This guy is a serious psychopath.

President: Rule of Islam only way for salvation of mankind – Irna — The following is a press release from the Islamic Republic (IRAN) News Agency. Apparently the idiot President of Iran, who is hoping to get all his people killed in some war, is now the chief hoo-hah regarding the declaration of Muslim war against the rest of the world. He apparently doesn’t know that the Sunni branch of the religion generally doesn’t follow his orders.

The following is the press release in its entirety.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said here Tuesday that rule of Islam on mankind is the only way for salvation of human beings.

“There is no truth on earth but monotheism and following tenets of Islam and there is no way for salvation of mankind but rule of Islam over mankind,” said Ahmadinejad in a meeting with Afghan Sunni and Shiite ulama at Iranian Embassy in Kabul.

President Ahmadinejad said nations are today distancing themselves from culture of materialism and selfishness and look for a new way for their prosperity, that is the path of Islam.

He said that the world is on verge of a great upheaval and ulama at this juncture shoulder a heavy responsibility that is introducing genuine Islam as it is.

“Nations today have no haven but religion,” the Iranian president announced, cautioning Muslim nations against enemies’ divisive plots.

He said, “All of us have the duty to resist the enemy by closing our ranks.”
He said that the Iranian nation today feels more than ever the need to stand beside the Afghan nation.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran has kindly received their Afghan brothers and will continue to do so in future. Minor issues will cannot affect Iran’s policies on Afghanistan,” he added.

The president said Islam belongs to all generations and Muslims should get ready for global mission of Islam.

found by Bill Reising

  1. stew says:

    Does this guy not know we have a mission accomplished president who is looking for another mission?

  2. jlm says:

    Please nobody tell Pres. Bush about this.

  3. Eric Phillips says:

    Er… where is the “war” part?

    Seriously, is this any different than Evangelicals saying if you do not accept Christ as your savior you will burn in hell?

    Fundamentalist Islam, Fundamentalist Christian, I fear fundamentalist anything.

  4. Scott says:

    Maybe sociopath is a better word? Aww, just use both!

  5. Jägermeister says:

    He must have followed the Saddam Seminar.

  6. MikeN says:

    Yeah, let’s all just ignore the leader that will be at war with us in the future, from a country that was at war with us in the past, and is at war with us now on at least two fronts. Everyone laughed at the neo-cons when the CIA said Iran was at least ten years away from producing a nuclear weapon. Well the next president will take office with Iran less than 5 years away.

  7. RSweeney says:

    He’s just following his religion as written in its holy book.

    Islam is a government, not just a religion.
    And violence to achieve that government is mandated by the Koran if needed.

    This is VERY different from Christian beliefs.

    Read the Koran, see what’s in it for you.
    It’s quite explicit.

  8. bs says:

    #7 Oh you forget how peaceful islam is. Isnt that what all the media are telling us to beleive?

    Yeah, we will all forget how peaceful islam is right after they acquire a nuclear weapon. The paint wont even dry on the damned thing before they hit the west or Israel with it.

  9. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #7 – This is VERY different from Christian beliefs.

    No it isn’t.

  10. Angel H. Wong says:

    “Rule of (Insert your favourite religion here) only way for salvation of mankind.”

  11. Gary Marks says:

    Whatever you think of Ahmadinejad, don’t forget that the ultimate constitutional power over Iran’s foreign policy, security and armed forces is still held by Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, although Ahmadinejad’s ability to affect public opinion with his inflammatory rhetoric should not be overlooked.

    Since the Ayatollah is the Supreme Leader of Iran, I would guess that only an internal coup or a constitutional amendment could change that balance of power, or possibly a western-style invasion that overthrows their government. That last threat is one of their main concerns and a major reason why seeing America bogged down in Iraq is such a relief to Iran, not to mention an impetus for some of their political factions to cause us additional trouble in the region when they can get away with it.

    I’m starting to think that some of the Iranians were listening when our own President named them as one of the three most dangerous and evil nations on earth.

  12. V says:

    Well, he’s right about the upheaval. I’m not sure he realized how much of the next Iranian generation isn’t too fond of him.

  13. chuck says:

    “There is no truth on earth but the Flying Spaghetti monster and following tenets of the Flying Spaghetti monster and there is no way for salvation of mankind but rule of the Flying Spaghetti monster over mankind,” said Ahmadinejad in a meeting with Afghan Sunni and Shiite ulama at Iranian Embassy in Kabul.

