An SUV mounted gatling gun? If you ever see one of these things coming down the street, head for cover.

Found by Bill Reising

  1. John says:

    What makes you think that the turret is the only modification to the vehicle? You can bet it has run flat tires, If not even equiped with rubber bladders inside that can be refilled on the move.
    You can also bet that there is steel baffeling behind the grille/ in front of the radiator. Floors, doors, roof and glass? all Stock and not able to stop a high velocity round?……. MY A$$
    Where do you think you could hide from 6,000 rounds per minutes in a urban enviroment? Behind a cement block wall? lmao, brick wall? hahaha, there is precious little that will keep some one safe from that many bullets going down rage .
    I just hope the bad guys keep thinking like #3,8,9,10.

  2. PSD Tinman says:

    I work as a private military contractor. I’ve seen alot of comments knocking this weapon and I’ll say from experience this would be an excellent tool for PSD work. Force protection on the road using SUVs. They’re low profile units, and non threatening, but they need to have massive firepower in an instant when ambushed.
    It really doesnt matter if you can pinpoint each indiividual enemy combatant before firing on them, you only need to know their general location. The main objective of the PSD team is to protect the princile from A – B. Not to hunt down and engage the enemy. Even when attacekd by IEDs, they usually follow up with small arms fire to kill us. The IEDs are a great way to stop a convoy in their tracks and gain the advantage.
    The #1 most effective way to escape the kill zone isn’t to shoot each attacker but to supress them while in range of their fire. With a couple 249s or an M2 putting fire on them, it will always keep their heads down and prevent them from returning fire. But these have their limits to how much fire they can deliver downrange. The minigun has a firing rate 5 times faster than the 249, and almost 10 times the M2. That high rate of fire coming at you is emotionally devestating even if you survive it. Making this an excellent deterrent also.
    For VIP Protection especially in places such as Iraq this would be a dream truck.

    haves seemless armor and 40mm glass up to threat level 8, which can defend against all small arms up to 14.5mm AP. The engine compartment is also armored, 2 seperate arrmored batts, heavy deflector armor in front of radiator, and run flat tires.

  3. ECA says:

    IF you survive the IED, and it dont knock OVER the front rig, I would believe that the best option would be JUST to get out of there.
    Esp if the #1 vehicle you are protecting is STILL THERE…And its better to keep running infront, then to let #1 get hit by a SECOND IED Up ahead…

    If you are bullet proff in the FIRST place, and the HEAD vehicles have WEIGHT and bottom protection KEEP ON RUNNING…
    Why fight it out.
    They would need to place a VERY large hole or a LARGE mine infront of you to Foce you off the road, THEN take out the rear vehicle to HOLD you in place… With a large MINE you AINT going to live, or will be BLASTED off the road, and wont be able to do anything ANYWAY…

  4. Mike says:

    This vehicle is designed for protecting the President of the United States. In some videos there are at least two in President’s Convoy.
    As for the guy glad he lives in Canada, Prime Minister Harper has had one follow his convoy since May 2006.
    Scary stuff Intelligence must know if they think the two leaders in North America need that type of firepower protecting them.

  5. Photoflash says:

    I really don’t think the police are interested in a weapon of this type to “slaughter hundreds people”.
    As to being glad you live in Canada..Hooray for you. I’m glad I live in the US, and glad we have entrepreneurs who put weapons like this into the arsenal to protect our people.
    I thought about the potential for paint damage too but figure those casings are coming out so fast and just momentarily hitting the roof that even collectively they would not do much damage. On the other hand, who the heck cares if in a situation where this weapon is needed. You just have to love a shredder like this. Those rag heads could meet their virgins very quickly if up against this weaponry.


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