Associated Press – August 13, 2007:

The wife of Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama on Sunday admonished those who question her biracial husband’s credentials as a black man, calling the issue “nonsense.”

“We’re still playing around with the question: Is he black enough?” Michelle Obama told a campaign event on Chicago’s South Side. “Stop that nonsense.”

Michelle Obama, who was raised on the South Side, was speaking at a predominantly black “Women for Obama” rally, which cheered her comment about the U.S. senator from Illinois.

She added that raising the specter of whether her husband — whose mother was white and whose father was Kenyan — was sufficiently black sent a confusing message to kids.

“We are messing with the heads of our children,” she said.

  1. Mr. Fusion says:

    #31, jz,

    Given those choices, I and men like me would vote Republican, and I think a Republican will and should win.

    Which is exactly why the Democrats WILL win and win big in 2008. When you start tossing around words like feminazism you will alienate most of the reasonable people in America. They then will not be voting for your Republican loser.

    Democrats and other reasonable people are much less interested in the sex or skin color. They want someone who represent them, is intelligent, and a leader.

  2. Jägermeister says:

    His lungs ought to be black enough from all the smoking.

    #30 – hhopper


  3. ECA says:

    for a nation that is SAID to be NON BIAS, NON RACIST, EQUAL OPPORTUNITY,,…
    I do find this question abit Obtuse… We are NOT looking at the person..
    the question is dragging in the dirt. And not answering the REAL questions.
    CAN he DO the JOB
    Can he FIX what GW broke
    Can he finish this war
    Can he STUFF it to the corps.

  4. Mister Mustard says:

    >>I don’t like Hiliary. I think she is way too anal to be president.

    That doesn’t mean she can’t win.

    For the last 7 years, we’ve had a guy who is too much of an ASSHOLE to be president.

    There you have it.

  5. Angel H. Wong says:

    They simply have to look at his penis, if the stem of the erect penis is as dark as dark chocolate hell yea he is.

  6. hhopper says:

    Angel you horny bastard!

  7. OmarTheAlien says:

    Just a prediction: Hillary will win big, and here’s why: She’s whispering all the sweet nothings that the aging electorate is desperate to hear; things like health care, strengthen the middle class (echos of high school to comfortable retirement security, fifties style), fix Social Security, so that we can all die comfortably, END THE FUCKING WAR, and yeah, do nice things for the Children. There is, no doubt, those who will vote for her simply because she is a woman, and for her to be president would be a moment in history, not to mention the novelty of it all.
    Besides, there is not a Republican alive with a snowball’s chance in hell of being elected President in 2008.

  8. jz says:

    “They want someone who represent them, is intelligent, and a leader. ”

    And Hiliary Clinton is going to represent me and other men? Ha!!! If elected, Hiliary is going to spend all her time telling people what they should be doing and using government expansion to enact her desires.

    Give me one example where Hiliary has ever sided with a man over a woman when it didn’t serve her own purposes. She has spent most of her career “advocating for children”. What do you think that means, Fusion? That she loves kids?

    Keep deluding yourself. You are nuts if you think this woman is going to bat for you. She has been fighting her whole life against the American male.

  9. jz says:

    #34, I agree with you. I think we see Romney versus Hiliary for president and Romney winning if he knows what he is doing. I know some higher ups in the Dem party, and they liked Bill and also had great things to say about Gore as a person. Hiliary has a reputation for being smart and hard working but most the people hated working for her because she was such a bitch. If Romney can show Hiliary’s inner bitch, he takes this election in a landslide.

    She is ever bit as bad the authoritarian as Rudy is. I pesonally think that if either Rudy or HIliary gets elected, we are in trouble. The last thing this country needs is another president as dictator.

    If you take an issue like homosexual rights and gay marraige, Obama is going to appeal to the fairness of Ameicans in granting these rights while Hiliary would use the court system and prosecutors to ram through the changes she wants. The irony about Obama is that he is probably is more liberal than Hiliary is, but Obama is an inspirational liberal while Hiliary has never met a government program she didn’t like.

  10. joshua says:

    For what it’s worth(I’m the guy who was SURE McCain was the Rep. nominee), here’s my opinion.I first saw this Obama isn’t black enough stuff in a black magazine, asked by a former civil rights leader, about 5 months or so ago. It’s based on his not being totally black, but thats not what is important, whats important is his street creditials….the black writer said that a lot of blacks he interviewed said that Obama hasn’t *lived* the black experience, he hasn’t suffered, or earned points by being a part of the black *struggle*. His family is not from the U.S.(they mean his black family), he’s not decended from *slaves*, therefore he isn’t **one of us**. A lot of blacks, not just the elite, but the average black, feel he has just showed up for the game in the last 2 mins, after the home team had already scored a 100 point lead, and wants to be the Captain of the basketball team.
    Apparently, according to this former civil rights guy, the older generation resents him.
    What makes that arguement sound right is the fact that Hillary is actually a little ahead of Obama with likely black voters, thanks mainly to Bill’s popularity with blacks more than anything.
    My Dad told me not to trust the polls that say Americans are highly in favor of a black or woman President. He said most people answer polls with questions like that according to what they think the pollester wants to hear, and will say yes to voting for a black or woman so as not to appear racist or misogynist. He cites the famous Field poll from the 60’s in California, when Bradely(the Mayor of L.A. at the time and black) was running for Governor. The poll showed that almost 60 % said they had no problem voting for a black, and Bradely was favored in the poll by around 8 points (54 to 46), but 9 days later he lost by a landslide.

    Obama will not get the nomination….his statements last week on meeting leftest leaders(Chavez, Castro) and bombing Pakistan(an ally) showed his inexperience, and he dropped 8 points in the poll done immediatly after that statement. Hillary took her biggest lead to date over him after that.

    Hillary has a major problem with negatives, she actually has almost as high negatives as those who said they supported her. While she has lower negatives with the Dems., they are almost 49% among Independents. The telling part of the poll was the fact that 46%(of all likely voters) state they would not vote for her no matter what. And among Independents, that number is 49%. This was I believe a CNN poll or CBS….I honestly don’t remember.
    Those are numbers that means she has almost no room to manuver, if 2% to 4% more say no way, she is fininshed.

    I don’t see any Rep. that I can support, except McCain, but I think thats a done deal.

  11. TIHZ_HO says:

    What about General Colin L. Powell?

    Didn’t he do a ‘Michael Jackson’ as he got closer to the White House, huh?

    Speaking of The White House if you were Obama wouldn’t you change the name to something else… maybe?


  12. ECA says:

    WHo agrees that NEXt president is going to be Patsy to ALL the things GW did…
    REMEMBER, that many things to start happening UNTIL AFTER he leaves…

    The up-coming person is going to be KNEE DEEP, in fixing stuff, and paying BACK all the loans from the war.

  13. AlanB says:

    Well…. Six months later I guess the answer is yes.


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