  14. Greymoon says:

    The solution to the iranian/usa problem is simple. Equip George and Mahmoud each with a sword and a shield. Escort them to an arena ring the ‘battle’ bell and televise it throughout the world. When one is declared the winner by the death of the other, mankind slays the victor. Problem solved.

  15. James Hill says:

    Looks like the Iraq withdraw is going through Tehran.

  16. Mister Mustard says:

    >>This is VERY different from Christian beliefs.
    >>Read the Koran, see what’s in it for you.

    Is it less violent than what’s in the Bible?

  17. bobbo says:

    While all religions believe they are the salvation of mankind, they differ in degree to which they wish to CONTEST the government for the souls of the peeps versus BE the government as well. A small point and a point on which religions can change over time (slightly) and on which there is a good historical record to judge “real” intentions.

    Xians–not interested in BEING the government.
    Muslims–historically requires BEING the government.

    Yes, even among nutjobs there are differences.

  18. Eric Phillips says:

    But where above does he call for war? That is the question? The first thought when as Islamic leader syas anything religious is to assume it is JIHAD time…. and the bombs are going to fly. That is the mentality of those who see everything as “us” versus “them.”

    Frankly, yes, there are dangerous fundamentalist Islam followers. But Christians have matched them in the past (crusades, Moors driven from Gual, etc.). What is very similar on both sides, ours and Irans, is that each believes themselves right without taking in the rights of the others.

    Certainly after watching Jesus Camp, where the lead Minister tells the camera they must be as ready to die for Christianity as a Muslim is for his, and to see kids praying over a soldier (one of the kids fathers) going to war in Iraq a and calling him Martyr is not healthy.

    All I am saying, and borrowing a little from Jesus, you get what you sow.

    Oh, and #5, he is not a dictator (and not anything like Saddam who was anything but a religious nut). He was an activist who was elected because of our threats against Iran in another George Bush self-fulfilling prophecy. The administration Ahmadinejad replaced was far more moderate, but after Bush got up in front of Congress in his 2002 State of the Union address and call Iraq part of the Axis of Evil, the citizens of Iran became nervous that we might attack them. In 2005 he was elected by a populous worried about the threat of the US invaiding Iran, made ever more likely after the US defied the UN and invaided Iraq and now had military on two of their borders. He came in, promised to fight us and win, and the populace elected him placing a more radical government in power than was there before.

  19. Eric Phillips says:

    #7: Many Christians in America feel that this is a Christian Nation and should be ruled by the Bible. Nothing alike!

    Also, your idea that it is a government and not a religion is another case of stereotyping. I do not claim all Christians are crazy, end times waiting nuts who don’t believe in evolution or global warming. Most are moderate in their views and, frankly, normal. Same with Islam. Many are moderates who do not share the views of fundamentalists. But then again, we always need a faceless enemy. Like the japs… they all looked alike, right? Makes em easier to kill, and the propaganda films of WWII did a good job of spreading these de-humanizaing stereotypes, almost as good as Limbaugh, Beck or Savage.

  20. Misanthropic Scott says:

    #18 – bobbo,

    Actually, the difference is one of magnitude not kind. There are certainly many in this country seeking to legislate from religion. The results of a Christian theocracy would not be much better than an Islamic theocracy. And, a Jewish theocracy would be about the same as a Christian one, there’s just a lot less risk of it due to far lower numbers.

    In short, these three should really just be considered the same thing, Zoroastrianism. They all have more in common with each other than they have differences, regardless of the many flavors of the Judeo-Christian-Islamic religion. I can’t say much about Eastern religions. Some are genuinely different, for example Jainism. A Jainist theocracy would be interesting. It would be illegal to kill bugs. Of course, there would also be no way to enforce the law.

    Hmm…. Maybe we should avoid all sectarian states. Oh, anyone notice that sectarian starts with sect? By its nature and purpose, religion is divisive, and in our xenophobic species, predictably violent.

  21. nightstar says:

    So many chickenhawks here ripping on Islam.

    I’m an Atheist myself. So don’t attribute any religious bias to my rant please.

