The judge who lost a $54 million lawsuit against his former dry cleaner is fighting their attempts to collect their attorneys’ fees from him.

He’s challenges the defense’s motion to recover the $82,907.50 that the Chung family owes to defend themselves against Pearson’s 2005 lawsuit and the ensuing two years of litigation.

But while the Chungs were off the hook for the $54 million – lowered from $67 million – they incurred tens of thousands of dollars in attorneys’ fees.

I hope they get every penny.

  1. Sounds The Alarm says:

    So many assholes – so few bullets.

  2. Sounds The Alarm says:

    After reading the article – I see he was a DC judge. Can’t think of a better man for the city.

  3. GigG says:

    And it looks like he might loose his job.

    [Please use for overly long URLs. – ed.]

  4. Steve says:

    #1 – Obviously you should do what I do. Buy more ammunition. Harder to do since the war is drying up the market. 🙁

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    I don’t understand why they wouldn’t be entitled to recoup their attorney fees. They made a reasonable offer to the guy in the beginning and he refused it. He dragged it out causing them to rack up higher and higher attorney fees. Also, his own attorney fees were inflated in his law suit.

    I hope the dipshit ends up paying through the nose.

  6. Mister Mustard says:

    That asshole should be fired, AND have to pay the Koreans’ legal fees AND punitive damages AND a fine for being a fucking asshole. I’d even go so far as to say he should be waterboarded, have women’s panties placed on his head, and be beaten senseless by Lynndie England. The funny papers couldn’t have dreamed up a more bizarre caricature of a “judge”.

    The only question remaining is “what was he thinking???”

  7. BubbaRay says:

    #5, Mr. Fusion, #6, Mr. Mustard, and all of you —

    Right on target, I can’t think of anyone I’d rather see get fried for being a jerk. A judge? Nice judgmental capabilites, that one. This guy couldn’t judge a beauty contest…

  8. Nimby says:

    I just think it would be interesting to review some of this guy’s previous judgements. Capital offense of jaywalking, anybody?

  9. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #6 – That asshole should be fired, AND have to pay the Koreans’ legal fees AND punitive damages AND a fine for being a fucking asshole.

    Yes… Minus the cost of one pair of pants, of course… after all, justice must be served 🙂

  10. Misanthropic Scott says:

    #6 – MM,

    You beat me to it!! The first thing I thought of was punitive damages. I’m not sure I see the distinction between punitive damages and “you’re an asshole” damages. But, sure, get him twice if possible. Three times even better.

    The funny papers couldn’t have dreamed up a more bizarre caricature of a “judge”.

    Yes. It’s hard to beat reality in bizarreness quotient.

    The only question remaining is “what was he thinking???”

    You’re giving way too much credit. The EEG has likely been flat for years.

  11. hhopper says:

    OK, my turn. I think they should take all of his assets, give them to the Dry Cleaner guy, get the biggest trebuchet they can find, light him on fire and shoot him into the night sky.

    Oh look! It’s asshole judge comet!

    Plus he gets the Ultimate King Kahuna Moron Award and I’m sure BubbaRay will give him the BubbaRayDipDork Award too.

  12. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Yes… Minus the cost of one pair of pants, of
    >>course… after all, justice must be served 🙂

    Seems like I read somewhere that the dickwad got his pants back. If so, they should make him donate them to the Salvation Army. Nice pants, if they’re “valued” at $800. That would buy about 20 pairs of what I wear.

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    #11, Hopper,

    Oh look! It’s asshole judge comet!

    Geeze, I’ve got a stitch in my side now. That was hilarious !!!!!

    And TWO awards !!!!!

    Hey, the Perseid Meteors were pretty neat last night. I hope most of you got a chance to see some of them. One was pretty good, it lit up almost half the night sky. Now I’m wondering if it was a flaming asshole flying across the sky.

    Damn, that is funny.

  14. BubbaRay says:

    #13, Mr. Fusion, did you see that great article on Cage Match yesterday about the Perseids?,1975.msg7425.html

  15. morram says:

    Is this the same judge that uses a penis pump during cases? I wouldn’t think he’d be needing pants.

  16. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #12 – Nice pants, if they’re “valued” at $800. That would buy about 20 pairs of what I wear.

    If I work really hard and keep my nose to the grindstone, I hopefully be able to live a swanky life like yours too 🙂

    Based on the pants that are covering my man parts right now, I could buy about 45.74 pair, but that isn’t accounting for tax… and the .74 pair are more accurately described as knickers.

  17. BubbaRay says:

    #11, Hop, you may have some of my solid rocket propellant to use when launching the jerk plaintiff from the trebuchet.

    And you are correct, Sir! Although usually reserved for posters on DU and Cage Match, The prestigious BubbaRayDipDork Award is hereby awarded to (ta-da):

    The Not So Honorable Plaintiff Roy L. Pearson

  18. BubbaRay says:

    Hop, it’s incredible that this guy was awarded both the UKKMA and the BRDDA simultaneously. This is a first that shall be written and preserved for the ages.

    What a judge!

  19. Eddie says:

    The judge should follow this guy’s roll:
    The Chinese toy factory owner at the centre of the storm over lead-tainted Sesame Street figures has committed suicide, the state-run media reported today.

  20. James Hill says:

    Suicide is painless…

  21. MikeN says:

    Why should he have to pay? Setting this type of precedent discourages poor people from suing because they might become broke. It is te prospect of having to pay huge fees if they go to trial that makes it easier to take companies to court and get them to settle out of court for a few grand or more.

  22. Mr. Fusion says:

    #19, My head is bare, my hand is over my heat. It is the moments like this in my doddering old age. And that tear in the corner of my eye, that is real.

  23. Ron Larson says:

    Here in Australia when you sue someone, you have to pay the defendant’s legal fees if you loose. So it makes a plaintiff think twice before filing a lawsuit.

    There are those here that argue that this is unfair for poor plaintiff’s seeking justice against deep pocket corporations.

  24. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Say buh-bye to Hizzoner (I hope):
    Click here.

  25. hhopper says:

    Whoa Mr. Fusion, take your hand off your heat.

  26. DavidtheDuke says:

    I wholeheartedly think they deserve $100,000 extra for pain and suffering. Too bad such a concept is tainting by ill-judgement of filers and retarded “judges” like these among others.

  27. Angel H. Wong says:


    Go to Wal-Mart.

  28. hhopper says:

    You’re right Angel, they’ve got plenty of both there.

  29. Mr. Fusion says:

    #26, Hopper,

    My kid is playing Pirate and stole the arrrrrr from my heart.

  30. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #21 – James Hill

    “Suicide is painless…”

    Are you speaking from experience?


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