A conservative group led by a self-described former porn addict wants to purge hardcore pay-per-view movies from hotel rooms in the U.S.

Citizens for Community Values is pressuring LodgeNet Entertainment Corp. to stop offering pornographic titles through its in-room pay-per-view service. The company provides television, on-demand movies and Internet access to 1.8 million rooms in 9,300 hotel properties across the United States, Canada and Mexico.

LodgeNet said there’s a reason the U.S. Department of Justice and FBI have not prosecuted companies for offering adult content: It’s legal.

“CCV confuses its own taste with what the law allows,” LodgeNet said in a statement.

Religious Conservatives prate about Freedom – then march off in lockstep to order everyone else to comply with Stone Age morality.

  1. malren says:

    Correction: Christian conservative group. No real conservative would ever think to remove an adult’s free-market choice from them.

    It’s the Christian bit that makes the wicket sticky…

  2. Jess Hurchist says:

    I think the morality is early steam age rather than stone age

  3. JimR says:

    “A conservative group led by a self-described former porn addict wants to purge hardcore pay-per-view movies from hotel rooms in the U.S.”

    Oh sure …now that he’s had HIS fun….

  4. JimR says:

    #2, And the age of steam is coming earlier and earlier.

  5. John Scott says:

    Give him a couple hundred bucks and I am sure you will be saved!
    Plus, now that porn is on the internet who needs movies anyway!

  6. Ian says:

    “Jesus is watching you masturbate”

    I always thought there was something strange about that guy!

    next quote

    “Christian church starts confession style peep shows”

  7. Mister Mustard says:

    Pffft. Watch next for Phil Burress (president of Citizens for Community Values) to get arrested for offering to give the undercover cop in the next crapper stall a blow job for $20. Or taking it up the ass from his male prostitute lover while they smoke crystal meth.

    Maybe there should be Mandatory Remote Control Training for anyone so easily offended by dirty movies before they can check into a hotel. (Certificate to be shown at check-in.) They would learn fun and exciting facts like “there are other channels on the hotel TV that don’t show any titty” and “all TV sets come with an On/Off button”.

  8. Mr. Fusion says:


    “Jesus is watching you masterbate”
    I always thought there was something strange about that guy!

    I like that, great comment. LOL

    #8, Scott,

    As far as I can recall, considering the number of hotel rooms I’ve been in, the porn movies are usually premium content and must be specifically ordered. That way they can charge you extra. I never thought of that as a filter but that could very well be the case.

    Anyone seen the porno channels offered as regular content?

  9. Angel H. Wong says:

    They’re complaining because there’s only straight porn in those hotels.

  10. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Anyone seen the porno channels offered as regular content?

    I’ve stayed in more hotel rooms than I care to recall, and I have NEVER seen evidence of porno that doesn’t cost extra. That’s absurd. Why should they give it out for free, when they can charge for it?

    It’s just those holy rollers, trying to legislate morality yet again. While they’re getting fucked up the ass by their meth-head male prossie lover.

    And Angel, you horny bastard, you should get out more. They don’t just have hetero porno, there’s homo as well. Billed discreetly without the name of the movie on your receipt, according to the MENU station.

  11. Pseudowholesome says:

    This is ironic…

    How many pr0ns have we all studied, where the characters are portrayed as nuns and choirboys behaving naughty in what is obviously a hotel room?

  12. brucemlloyd says:

    The last time I was in a hotel there was no need for the porn channel… the local bar provided quite enough in room service.

  13. tkane says:

    Tempest in a teapot. Most of the Lodgenet stuff I remember sounded pretty tame, compared to what’s available for free on the ‘Net, and certainly wasn’t worth the extra cost. And maybe that’s what the issue ought to be. What’s to stop the stuff the stuff on these channels from becoming so base it becomes illegal?

    Anyway, the best defence around this is what is being utilized now – gotta pay extra for it.

  14. bobbo says:

    I feel sorry for LodgeNet. They offer 1000’s of flixs and may get sued over 3 of them that are “obscene?” If I were lodgenet, i would submit my film base to some governmental authority and say “We will not show any film you say is over the line.” I’d probably start with the group in Sious Falls though. Through in some 6 hour documentaries from the Crystal Palace just to even things out. Which would you rather see–porn or preaching?

  15. Floyd says:

    #15: Pr0n or preaching? Probably the pr0n, though what little I’ve seen in hotels wasn’t worth watching. At least the pr0n people are honest bout what they’re selling you.

    The preachers and other religious types are always talking up supporting the missionaries, prayer cloths, plenary indulgences, and tithing. Profitable work if you can get it…

  16. bobbo says:

    16–I agree. In most circumstances, in a strange hotel room, I turn on hotel services first, just to see if anything is unique, then local news, again, to see if “happy news” has infected the locale. Then default to CNN headlines and such.

    Boring life really, but so is porn and preaching. Porn does still have the chance of being interesting. I recall the first time I saw a “she-male” was in a hotel room. My sensibilities are still offended by what i saw. If I didn’t bow at the alter of personal FREEDOM – – I would outlaw that stuff too.

  17. TIHZ_HO says:

    “Jesus is watching you masturbate”


    “Every time you masturbate God kills a kitten”


    I laugh every time I see that image! 😀

    Isn’t America getting more and more like Iran?

