This guy is a serious psychopath.

President: Rule of Islam only way for salvation of mankind – Irna — The following is a press release from the Islamic Republic (IRAN) News Agency. Apparently the idiot President of Iran, who is hoping to get all his people killed in some war, is now the chief hoo-hah regarding the declaration of Muslim war against the rest of the world. He apparently doesn’t know that the Sunni branch of the religion generally doesn’t follow his orders.

The following is the press release in its entirety.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said here Tuesday that rule of Islam on mankind is the only way for salvation of human beings.

“There is no truth on earth but monotheism and following tenets of Islam and there is no way for salvation of mankind but rule of Islam over mankind,” said Ahmadinejad in a meeting with Afghan Sunni and Shiite ulama at Iranian Embassy in Kabul.

President Ahmadinejad said nations are today distancing themselves from culture of materialism and selfishness and look for a new way for their prosperity, that is the path of Islam.

He said that the world is on verge of a great upheaval and ulama at this juncture shoulder a heavy responsibility that is introducing genuine Islam as it is.

“Nations today have no haven but religion,” the Iranian president announced, cautioning Muslim nations against enemies’ divisive plots.

He said, “All of us have the duty to resist the enemy by closing our ranks.”
He said that the Iranian nation today feels more than ever the need to stand beside the Afghan nation.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran has kindly received their Afghan brothers and will continue to do so in future. Minor issues will cannot affect Iran’s policies on Afghanistan,” he added.

The president said Islam belongs to all generations and Muslims should get ready for global mission of Islam.

found by Bill Reising

  1. natefrog says:

    #25, Mustard:

    Maybe I’m misinterpreting your post, but you do realize “Atheist” is simply a fancy way of saying “None,” right?

  2. gquaglia says:

    Does anyone else think he looks like Ellis from Die Hard 1. They are both assholes.

  3. JimR says:

    I just wish all religious fanatics would go to heaven right now. Why wait?

  4. This is news to you ?
    We got rid of the Cold War and Communism and now it is back to the 11th century.
    It makes the 1930’s with appeasment look like a cake walk
    Yet it is the same Europeans who are selling all of the equipment for petrodollars and looking the other way.
    Did they not learn a lesson from the last go around ?
    Hope they did

  5. TIHZ_HO says:


    Ahh Natasha darlink, I am already to be missing cold war (and moose and squirrel) , that too much better for world, no one to be hurt or killed only talk. – Boris Badenov

    Yes, funny how one cold war gets traded in so quickly for another – kind of a justification for trillions spent on blowing things up?

    Why don’t the terrorists fly planes into buildings in China?

    This gives China trillions of dollars NOT spent on blowing things up. Yea, what do they know – damn commies!


  6. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Maybe I’m misinterpreting your post, but you do realize
    >>“Atheist” is simply a fancy way of saying “None,” right?

    Froggie, I’m getting a little burned out on this topic. The short answer to your question is “No”. The slightly longer answer is ‘”none” means “no religion”; Atheism means “a belief system held with respect to God”‘, which is exactly what a religion is.

    See the “glass” thread for further details.

    I’m going to have a beer.

  7. nightstar says:

    “Why don’t the terrorists fly planes into buildings in China?”

    Because the CIA can’t operate with autonomy in China?

  8. nightstar says:




    atheism (plural atheisms)

    1. Absence of belief in the existence of God or gods.
    2. Disbelief in the existence of God or gods.

  9. bobbo says:

    I think M Mustard is making the logical error of “equivalence” in that he equates the belief in God as a belief system, and the non-belief in God as a belief system, and whereas Religion is a belief system, then non-belief is a religion?

    Yes, test book logical fallacy.

    Keep up the good work.

  10. Mister Mustard says:

    >>God as a belief system, and whereas Religion is a belief
    >>system, then non-belief is a religion?

    No, bobbo, BELIEF that God does not exist (which is nothing like “non-belief”) is a relgion.

    You’re going beyond “test book errors”, into the realm where scratching your balls is interfering with your ability to think.

    Over and out.

