This guy is a serious psychopath.

President: Rule of Islam only way for salvation of mankind – Irna — The following is a press release from the Islamic Republic (IRAN) News Agency. Apparently the idiot President of Iran, who is hoping to get all his people killed in some war, is now the chief hoo-hah regarding the declaration of Muslim war against the rest of the world. He apparently doesn’t know that the Sunni branch of the religion generally doesn’t follow his orders.

The following is the press release in its entirety.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said here Tuesday that rule of Islam on mankind is the only way for salvation of human beings.

“There is no truth on earth but monotheism and following tenets of Islam and there is no way for salvation of mankind but rule of Islam over mankind,” said Ahmadinejad in a meeting with Afghan Sunni and Shiite ulama at Iranian Embassy in Kabul.

President Ahmadinejad said nations are today distancing themselves from culture of materialism and selfishness and look for a new way for their prosperity, that is the path of Islam.

He said that the world is on verge of a great upheaval and ulama at this juncture shoulder a heavy responsibility that is introducing genuine Islam as it is.

“Nations today have no haven but religion,” the Iranian president announced, cautioning Muslim nations against enemies’ divisive plots.

He said, “All of us have the duty to resist the enemy by closing our ranks.”
He said that the Iranian nation today feels more than ever the need to stand beside the Afghan nation.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran has kindly received their Afghan brothers and will continue to do so in future. Minor issues will cannot affect Iran’s policies on Afghanistan,” he added.

The president said Islam belongs to all generations and Muslims should get ready for global mission of Islam.

found by Bill Reising

  1. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #72 – Whether or not atheism is or is not a religion is really a pretty boring question. Does it matter?


    Because I’ll be damned if I’m going to have my good named smeared with the accusation that I belong to a religion.

    Besides, anyone educated knows how to read a dictionary. This question isn’t even open to debate. Trying to claim atheism is a religion is like trying to claim the moon is square.

  2. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Because I’ll be damned if I’m going to have my good named
    >>smeared with the accusation that I belong to a religion.

    Too fucking bad, OFTLO 🙂 I wish your mommy had told you you can’t always get what you need. And when you proclaim adherance to a belief system related to God or a higher power, you’re in a religion.

    Suck it in, and deal with it. So solly.

  3. nightstar says:


    Did I say you could come out of the corner yet?

    You get another hour for Trolling with Castro, another for the ad hominem attack on my comment “#38 thus spoke the short sighted.”

    Now stay there!

  4. doug says:

    #94. You must be one of those a-holes who jump to conclusions. I was rebutting an assertion that if Muslims got the bomb, they would be nuking Israel, not preaching the general virtues of the USSR, Pakistan, Israel or India.

  5. nightstar says:

    #50 Robert Allen said

    “The difference is Christians don’t hijack planes and kill tons of people because someone doesn’t believe in their faith.”

    I suppose that means that you believe the official conspiracy theory on the 911 attacks Robert.

    Too bad you don’t check your facts better. It seems the Saudi’s that allegedly hijacked those airplanes like booze and strippers(according to FBI reports), which means they probably weren’t Islamic fundamentalists.

    In any event your condemnation of Iran Islam as a dangerous nation based on the past actions of a group of individuals who may or may not have been Muslims but none of whom were Iranian is a classic logical fallacy.

    Lets play a game. It’s name that fallacy!

    (hint there’s more than one fallacy in his argument)

    A kudos and respect to the first one to answer correctly.

  6. natefrog says:

    #93: Har har! You’re so funny!

  7. Eric Phillips says:

    #100: Maybe they cut some slack for their soon to be martyrs? I’ve always thought that anyone in the military should be able to buy booze: if you are old enough to die you should be allowed to do anything an adult can.

  8. Jägermeister says:

    #100 – nightstar – I suppose that means that you believe the official conspiracy theory on the 911 attacks Robert.

  9. Misanthropic Scott says:

    #91 – Mister Mustard,

    Don’t need no moral code, don’t need no practices, and don’t need no stinkin’ institutions. Just need a blind faith belief in something relating to God.

