In a 102-page ruling, Judge Dale A. Kimball eviscerated SCO’s claims that it owns the copyright to Unix.

The ruling, which named Novell as the owner of the Unix and Unixware copyrights, could make SCO give up its four-year effort to extract royalties from Linux providers. Novell acquired Unix from AT&T in 1995.

Both Microsoft and Sun paid SCO for licenses related to the Unix copyright claims in 2003.

In the most recent quarterly earning announcement, McBride said: “Even though competition continues to impact our revenue, we are pleased that our legal costs and operating expenses are lower than the comparable prior periods which improved our financial results. We are committed to our strategy of serving our UNIX customers, developing innovative new mobile technologies and protecting our valuable intellectual property.”

The stock price closed at $1.49 on Friday.

Is there anyone out there who has something resembling confidence in – or respect for – SCO?

  1. Steve R says:

    Great news! Nice to finally see SCO sunk. Perhaps at $1.49 some SCO stock would make a nice gag gift or souvenir of this period in history?

  2. JimR says:

    SCO sues God…

    link to news

  3. Jägermeister says:

    The swirl is spinning faster. So, what will become of Darl McBride after SCO is down the drain? Perhaps some MS is interested in having him on board?!

  4. Marc says:

    @3: No doubt McBride will join the Cult of Celebrity CEOs for his ability to run a company into the ground, and be given a nice golden parachute by SCO, and a nicer golden handshake by some other suicidal company.

  5. Milo says:

    Bill Gates disappoints me so much these days. He’s hardly an old man but he acts like a mean old man, chasing every penny, crabbing about every cost, no matter how trivial. It’s sad really.

    What does this have to do with SCO? SCO is M$’s lawsuit puppet. If it works for SCO, it’ll work for M$.

  6. Peter Rodwell says:

    If SCO and the like put their efforts into their products and into providing their clients with excellent service instead of trying to sue the world, their stock prices, sales figures and reputations might improve. As it is, all they’re doing is enriching their lawyers and showing the world what assholes they all are.

  7. JimR says:

    I think it’s time for me to release my Unecks software. It’s similar in function to Unix, but it automatically looks around for license infringements while processing.

  8. John Scott says:

    Duh people this is how you make money. License stuff to other people.
    I do not believe some of these young idiots who think everything should be open source. More power to anyone who spends time and money and wants other people who use it to pay for it. Sounds like free enterprise to me.

  9. Milo says:

    John Scott:
    “Sounds like free enterprise to me.”

    Nothing’s free JS.

    And I don’t know how old you are but your post reads as adolescent.

  10. Les says:

    I remember in 1999 that our E911 link had to be booted up several times a month. It used SCO Unix the one that wasn’t y2k compatable. In fact it was the exact same OS that my Dad used for about 5 years in his medical practice (The cost of upgrading was one of the reasons he retired.) Luckily for us, in November, the E911 computer was upgraded to can you name it? OS/2 Warp!! When I left that computer was still going strong.

  11. James Armstrong says:

    Hmmm.. Stock price at $1.49…

    I wonder how much it would cost to be able to fire McBride.
    Might be worth it.

  12. pjakobs says:

    first, I’m not 100% sure this is a good thing. If the SCO case ends on the grounds that they didn’t have a case in the first place but that potential copyright infringements were actually against Novell’s rights, the underlying claim that Linux did contain “stolen” code from Unix will not be court-tested. Now if it is concluded that Novell owns Unix, they could well put it into the public domain, effectively killing off all such arguments in the future.
    second: Gucci Handbag? John! You’ve been spammed! remove the “I get no spam” logo now!



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