  11. nightstar says:

    Atheism literally without belief in god

    Agnostic undecided belief in god

    Anti-theism belief there is no god

    bobbo his fallacy was equivocation.

    don’t worry Mustard, I still love u

  12. JimR says:

    #42… and none of those classify as a religion.

  13. bobbo says:

    You know, M Mustard does have an uncanny insight into certain issues–auto erogenous stimulation for one. I think scratching my balls does interfere from time to time with my postings. Not the thinking part, just the tpying part===whoops there it goes again.

    I’ve always taken “anti-theism” to mean that whether or not god existed, one was against him. That is my position actually so I’d like to keep it straight.

    equivalence==same thing as equivocation? undistributed middle problem.

    But M Mustard does not ken that not collecting stamps is not a hobby so what can we mere mortals with only words do?

  14. Mike Voice says:

    19 The administration Ahmadinejad replaced was far more moderate, but after Bush got up in front of Congress in his 2002 State of the Union address and call Iraq part of the Axis of Evil, the citizens of Iran became nervous that we might attack them. In 2005 he was elected by a populous worried about the threat of the US invaiding Iran, made ever more likely after the US defied the UN and invaided Iraq and now had military on two of their borders.

    Amusing to see the Presidents of both countries winning election by being the candidate that the majority of voters – in their respective countries – felt would keep them safe… i.e. not “soft on defense”.

  15. TIHZ_HO says:

    #45 Like Boris said Darlink, moose and squirrel need cold war for to make army. What else can do Amerika? So Amerika pick fight, call name to Muslim for to make trouble. Amerika government know Amercaski believe what government say

    Za Vashe Zdorovye


  16. iGlobalWarmer (YOY) says:

    Why do we waste time and resources? A few high quality, American made nukes, placed properly takes care of this little inconvenience.

  17. Sounds The Alarm says:


    I second the motion – no troops, just nukes.

  18. Robert Allen says:

    To Quote Eric Phillips #3 poster:
    — Seriously, is this any different than Evangelicals saying if you do not accept Christ as your savior you will burn in hell? —

    The difference is Christians don’t hijack planes and kill tons of people because someone doesn’t believe in their faith.

  19. Misanthropic Scott says:


    Selective reading on your part, IMHO. Have you read the ten commandments? Have you read the penalties for breaking them?

    At what point in Christianity did Christ say to completely throw out the O.T.? And, if he did, why does anyone care about the ten commandments anymore.

    Anyway, there’s a lot of juicy stuff in both Old and New Testaments. If either is read literally, you’ll find plenty of reason to be violent.

    #25 – MM,

    If I read that correctly, non-theists actually top Hindu and make third place. Cool!!!

    #31 – bobbo,

    I don’t understand that difference. What was the government during the Inquisition? I think that’s what our right wing nuts want. If you claim that is different in KIND than Iran, please tell me how.


    You consistently fail to see a difference in these two statements. I can’t understand why.

    1. I believe there is no god.
    2. I do not believe there is a god.

    #47 – Pedro,

    Good point.

    MM, are you not an atheist with respect to Zeus, Thor, FSM, etc? Do you consider your (admittedly presumed) disbelief in the Flying Spaghetti Monster to be an active belief and therefor a religion?

    I’m not trying to be obnoxious about this. If you believe that your disbelief in FSM is a religion in and of itself, then I will admit that my atheism is a religion by your definition. If you see these as different, you can expect this discussion to drag on indefinitely. Atheists see no difference here.

  20. natefrog says:

    #50, Robert:

    Apparently you forget about the Crusades, the Inquisition, Manifest Destiny, abortion clinic bombings, posters #48 & 49…

  21. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Atheists see no difference here.

    Scottie, I think there are a lot of things that Atheists don’t see, beginning with just who they are.

    I fully recognize the difference between an affirmative statement of belief (e.g., “I believe God does not exist”) and the failure to make an affirmative statement of belief (e.g. “I don’t believe that God exists”). The former is a religion (albeit a dark one); the latter is not.

