we should fear most.

    The everyday food we rely on is tainted. Industrial farming is replacing the healthy whole foods our grandparents ate with toxic chemical combinations that are slowly destroying our quality of life.

  7. Raff says:

    If it doesn’t have 3 slices of bacon between each patty then forget it.

  8. GigG says:

    #7 You know people died of food borne illness even back in your grandparents day. Is junk food bad for you? Of course it is but the silly “All Natural” food movement isn’t perfect either.

    It’s just a matter of time before there is a rash of food borne illness that can be tracked back to it.

  9. Jägermeister says:

    There’s nothing like a burger.

  10. Jägermeister says:

    [Forgot to comment hhopper’s video…]

    I would like to see the boy’s cholesterol levels after a month… okay, a week… of just eating burgers like that one…

  11. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #9 – Well… Okay… Get with me later if I ever talk about food bourne illnesses… But I’m not talking about that now.

  12. chuck says:

    Would you like fries with that?
    And a diet coke please!

  13. Elvis Ripley says:

    That is about 2700 calories in case you were interested.

  14. Jägermeister says:

    #13 – Chuck – And a diet coke please!


  15. doug says:

    for those who never want to crap again. or never stop. YMMV.

  16. KVolk says:

    What’s for dessert?

  17. Mike says:

    Wow. I love tim-tams, but I could never eat 45 of them (I can’t even manage 5 they’re that rich).
    Anyone attempting this burger SHOULD have a heart attack simply to remove their stupidity and gluttony from our gene pool.

  18. stew says:

    Aint that America. I love it.

  19. Angel H. Wong says:

    Next time, use lean meats such as kangaroo, ostrich or horse.

  20. hhopper says:

    Angel you nutritionist bastard!

  21. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Sure, 2500 calories, but the majority of them are going to flow right through, if you know what I mean.

    Good think I never thought of that when I was working for McD while going to school. We made plenty of quad cheeseburgers, but not with quarter pounder patties.

    I want to see someone eat a quad McRib.

  22. OvenMaster says:

    See, I’m a Wendy’s Triple man, but all the Wendys’ in my half of the state went bankrupt and closed last month when the state had the gall to demand that the franchisee pay his unpaid business taxes.

    This leaves McDonald’s, but at $18, I think I’ll wait for a discount coupon.

  23. hhopper says:

    Just buy four double quarter pounders and combine.

  24. Slappy says:

    #13 I always get the diet drink when I eat fast food, I don’t want the sugar.

  25. John Paradox says:

    I would never have guess the Dagwood Sandwich would look like a kiddie’s meal.


  26. Mc Donalds food always reminds me of dogfood !

  27. Cursor_ says:

    Of course it is interesting to note that people will go to an upscale restaurant. While there will pay well over 100 dollars to gorge on butter, cream, pate, wine and other caloric laden food and not THINK a thing about it.

    The majority of people will do the same on Thanksgiving. Stuffing themselves with calorie rich foods til they need to sleep.

    But for some ODD reason when Mc Donalds provides this kind of caloric overload then out comes the food police in people saying it is wrong, it makes me sick, I would NEVER do that and on and on and on.

    Next time you are looking for the extra slice of cheesecake, after having apple pie and a piece of that pumpkin with whipped cream, think of this burger.


  28. David K says:

    Hey #7….you talk as if no one has a FREAKING CHOICE as to what the hell they cram down their pie-holes on a daily basis. McDonald’s is an accomplice in thousands of negligent homicides? Check your nut-bag agenda!

    People make choices every single day. They can choose to have a fatty, nasty burger that they KNOW is not healthy, or they can opt for the salad. It’s not as if the minimum wage teenager behind the counter is holding a .45 to their head, telling them to get the burger.

    There is nothing wrong with McDonald’s, or the fast food industry. They are models of capitalism and prosperity. What’s really wrong here are people such as yourself who seem hell-bent on alleviating any shred of blame from people and their choices. If people want to eat that shit, then by god let ’em! But it’s not McDonald’s fault if they can’t manage to mix in some fresh greens or a granola bar every so often.

    But hey….you’re entitled to your opinion. So more power to yoy in trying to legislate good eating habits. Let’s throw some tax money at the morbidly obese, shall we? After all, it’s not their fault, right?

  29. iGlobalWarmer (YOY) says:

    #23 – I worked fast food as a kid too. We did one once layered like this, chicken pattie, cheese, 2 burger patties, cheese, shaved ham, cheese, bacon, cheese. Took a long time to eat.

    I lived near a bar where they cooked a special 2 lb burger that had a specially made oversize bun. If you could eat it in an hour you could have it free. They didn’t give many away but I was there when a guy who went about 4 bills, ate two of them in one sitting.

  30. Jim says:

    I would rather eat the 45 Tim Tams


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