An on-line outdoor retailer in the United States is selling camouflaged Bibles, a curious product which says a lot about American culture.

“Our Bible in Realtree camo is our best selling item, followed closely by our camo Bible cover,” said David Lingner, the president of Arkansas-based Christian Outdoorsman.

The cover of this Bible is graced by leaves and tree bark. This enables the devout who also hunt to take their Bible into the woods with them while concealing it from their prey.

Also on offer is a camo waterproof Bible. “Water, ice or condensation will not damage this durable word of God,” proclaims the on-line sales pitch.

You can’t make this shit up!

  1. Kurt Nelson says:

    And why do you classify this as ‘shit”? Also why is Christian misspelled?

  2. Doug McIntosh says:

    I was given a camouflage covered bible by our chaplain when I was in the Army. Its not that uncommon.

  3. hhopper says:

    Cripes! Now they can sneak up on me and preach!

  4. grog says:

    sitting in a tree stand hunting deer can be very, very boring, and a glossy bible would spook your quarry

    if you’re into bible study, this would actually be a good use of time

  5. GigG says:

    As a fellow Arkansan I can tell you that they will put camo on anything around here. Seems real popular on trucks that you can tell have never been anywhere near the woods.

  6. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Also why is Christian misspelled?

    I think it’s a “competing religions” thing.

  7. undissembled says:

    Nothing like smiting an innocent animal. Much like god smiting a 3 year old by a drunk driver.

  8. hhopper says:

    I saw a camo Corvette the other day.

  9. Gary Marks says:

    Maybe if Cheney had been holding one of these hunting Bibles, the Lord would have given him the wisdom to look twice before shooting his friend in the neck. Then again, maybe you can’t force feed wisdom to an unwilling recipient.

  10. nightstar says:

    You misread the circumstances Gary. Cheney was reading from his and the Lord spoke to him.

    And the lord said unto Cheney “Dick, Shoot the heathen geezer in his throat that he may asphyxiate on his own blood. Aim true Dick that my kingdom may become greater with the help of you my faithful servant.”

  11. undissembled says:

    Block the F’n Coulter ad already!

  12. Gary Marks says:

    Nightstar, voices in their heads is a common phenomenon amongst schizophrenics and religious folks.

    Some people won’t see the redundancy there 😉

  13. god says:

    Cripes! I’ve been missing all the fun since this morning. Actually had to get some work finished.

    Anyway – #12 – I’d say it’s more like a cause-and-effect relationship.

    But for the really concerned – like #1 – here’s some industry stats to keep you awake at night:

  14. tallwookie says:

    I want it so that all prostelitizing idiots are required to, by law, wear one of those HUGE Sumo suits. To make them more visible – if anything.

    Now they can have the camo bible – much good it’ll do em now 😉

  15. Misanthropic Scott says:

    Funny, I’d have expected a camouflaged bible to be one with a cover that says something like “Cosmology, Particle Physics, Relativity and Evolution for Dummies”.

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    They camouflaged the bible so normal people can’t see those hidden meanings inside.

    But that’s OK, now some Great White Hunter, oh mighty Nimrod of Christ, can sit in a tree reading all about Sodom and Gomorrah and then flip over to read some Songs of Solomon. Then he can shake the tree a little and no one would realize what just happened.

    Lucky deer.

  17. Jägermeister says:

    Any city camouflaged Bibles for the Christian militia?

  18. Matthew says:

    We use to get camo bibles when I was deployed in Bosnia

  19. Jim says:

    “You can’t make this shit up!” – Well, when you consider that ALL RELIGION IS MADE UP, this is not surprising !!!

  20. Hello,
    I am Rev Glen Morgan,the president of christ the king church of ghana branch and I want to order 200 pieces of only bible . I need it very urgently for the church,.I want you to give me the price on that system ASAP and let me know the availabity and if you accept Credit Card for payment.Your promt responds will be very much appreciated.Thank you and have a great day.
    best regards,
    Rev Glen Morgan


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