Associated Press – August 13, 2007:

The wife of Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama on Sunday admonished those who question her biracial husband’s credentials as a black man, calling the issue “nonsense.”

“We’re still playing around with the question: Is he black enough?” Michelle Obama told a campaign event on Chicago’s South Side. “Stop that nonsense.”

Michelle Obama, who was raised on the South Side, was speaking at a predominantly black “Women for Obama” rally, which cheered her comment about the U.S. senator from Illinois.

She added that raising the specter of whether her husband — whose mother was white and whose father was Kenyan — was sufficiently black sent a confusing message to kids.

“We are messing with the heads of our children,” she said.

  1. Tanqueray says:

    I’m not white enough to answer that question.

  2. julieb says:

    The idea that he is not black enough is ridiculous.

    If Obama is not black enough, then I say W is too white.

  3. tallwookie says:

    bunch of savages

  4. Alan says:

    Can he dance? Then he’s black enough.

  5. Mark Derail says:

    He is a Visibly Minority.
    An educated and well spoken one at that.

    Too many White People associate Visible Minorities as being sub-standard.

    Once the Baby Boomers all die off, it’s going to be a very different US of A and Canada.

  6. sam says:

    After Dubya one of the worst presidents of all time, we are being set up for a halfrican american to be president.

    The bigger question should we have a black president? Blacks are only 14% of us population.

    By the way Sen. Theodore G. Bilbo was 100% correct about everything.

  7. bobbo says:

    Doesn’t Hillieary have a lock on the Dem Nomination?

    Making Obama irrelevant especially as his poll numbers continue to fall? Hasn’t his demonstrated inexperience uncut his other skills?

    So, its whoever wins the Repug Nomination ((Looking like Romney right now for a variety of reasons)) and wont Romney or almost any other white male beat hilliary?

    So, Its Obama in 2016. Go Dems!!!!!

  8. undissembled says:

    Isn’t this the Headline that Fox News opens with every hour?

  9. bac says:

    Once his blackness is figured out, it will be time to ask is he a real man. Is he more of a man than Hillary?

  10. iGlobalWarmer (YOY) says:

    #5 – “An educated and well spoken one at that.”

    The saddest thing is that is exactly why the “black community” questions his blackness.

  11. MikeN says:

    Now if she would extend the logic and come out against affirmative action.

  12. Moyo says:

    Thats what typical repigs like to use to destract from real issues.

  13. Misanthropic Scott says:

    I think the whole question is entirely and completely and offensively racist. I don’t care whether whites, blacks, pinks, or purples are asking the question. It’s ridiculous.

    How about if we talk about the issues and decide whether he’s the right person for the job. His brains are certainly grey enough. That’s enough color discussion for me.

  14. One thing I never understood, is why does it matter what his haratage is? Who cares if he is this or that ethinc group, why not just look at his positions and make a jugement from that.

  15. GigG says:

    I think the fact that he isn’t the great, great, grandson of slaves is hurting him in the black community. For the majority of black USAians that is the unifying factor.

  16. GigG says:

    #15 If you are an Obama supporter you better hope is race or heritage is the key issue. If not you are left with a one term Senator with very little management or leadership experience.

  17. grog says:

    here’s how gw won two terms — while campaigning he spoke only when necessary and when speaking he kept on message, letting his opponents run off at the mouth and hang themselves (gore and kerry both committed poltical suicide by diarrhea mouth)

    obama’s learned well — you watch. he’s gonna stay below the radar, saving his air time for the real game. he’s a shrewd character, that one.

    that’s why the media is going on about being black enough— obama’s not giving them any sound bites to misconstrue.

  18. Alan says:

    The question “Is he black enough?” cracks me up. As if you have to be black to get elected.

    Here’s a thought- the question was posed to call into question his “blackness” because it wasn’t that many years ago a black candidate would have been shot before the primaries. No matter how much we are led to question his blackness there are still those among us that think he is black enough to be eliminated should he get elected.

    I for one (no joke and apologies to improbus) would like to see either Obama or Hillary elected just because history will be made in either case and this baby boomer would like to live through it.

  19. Nth of the 49th says:


    #14 agreed 100%

  20. Alan says:

    @20- Apparently not you. Congratulations.

  21. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Once the Baby Boomers all die off, it’s going to be a very
    >>different US of A and Canada.

    Yeah, once the Young Republicans get older, it should be a gay old time!

  22. KVolk says:

    well if there is no real news let’s make up an issue and report it as news so we can fill or 24/7 news cycle……

  23. Alan says:

    @22 pedro- I noticed your comment @8 (and again @22) and think it’s the wisest comment above. Race alone is not an indicator of integrity.

    BTW- I am not the Alan of comment #4. To distinguish (and distance) myself from that Alan I’ll sign as AlanB from now on.

  24. Billabong says:

    The dems are setting themselves up to lose again.We have never elected a black or a woman president.DUH.Wait lets nominate a Mass. liberal like Dukakis or Kerry.People forget John Kennedy was the conservative dem running for president.

  25. Rob R says:

    Barrack is clearly an international American. Mother American, father Nigerian, step father Indonesian. He spent four years abroad. On top of that, well educated.

    He’s not a “check-the-box” American black man. He’s not even a “check-the-box” American. He may actually understand other cultures and appreciate the strengths and limitations of his own. That’s a serious crime for a country that elects the likes of Dubya and those who believe “don’t snitch” is a good idea.

    The only hit on this guy is that he doesn’t have the administrative experience and probably should be a governor or mayor first.

  26. AlanB says:

    @27- I feel the same way. Unless Edwards gets himself nominated the repugnantcans will win again. I would so love to see history made but it will likely not happen here.

    @28- Very well said and spot-on. Problem is there are too many voters that have secretly already come to the conclusion that he is too black.

  27. hhopper says:

    We need to cut all the BS and elect someone who’s intelligent for a change, someone who can start to get this country out of the serious trouble it’s in. If we get another dumb-ass president, we are screwed.

  28. jz says:

    I don’t like Hiliary. I think she is way too anal to be president. She rubs people the wrong way and micromanages things to death just like Rumsfield did. She also has a history of feminism and she will be pushing one of the most sexist agendas ever. Look at her history.

    And that is why the Republicans want her to win the nomination. She can be beat and beat easily, and that is why this question of Obama’s “blackness” keeps coming up. Obama is the dem. the Republicans fear most. So Republicans are putting forward this issue to blacks, who are going to vote Democrat no matter what, to vote for Hiliary over Obama in the primaries.

    My two favorite candidates in 2008 are Obama and Ron Paul. However, if I had to chose who is likely to win, I would say Hiliary and Giulani/Romney. Given those choices, I and men like me would vote Republican, and I think a Republican will and should win. People think electing Hiliary means they get Bill back, and that couldn’t be further from the truth. I cannot imagine the men in this country voting for Hiliary, who is THE poster child for feminazism.

  29. AlanB says:

    @30- Agreed.

  30. hmeyers says:

    @ #31

    Giulani has a very shady past. As the primaries approach, much more scrutiny and examination of this will take place. I don’t believe he can win the republican nomination. If does, the republicans lose for sure.

    Mitt Romney looks like the guy.


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