1. JoaoPT says:

    PC would kill this humor in the “Land of the free”

  2. Jerk-Face says:

    1. ““Land of the free””

    Canada? Sweden? The Netherlands?

  3. Cinaedh says:

    There’s never a Wong around when you need one.

  4. joaoPT says:

    Or is it land of the brave??? at least in god they trust, and they also have a way…

  5. woody says:

    So women want a monkey?

  6. sam says:

    I have seen worse on tv. What is the point of this race propaganda? I’m just desensitized to it all. I don’t like it but I kinda don’t care anymore.

  7. Nth of the 49th says:


    It’s called humour.

    Get some.

  8. Humdrum says:

    I loved this. Thanks for posting it.

  9. Ronald says:

    how about a 125 pound African with HIV covered in cow piss?

    A bit more representative

  10. Ruthless Toothless says:

    If the guy going in was white, and the guy coming out was a mudd, then it looks like that type of detergent doesn’t work at all. Besides, the “White” guy has a very jewish looking nose.

  11. hhopper says:

    I think the ad was for dye.

  12. Moishe Tapirbaum says:

    If statistics are any indicator, the woman was probably raped as soon as the camera stopped shooting.

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    #12, Ya, those Italian cameramen can’t fuck and film at the same time.

  14. Lakisha Jawanna says:

    I think Moishe was refering to the porch monkey that poped out of the washer. lol

  15. Oy Vey at the racism here!

  16. panzerfaust says:

    Anyone else notice the push for homosexuality in this as well? How obviously jewish can a commercial be?

  17. Anonymous says:

    [Message deleted – See Comment Guidelines. – ed.]

  18. Mr. Fusion says:

    Geeze, what is it about a humorous video that brings out the racist clowns? I don’t recognize any of these new posters so are they just trolls under a different handle?


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