If you are wondering about the recent references to 2011, here’s an interesting thing to listen to.

Click to listen:

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  1. Les says:


  2. chris says:

    I think the calendar actually ends around 2050, the 2012 thing is probably a misunderstanding.

  3. RoeBoeDog says:

    Love the Bong Water Noise.

  4. RoeBoeDog says:

    You can not search for the show in iTunes you can only get it from the PodTech Site. It might help your numbers if it shows up in the search in iTunes.

  5. Paul Benjamin says:

    Could it be that Gartner Research does five year projections and sells them to the suckers. Then a year later after the suckers have stopped buying they give out the summery on their web site to people like us who will not pay for this crap?

    5-1=4, 2007+4=2011 Just a thought.

  6. Danijel says:

    Stumbled upon this article by mistake. Maybe it sheds some light:

  7. joshua says:

    #7….Danijel…..loved the article….very funny.

  8. ECA says:

    You need a nap..

  9. Mathew says:

    #5 is right; I would have already been a subscriber if this was on on iTunes, as it would have shown up when I searched for other things I already knew about like TWIT and Cranky Geeks.

    Let us know what your numbers are like next week, it would be interesting to see how much of a bump you get from this blog post.

  10. ECA says:

    If you want the truth, I HATE itunes…
    It wont upgrade on my system BECAUSE, I have win2000..


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