    Ah Mustard, you’re such a gas. But, please don’t be ob-noxious.

    Look, I used your own definition. I showed you that atheism does not meet your preferred definition. This was your chance to lose gracefully. None of us can win every argument.

    Those of us with brains on this site are likely here to improve the memepool. Sometimes that involves fixing our own memes, as happened to me just yesterday (or the day before). I know you liked the meme about atheism being a religion. However, it’s just not true, not even by the definition you selected and supplied. Or, is there some part of AND with which you are having trouble? remember the part of your definition I highlighted began with AND. You don’t get to quite just the bit you like from your definition, perhaps if it had been OR, but not with AND.

    You know as well as I do that

    true && false && false && false == false

    That’s just basic logic. I couldn’t do my job for 5 minutes without that.

    So, we took a memeograph of your memes, called the memeologist to go over it. He said it’s benign, but is pressing on your brain and harming some of the thought processes around it.

    So, we’ll get an anesthesiologist to gas the Mustard then a surgeon to cut the Mustard. And, we’ll get rid of the bad meme. Don’t worry, there’s a 99.3% recovery rate. Afterwards you can go back to supplying good content on this blog.

    Oh, and you can also drop the condescension. The patronizing bits of your argument do nothing to convince me. They certainly don’t make me feel inferior to you, as you may have intended. In fact, they really just serve to make you sound like a sore loser unwilling to consider other opinions and unwilling to change your own in light of good solid logic.

  10. nightstar says:

    #103 I’ve seen this hit piece before. It cherry picks a few nutbars who are easy to discredit and claims they represent the Truth Movement(straw man fallacy).

    It doesn’t explain the inconsistencies in the official explanations. All in all a hollow piece of dogmatic rhetoric disguised as common sense for the simple minded.

  11. nightstar says:

    never did I call Jagermeister simple minded. Reread and comprehend.
    I claim the intent of the video is to decieve the simple minded. You directly called me “short sighted”

    I understand that such differences can be troublesome to ferret out but do your best Pedro.

  12. nightstar says:


    Get back in that corner!

  13. Li says:

    Can you see that thin heat line on the horizon? That’s the road that conversation should have gone down; we veered off it hours ago.

    I think we are all doomed to die in the desert of offense, or is it the waste of contrived difference? Who knows, I’m not driving this bus.

  14. Li says:

    By the way, on the topic at hand; The president of Iran has no power. Most of his people think he’s a fruitcake, and the glorious march of the 12th Imam’s army ended when everyone in Iraq decided that they were a better target, for the day or so they lasted.

    Unless we attack Iran, and prove our apparent lack of strategic wisdom, they pose less of a danger to us than lead leaching from Chinese made Hello Kitty merchandise.

    As for threats of violence, it’s hard to beat #48 and #49’s opinion that we should just murder everybody in Iran, including the 80-90% that are on our side. I guess the difference between islamofascists and and our local variety is that the former will try to convert you, while the latter will just kill you, and your family, and your dog on a blinking video screen. Way to make our side look worse than theirs, guys!

  15. nightstar says:

    Just one more lash for Pedro before we abandon the bus.

    Pedro, your very post was a double logical fallacy. First the Blatant “Castro follower” ad hominem, and second the Tu quoque ad hominem in defense of your previous personal attacks.

    Have you no other mode?

  16. Li says:

    I think we’re all bozos on this bus.

  17. TIHZ_HO says:

    Rubber yellow line.

    WOW 113 comments, is this a record?


  18. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Ah Mustard, you’re such a gas. But, please don’t be ob-noxious.

    Take a chill pill, Scottie. I don’t bust your balls about worshiping in your church, please reciprocate.

  19. Mister Mustard says:

    Oh Pedro; I have hands off ears and the only dictionaries and grammar books that are NOT in front of me are ones like bobbos ESL “engrish for dummies” ones.

    The amount of fury and anger devoted by Atheists insisting that their religion is not a religion is prima facie evidence that there must be some fire underneath all that smoke.


