Lost deputies found near marijuana site

Ten sheriffs deputies who got stranded in the woods of southwest Washington while busting a marijuana-growing operation were rescued Sunday.

Skamania County Sheriff Dave Brown said the officers spent Saturday removing thousands of marijuana plants from a large growing operation in the Dog Creek area, about 56 miles east of Vancouver.

Brown said the site was in extremely rugged terrain, and the team became disoriented on Saturday as daylight started to run out. They hunkered down until rescuers reached them Sunday morning.

Disoriented? Hah!

via Thomas Johnson

So how can I resist running with this, the classic Ellen Feiss Apple advertisement:

  1. John Paradox says:

    “It was really good paper”



  2. ChrisMac says:

    Only in the Pacific Northwest can cops enjoy their jobs this much..

    Try ripping out a grow show like this in mexico or south thereof.. Without air support and body armour…

  3. Shubee says:

    That ad tells me that Apple wants to be known as the computer manufacture for creative artists, pot smokers and the dregs of society.

  4. Chris says:

    I swear Grandma, it was just allergies and benadryl…….LOL

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    This what happens when you mark your trail to the pot with something like Skittles or M&Ms. They won’t be there when you need them later.

  6. natefrog says:

    Say what you want about crazy Mac girl, but I’m sure more than a few of us would still hit that!

    (No pun inten… Oh, nevermind.)

  7. OmarTheAlien says:

    “Creative artists, pot smokers and the dregs of society”? Hey, it took me nearly forty years to figure out that’s where I need to be, and I’ve been working out a controlled crash for the last three years. And I’m about there, and feeling more comfortable all the time.

  8. ChrisMac says:

    #6- I think i have hit that.. but i can’t quite remember

  9. nightstar says:

    They should have brought those zig-zags. That way they wouldn’t have smoked the map.

  10. ChrisMac says:

    Nice Cont TIVO ‘erm U”

  11. TIHZ_HO says:

    Love the Apple ad!

    So the point of the ad is that if you are really clueless get an Apple?

    That is what I always said and Apple supports it! Brilliant! LOL!!


  12. tallwookie says:

    yeah the so-called “war on drugs” has made the good ol usa a laughingstock – also the most enduring legacy of the regan administration…

  13. All American says:

    All the money we WASTE on the war on drugs and they couldn’t afford to get a GPS unit? Who’s running this countr….. oh yeah. Well I’m glad they were rescued.

  14. Ted Sbardella says:

    The Mac Girl was only 14 when she did the commercial and was not stoned she was fourteen which can seem like a adult who was on medical marijuana. She was asked to be silly which is what happens to be the natural state of 14 year old girls who are put in stressful situations in front of cameras with adults. look here Now there are plenty of pictures of people who are actually using medical marijuana and under the influence. If you want I can go to the coffee shop near by and take a picture of the barista she regularly uses medical marijuana for various cronic ailments like work related work disorder.

  15. Jägermeister says:

    And this must be Ellen Feiss’ boyfriend

  16. ECA says:

    I find it Funny…
    That a bunch of Cops are wondering into a forested area….
    And NOt taking backpacks, with some NEEDED supplies, or a SMALL amount of wilderness training…
    Bring the shovel and CELLPHONE, but NOT the flashlight or Compass, or a GPS… HOW about food and water?

  17. TIHZ_HO says:

    #17 Right!

    #15 Ted Sbardella …WTF? So she ACTS dopey and goofy (Gawrsh) and this was the image Apple wanted portrayed as a persuasive argument to switch to Macs. LOL

    Apple thought this is a good argument that if you are that dopey and goofy don’t worry we dumbed down computers to the point so even you can manage to turn it on and don’t they look nice and on 24hrs too.

    Like home mortgages – don’t worry you don’t have to know anything about that we made it easy!

    Doesn’t make it better though…



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