Man smuggles monkey on plane — While this story is of questionable interest it’s the snide writing itself that seems to be unique and possibly a trend.

(AXcess News) New York – A man was caught smuggling a small marmoset monkey into the U.S. on board a plane flight from Peru. The man made it into Ft. Lauderdale before boarding a flight to LaGuardia with the monkey tucked neatly underneath his hat, though the animal became restless on the plane when other passengers noticed it crawling out from underneath his hat and reported it to flight attendants.

Apparently the marmoset monkey was well behaved as he sat quietly in the man’s lap for the rest of the flight to New York.

When the flight landed in New York, police and animal control were waiting where the man was taken away for questioning and the marmoset monkey taken into custody. It is unknown whether the man will be charged with anything, though it is illegal to import animals without proper clearance.

The monkey is now in quarantine where he will remain for next month and could possibly end up a resident at local zoo. Authorities named the little monkey “Spirit”.

The monkeyshine took place on a Spirit Airlines flight, though the airline did not say whether the man would have to pay for the monkey’s ticket. Apparently the little marmoset monkey was not carrying any identification or credit cards at the time he was taken into custody in New York. The Department of Homeland Security did not say whether the monkey was being considered a possible terrorist suspect for entering the United States illegally, though Great Britain said they permit the monkey residency if he were to be sent to Guantanamo Bay as they were going to bring five British residents back who were being held there and had room on the flight.

found by Aric Mackey

  1. RTaylor says:

    I’ve had them on my back, but not my head.

  2. Misanthropic Scott says:

    Wait there’s more. You’re right there is. Assuming this marmoset was wild caught, how about reporting on the deaths of his/her family members. You don’t take wild primates into captivity without a lot of killing. I’m not sure of the numbers for this or any other species of marmoset. I think it’s typically 6 dead adults for one baby chimp or gorilla. I’ll leave it to someone else to double check me. The whole concept of illegal exotics makes me physically ill.

  3. Mister Mustard says:

    Damn, that is one cute little bugger!

  4. edwinrogers says:

    Marmosets, yumm.

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    If the monkee crapped then it would make him twice the shithead.


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