    Had enough with this religion stuff and how it is screwing your life up? Watch this!



  18. TIHZ_HO says:

    And the video response



  19. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    bobbo – anti-transsexual prejudice is no prettier than any other kind. You wouldn’t judge all women by the standard of female pr0nstars, would you? (And despite what pr0n producers call them, TSes generally regard being referred to as ‘shemales’ with the same distaste that gays in general have for the term ‘fag’) You might be surprised to know, but they are people, too…


  20. handbag says:

    [edit: comments guide]

  21. TIHZ_HO says:

    replica gucci handbag….? WTF?

    What is so useful and thanks – unless this is spam perhaps

    They are rather expensive for a fakes. In retail shops in China Chinese expect about $5~$15 TOPS – but the dumb foreigners don’t know that so they get fleeced!

    Q: What is the Chinese religious symbol?

    A: $


  22. bobbo says:

    20—Lauren, as usual I think we are actually agreeing, and as usual you want to take me to task in the way I present the issue. (smile!)

    Do you remember the FIRST time you saw a she-male? I’ll bet you were disturbed to some degree regardless of how you portray youself now.

    But whatever your personal reaction was, I think the whole point of porn films is that they “de-humanize” their subject matter. So, transsexuals and their humanity are NOT the subject of porn films, but the degrading and unnatural proclivities of she-males are.

    Such is art.

  23. TIHZ_HO says:

    #23 Bobbo – Lauren

    I am sort of picking up the thread here…(I think)

    Yes, I agree that many transsexuals don’t like the term she-males or lady boys as they think of themselves as a woman especially in Thailand. However these transsexuals called such still sport their original ‘willy-winky’ where as a full transsexual has it removed and a created vagina takes its place. (Men have been married to a full transsexual for years and they didn’t even know)

    You not doubt are aware that Thailand amongst other things is quite well known for transsexuals with about 6 million. The one thing I didn’t know is why there seems to so many there. In Thailand if a man feels…er…gay…or like a woman to change their sex does not have the stigma attached to is as in other countries. The one group in Thailand that does not like transsexuals are the natural born women.

    In Thailand real women outnumber the men. Men in Thailand are required to be a monk for two years – like national service and so are ‘off the market’. Add to this the 6 million men who who now are women who are also looking for men puts a strain on real women trying to find available men.

    Thai men have more than one wife and the wives are expected to support the husband. (!) In fact it is an honour for Thai wives to be able to support their husband. (!!!) It is also possible for a Thai husband to lend one of his wives to a guest and the Thai wife is ok with this. (!!!!!!!!!!!)

    I don’t know about you but I found this to be unbelievable – but it is true.


  24. bobbo says:

    24–I’ve spent a few months in Thailand, and those lady-boys are indeed very good looking. Even when you know, you still can’t tell. No adam’s apple, no knuckles etc. Don’t believe the wife supporting them though, sounds just too good to be true.

    To get back on topic though, I think you have to mention that many of the Thai porn performers are actually men. Like Hollywood, they shoot X and XXX films, but in Thailand, they are above the waist, and below the waist.

    Travel sure does broaden the mind?

  25. iGlobalWarmer says:

    Of course porn costs extra. If a hotel want’s to put in a LodgeNet or OnCommand system, they have to pay extra to not run porn because that’s where them money is. As of 3 years ago, almost 80% of hotel PPV revenue came from porn. It’s called serving the market.

    #15 – it’s a helluva lot more than 3 films. The majority of adult fils are what would be classed as “hard core”. Hell, there’s even a whole category whose main selling point is “no dialogue whatever”.

  26. TIHZ_HO says:

    Bobbo – “Don’t believe the wife supporting them though, sounds just too good to be true.”

    LOL That’s what I thought – but I swear its true! We have some clients in Thailand and when we had a booth in a trade show ironically it was my wife who found this out first – but not first hand though! LOL I didn’t believe her and so she told me to ask – and so then “Brother I Believe! Can I hear a aMEN?!

    Yes those ‘lady boys’ can fool you! They are in Indonesia as well – but not like Thailand. I had my boss caution me once about this ‘girl’ I was talking to…couldn’t believe it! As you said no Adams apple, feminine hands, girl’s voice, nice ass, legs and a what I assume great boobs – (could work at Hooters) well they looked great from what I could see. LOL!

    Yes travel is good


  27. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #23 – bobbo

    “So, transsexuals and their humanity are NOT the subject of porn films, but the degrading and unnatural proclivities of she-males are.”

    bobbo, ma man – your protests of tolerance notwithstanding, you’re still visibly going “ick.” You’re referring to the same people – TSes = shemales. And as for “unnatural,” that’s a strange word to apply, since they engage in the very same sexual activities as everyone else. 🙂

    “Unnatural” is one of the favorite words of Bible-thumping gay-bashers – you using it to knock TSes? Well, let me quote my Right Honourable Colleague, Mr. Fusion: “Pot, meet Kettle.”

  28. Mister Mustard says:

    #28 – Lauren le Poisson

    Bobbo is a closet prude. Cut him some slack.

  29. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    I can certainly say this for the ol’ bobbster – he’s not ideologically rigid, so far as I can tell. So I figure him as amenable to persuasion, unlike egocentric self-righteous totalitarian dickwads like… well, I’m gonna be nice and not mention the Pod-person… 😉


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