  20. Gary Marks says:

    Mister Mustard, your insincere wordplay and definition shifting illustrates with utter clarity the disingenuousness that I’ve so often seen in the Christian community. You must be very proud. I’m sure there will be many more word battles ahead. You’ve proven yourself equal to any task, so long as truth is not involved.

  21. TIHZ_HO says:

    #117 The amount of fury and anger devoted by Atheists insisting that their religion is not a religion is prima facie evidence that there must be some fire underneath all that smoke.

    So…if not believing in God or in any form or ascribing to any beliefs that there is anything but what we see all round us you consider this still a religion.

    Your argument can only work that One these are all beliefs which cannot be proven otherwise and two beliefs are what makes religions therefore

    A: I believe there is a God

    B: No I believe there isn’t.

    Both A & B cannot be proven therefore as they are beliefs.

    BUT only because B cannot be proven is this a religion? Regardless of what a dictionary states religions are beliefs of a higher deity in any form.

    A: I believe the Democrats are what is bad for America!

    B: I believe the Republicans are what is bad for America!

    Either cannot be proven so are both beliefs religions?

    To be a Religion a higher deity is needed in the belief.

    Why has this been so difficult? Perhaps all the fire is from the frustration. 😉


  22. Misanthropic Scott says:

    #115 – MM,

    Take a chill pill, Scottie. I don’t bust your balls about worshiping in your church, please reciprocate.

    Really? Could’ve fooled me. remember typing this particularly petulant and immature piece of crap back in post #91?

    So you’re primitive. Big fucking deal. Nobody holds that against you.

    I think at this point it is very obvious that you are just completely wrong on this issue. And, when you are wrong and proven so, you behave like a spoiled child.

    In short, fuck you very much, have a shitty day.

    And, please expect that if, in the future, you continue to attempt to propagate your meme, I will simply reply with links to this thread on which you lost the damn argument and weren’t adult enough to admit it.

  23. Misanthropic Scott says:

    #121 – pedro,

    I don’t swear to god about anything. Occasionally, just for show, I’ll swear at god. I usually do it just to shock theists. Sometimes, it affects the odd agnostic as collateral damage. It’s a good way of demonstrating that I have no doubts. Honestly though, if I did have doubts, it wouldn’t stop me. The god of the Judeo-Christian-Islamic religion, if such a creature did exist, is a spoiled brat not worthy of my worship. And, if heaven is filled with holier than thou born-agains, that would be hell enough for me. I don’t want to go.

    As for #91 really being the one true Mustard, the handwriting matches.

  24. Mister Mustard says:

    >>It’s a good way of demonstrating that I have no doubts.

    Scottie, when the Atheists seek to persecute me over my self-evident statement that “Atheism is a religion”, I should just refer them to your posts. You make the point much better than me. You’re quite eloquent for an engineer on the Enterprise.

  25. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #123 – Jumping Jesus!!!!!

    WTF is your definition of “persecute”?????

  26. Misanthropic Scott says:

    #123 – Mister Musturd,

    Sorry, your argument is full of shit. I showed you that atheism is not a religion by your own chosen definitions of both. Now, despite the fact that you’re the only one on the blog that sees it this way, you claim your statement is self-evident??!!?

    If I were you, I would stop responding on this thread. Pretend you never read the last post. And, never bring up the subject again.

    You are as wrong as it is possible to be. You have no leg to stand on. Please go back to contributing on other subjects and take the time to do some soul searching on why you cannot accept the loss of a single argument. Grow up.

    And, yes, one of the reasons atheists get so upset over such a statement is that it is patently offensive as well as false. Atheists are already the least respected minority in the country. Please do not persist in furthering such prejudice.

    No need to reply. Really.

  27. Misanthropic Scott says:

    #124 – pedro,

    I was being ironic.

    I knew that. I just happen to be the particular variety of asshole that answers rhetorical questions and takes everything literally. It’s fun.

  28. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #127 – Atheists are already the least respected minority in the country.

    We aren’t disrespected by anyone who matters 🙂

  29. Chuck E Macho says:

    “There’s no would like of a ferret to catch a harlot.” ~ English Proverb


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