A conservative group led by a self-described former porn addict wants to purge hardcore pay-per-view movies from hotel rooms in the U.S.

Citizens for Community Values is pressuring LodgeNet Entertainment Corp. to stop offering pornographic titles through its in-room pay-per-view service. The company provides television, on-demand movies and Internet access to 1.8 million rooms in 9,300 hotel properties across the United States, Canada and Mexico.

LodgeNet said there’s a reason the U.S. Department of Justice and FBI have not prosecuted companies for offering adult content: It’s legal.

“CCV confuses its own taste with what the law allows,” LodgeNet said in a statement.

Religious Conservatives prate about Freedom – then march off in lockstep to order everyone else to comply with Stone Age morality.

  1. VegasBob says:

    A few years ago the NY Times had an article why hotels will never remove adult films from their services. The reason, the largest portion of their room profits comes from fees charged.

  2. Mister Mustard says:

    >>why hotels will never remove adult films from their services.

    They won’t remove them VOLUNTARILY. Once the right-wing neocon nutcases (with their “get government off our backs” motto and their male prostitute lovers) get the government to make that stuff illegal, then they will remove.

  3. bobbo says:

    26–IGW ==Read the article: “But Bob Navarro, a former Los Angeles police detective hired by CCV, said the three movies he documented and recorded during a July hotel stay in Pasadena were hardcore films that “left absolutely nothing to the imagination.”

    and as stated elsewhere in the article, the law allows very hardcore material before deeming it “obscene.”

    27–TIHZ HO==theres an old joke about a guy saying there was a bar where you got free beer and could get laid for free too==his sister told him all about it. What your wife finds out may not hold true for YOU! but I wish you the most felicitous future in all its aspects.

    28–Lauren, consciously, my main point is simply that IN PORN FILMS, transexuals are to she-males, as women are to porn stars. But you are right about the ick factor. I laugh at my own reaction. Is everything a person does “natural?” I guess so. I could go with a statistical defense, but I’ll own up to being caught.

    29–Mister Mustard==I’m a prude. Hardly in the closet. But I’ve heard tell its only wierd the first time you do it. Still, some things I don’t really wanna do.

    30—Lauren==mostly I’m just not into making my preferences the law. That does’t negate my own preferences or being uncomfortable around those who are more libertine. —or even less libertine. I like my porridge “just so!”

  4. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Ya know what they say, bobbo – kink is what the other guy likes… 🙂

  5. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Oh, dammit, I knew I forgot something –


  6. Angel H. Wong says:


    When I’m in a hotel room it’s because I’m shagging men.


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