    What I read from Ahmadinejad’s statement is that he’s just as deluded in his believe in monotheism as the Christians and Jews, and that he feels empathy for his Islamic brothers and sisters around the world subjected to persecution and subjugation. In addition he calls for a union of like minded individuals to defend themselves from foreign invaders.

    Sounds reasonable to me when placed in the context of the unjustified invasion of Afghanistan and the ILLEGAL invasion of Iraq. To say nothing of George Bush our Moron in chief naming Iran amongst the Axis of Evil(Evil being an exclusively religious concept BTW).

    Bill, your lead in commentary saddens me. I guess you prefer the sound of our chief hooh-hah rattling his own saber.

  22. Misanthropic Scott says:

    This is going to seem like a tangent, but actually will relate back to post #19 by Eric Phillips.

    In the most recent document of the UN Millennium Development Goals for sustainability, there was going to be a statement about attempting to keep population growth in check. (This didn’t make it in, so I don’t know what the text would have said. Presumably, it would have spoken of educating women and getting them into the work force in the developing nations, which is the most reliable and most humane way to limit population growth.)

    Anyway, there were three “nations” that vetoed the statement and kept it out of the final document. See if you can find the similarity in these three nations. Consider the motive for rejecting such a statement despite the fact that we are past peak grain and past peak fisheries output but not yet at peak human population.

    OK, has anyone guessed the three?

    Iran, The Vatican, and The United States.

    So, what do these have in common? Well, two are outright theocracies. The third is the most religiose of the developed democratic nations of the world and has a large minority of the population that really does want to create The Democratic Peoples’ Republic of the Christian States of America.

  23. The next time I hear someone equate this Islamic fanatic to a Christian fundamentalist I think I’ll throw up. Christianity teaches us to love and pray for our enemies, not start a holy war to purge them from the earth (as does the Koran). I don’t know of an Islamic equivalent of “turning the other cheek”. Anyone else?

  24. Mister Mustard says:

    >>I’m an Atheist myself. So don’t attribute any religious bias to my
    >>rant please.

  25. nightstar says:

    #7 Do you number Catholics amongst the Christians? (rhetorical question in case you couldn’t guess)

    Lemme educate you on a few points.

    Have you ever hear of the Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith? It was formally known as the office of the holy inquisitor. Ya thats right. Guess who most recently held that office.

    I bet you can’t guess so I’ll tell you. Cardinal Josef Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI (also a former Nazi youth). What a trip eh.

    I know what your going to say. All Christians arent like those heretical Catholics! Don’t paint us all with the same brush.

    Have I made my point clearly enough, hypocrite?

  26. Mister Mustard says:

    >>The next time I hear someone equate this Islamic fanatic to a
    >>Christian fundamentalist I think I’ll throw up. Christianity teaches
    >>us to love and pray for our enemies, not start a holy war to
    >>purge them from the earth

    You may be confusing “Christian Fundamentalism” with some other kinder, gentler religion.

    The amount of hatred, torture, and death inflicted by “Christian Fundamentalists” compares well with the best serial killers the Koran can offer up.

  27. JPV says:

    Wow… I had no idea that this site was run by Neocon/Zionist propagandist idiots.

  28. JPV says:

    Here, watch this video about “Rapture Ready” Christian fanatics talking about the end of the world…

    One of these fanatics, who you may have heard of , by the name of Tom Delay, was recorded saying that he can’t wait for the Rapture and hopes that it comes tomorrow.

    Sorry, I am FAR more afraid of the lunatics in my country, than of those in others.

  29. Shucks, ol President Mahmoud A.’s God doesn’t have a chance against that other president’s God –

    . I am driven with a mission from God. God would tell me, ‘George go and fight these terrorists in Afghanistan’. And I did. And then God would tell me ‘George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq’. And I did. – That ‘ other ‘ President

    God, as I don’t understand Him at all, I just accept Him, told me to post this message.

    Allen McDonald, El Galloviejo®

  30. bobbo says:

    21—Scott, are you trying to go 360 on me again?

    Whether or not a religion seeks to be the government as well as just an irrelevent religion is a difference in KIND, not degree. A following proof that assumes each religion has become the government says nothing about the original premise.

    Even when the Catholics and Protestants held the majority of a country, all they wanted to be was “the only religion”–they didn’t try to become the government.

    A difference. Doesn’t make any one of them less insane than the others. But the requirement of intellect is to spot the differences as well as the similarities.


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