An SUV mounted gatling gun? If you ever see one of these things coming down the street, head for cover.

Found by Bill Reising

  1. Jägermeister says:

    This will take road rage to a new level. 🙂

  2. Bigby says:

    Hot bullet casings are really gonna mess up the paint on those vans.

  3. ECA says:

    Like all the reinforcement needed to install that on the Roof??
    And 1 shot in the radiator and the thing wont get 1 mile.

  4. Chuck says:

    @ #3:

    It would if it were one of these:

  5. Improbus says:

    Why not escape the pretense and just use an APC.

  6. joshua says:

    Can’t let my Mom see one of these….she’s been looking for a way to get a closer parking spot at Cosco. 🙂

  7. pjakobs says:

    This could make all the warlords and taliban buy American!
    So far, they’re mostly preferring Toyota pickups, so if the vehicle is as reliable and all terrain as the Toyotas, it might have a future all over Africa, the middle east and places like Pakistan, Afghanistan, Usbekistan etc.

    Happy selling


  8. moss says:

    The Toyota pickups are usually diesel-powered and have 3 times the range of the blimpmobile.

    As for firepower, the smartest dudes rely on what they steal from Americans – or what we left lying around after Mission Accomplished.

    Total cost = a tenth of what the Pentagon, Halliburton, KBR – and ultimately the American taxpayer gets to pay for the demo goodies.

  9. JimR says:

    #3 ECA, exactly! LOL. You could stop them with a 22 or a an arrow.
    Yeeeeee haaaaw !

  10. Awake says:

    This is apparently designed to protect convoys. Too bad that it is a “does not apply” weapon for most convoys.
    a) You see him shooting upwards towards a helicopter. Our enemy typically does not have any helicopters.
    b) You see him shooting towards specific targets. In the majority of cases, convoys are being attacked remotely, with no shooters to shoot back at.
    It looks cool, but it is about as useful as Humvee mounted TOW missiles.

  11. bill says:

    Great for ‘crowd control’ in the Bagdad Farmers Market.

  12. morbo says:

    Should be an automated turret, you dont want the human out of the vehicle. There is a new US apc that has the gun control in the vehicle. So a good sight/thermal in the car and no exposure. I wouldn’t want to be up there on the roof with my back turned waiting for someone to pop me off.

  13. Les says:

    I like metalstorm better.

  14. ZeOverMind says:

    And to think the cops got upset when a friend of mine had a spotlight mounted on top of his truck.

  15. Mr. Fusion says:

    #10, Awake,

    I would have thought this would be more appropriate for guarding against kidnappings in places like South America.

  16. Mac Guy says:

    #15 – That’s exactly what I was thinking. Make it part of a motorcade protecting diplomats and other high value targets in a hostile environment.

    Also, just because he’s apparently shooting at helicopters doesn’t make it any less practical. It’s just to show the flexibility and firing angles that this configuration can support, and there are plenty of high-rises in Bogotá and Baghdad from which snipers can attack.

  17. Matt says:

    This is why I live in Canada.

  18. Froggmann says:

    This thing would be great for knocking those pesky Priuses out of the carpool lane.

  19. Lady Be Good says:

    Spray and pray because you’re going to get an RPG up the keister.

  20. nightstar says:

    #17 Matt said “This is why I live in Canada.”

    Amen Brother!

    and yet…. Doesn’t the 800lb Gorilla to the south frighten you just a little bit?

  21. TIHZ_HO says:

    #21 “thanks very much for your post” WTF? – Oh its spam…

    BTW hose bags are WAY overpriced! $5~$15 in Chinese retail shops – don’t fall for it!


    [ed. – #21 comment deleted]

  22. JPV says:

    I’m sure that the police departments all across America will love using these vehicles, when they are deployed later next year.

  23. Steve S says:

    I am going to write to this company and suggest they make a slightly de-tuned version (lower firing rate – ammo is expensive and lead is know by the state of California to cause birth defects!) for the civilian market. The Los Angeles area is begging for something like this!

  24. GigG says:

    All that brass on the roof can’t be good for the paint job.

  25. Li says:

    This verhicle seems more designed for police rather than military ops, for reasons outlined (easy to disable, short range). Tell me, why do police agencies need the capability to slaughter hundreds of people? This thing scares me.

  26. C0D3R says:

    #3 #9 Any info backing up the “will only go a mile on a punctured radiator” claim?

    In my experience, a car with a burst radiator hose drove me 45 minutes at 10 to 45 MPH over about 15 miles. Once it cooled down, I replaced the hose filled the radiator. And off I went the next day.

    I’ve also seen Demolition Derby events where the radiator is punctured, the fluid eventully boils dry (steam stops) and the car keeps raming others for a very long time.

  27. Li says:

    It depends on how hot the weather is, and the vintage of the engine. A lot of modern engines aren’t very tolerant of coolant loss. Nonetheless, any vehicle on rubber tires and a truck frame is going to be easy to disable by a foe with even rudimentary weapons. Big firepower can’t fend off booby traps and the like. Perhaps it is simply a product without a reasonable use, though I’m sure our tax dollars will be thrown at it somehow.

  28. Rob Leather says:

    .. and optional extras a 4 warming cup holders, GPS Satellite Navigation and a “I’m a gun toating American idiot” T-Shirt.

  29. Comrades, do you not recognize a presidential support vehicle? Almost all of the comments about disabling are correct, however the purpose of this vehicle is to make the bad guys put their heads down, one way or another, while the principal unasses the kill zone. Think about PSD work and you’ll realize how effective this platform really is. And what, you think they only have one? Ok, op sec probably applies so that’s as far as I’ll go. spasibo

  30. ECA says:

    A rapid deploy weapon as such that cant take a HIT, is only a LARGE TARGET…
    Its to light to take much of a hit, Watch it sway around…Only defence is in the turret.


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