    And the rest of your palaver about the FSM and Zeus is just smoke and mirrors. Other than the most hard-core Jihadists, no relgion considers members of other religions (except for the Atheist one) to be Atheists, agnostics, or any other type of non-believer.

    Kind of early here for a beer, but it’s 5 o’clock somewhere.

  22. Eric Phillips says:

    To Quote Robert Allen, poster #50:

    -The difference is Christians don’t hijack planes and kill tons of people because someone doesn’t believe in their faith.

    They haven’t, yet. However, a Fundie Christian recently built bombs and brought them to the funeral of Fallwell. in case any protesters showed up! Yep, they are building bombs to use against unbelievers. The perp, a 19-year old Liberty University student Mark Uhl reportedly told authorities that he was making the bombs to stop protesters from disrupting the funeral service.

    Back in 1987 some white supremacists, influenced by evangelical christian teaching, were indicted for plotting to poison the municipal water supplies of two major American cities.

    Christian terrorist Eric Robert Rudolph, is an American who committed a series of bombings across the southern United States in the 1990s, killing three people and injuring at least 150 others, because he violently opposed abortion and homosexuality as contrary to Christian doctrine. (Glad he didnt have a plane ticket).

    Clayton Waagner claimed to be on a “mission from God” when he set out with his family on a trip across the United States, intent on killing multiple abortion providers. Ultimately he mailed envelopes, falsely claiming they contained anthrax, to more than 500 abortion facilities, as part of the larger, and unconnected, anthrax attacks of 2001.

    Listen to these fundies talk. Watch Jesus Camp. Read the words of apocalyptic ministers that talk about jump starting the apocalypse. How much of their doctrine is “love thy neighbor.” Not much. Mor like WWJB (Who would Jesus Bomb).

    To paraphrase a really good poem:

    “And when the fundies came to bomb me, there was no one to speak for me.”

  23. Angus says:

    Did we ever figure out if it was him or not in a picture of the Embassy hostage takers? He’s the right age.

  24. Misanthropic Scott says:

    #53 – MM,

    I fully recognize the difference between an affirmative statement of belief (e.g., “I believe God does not exist”) and the failure to make an affirmative statement of belief (e.g. “I don’t believe that God exists”). The former is a religion (albeit a dark one); the latter is not.

    Yet, both are atheists.

  25. Angus says:

    “There is no truth on earth but monotheism and following tenets of Islam and there is no way for salvation of mankind but rule of Islam over mankind,”

    “There is no way to salvation but through Jesus Christ.”

    Two totally opposite views as a main tenant to the two largest religions. Anyone who thinks that this won’t come to head soon is very, very naive.

  26. Misanthropic Scott says:

    #55 – Angus,

    Please remember that we’re at least allegedly trying to preserve our way of life. Innocent until proven guilty is one of the hallmarks of our society. I hope that you have more to go on than age and overall appearance. I know you only asked the question. But, we must nip this kind of thing in the bud before half this country goes off nuking everything in sight.

  27. Misanthropic Scott says:

    #48 – iGlobalWarmer,

    It’s very inconsistent of you to want to use nuclear weapons. They might cool the planet down significantly. I thought you wanted to go swimming at the beach on Baffin Island.

    But look, you’ve already got a crony. Perhaps you should go for the Republican nomination for president.

  28. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Yet, both are atheists.

    First you say they’re different, now you say they’re the same. [sigh].

  29. Misanthropic Scott says:

    #60 – MM,

    No, I say that if you read any dictionary, something you have flatly refused to do, you will find both definitions. Have you never heard of a word with more than one meaning?

  30. Gary Marks says:

    I would argue that America actually is a theocracy. Our religion, known as “Capitalism,” trumps all other forms of worship. It is the religion by which government officials and elected representatives are bought and sold to the highest contributor, even when they claim to be adherents of other religions, such as Christianity.

    Capitalism is also the religion that allows us to overlook and even support many forms of inhumanity as long as profitable trade relationships remain viably intact. This fact is part of our history with both Iran and Iraq. Only when those relationships deteriorate do our lesser “principles” kick in.


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