Senior Aircraftsman Kenneth Ecott

August 08, 2007 – A BRITISH RAF mechanic who claimed he was sleepwalking when he had sex with a 15-year-old girl has been cleared of rape. Senior Aircraftsman Kenneth Ecott, 26, wept after a jury took two hours to find he was not responsible for his actions. Mr Ecott did not deny having sex with the girl, but said he had no memory of it happening.

Instead he insisted he had a condition known as sexsomnia in which sufferers carry out indecent acts in their sleep. It was this affliction that made him climb naked on top of the girl at a friend’s birthday party sleepover in Poole, Dorset, the Bournemouth Crown Court heard. Mr Ecott was said to have confessed to the girl’s family and apologised for having sex with her.

Dvorak Uncensored has posted two previous stories on this subject, here and here.

  1. Jerk-Face says:

    Damn, I thought it said sidewalk sex.

  2. James Hill says:

    Does this mean he ‘got off’ twice?

  3. DevotedSatellite333 says:

    @ James Hill

    Ahhh… That was a nice hardy chuckle. Thanks! 😛

  4. iGlobalWarmer says:

    Yeah right. Nice excuse. Even if he, himself is not responsible for his actions, it doesn’t sound like it’s safe for the rest of society for him to roam free.

  5. KVolk says:

    well gosh at least he apologized…..

  6. untoldstory says:

    im glad he’s cleared. i know someone waking up humping a guy. and he wasnt even gay, until then…

  7. nightstar says:

    Is it still sexsomnia if he slips on a condom?

  8. oran says:

    [Message deleted – See Comment Guidelines. – ed.]

  9. MissLaVey says:

    #8 – Or you could take the easy solution and just not come here.

  10. Cinaedh says:

    This is too weird.

    It implies she stayed asleep until after he had sex with her, then she woke up and screamed when she realized it was happening.

    I’m not saying it’s her fault and I’m not saying she consented but she must be an awfully sound sleeper herself.


  11. Barovelli says:

    Could one use the same excuse to beat the living daylights out of this creep?

    No your honor, I do not recall ripping this perv’s face into bloody bits, I suffer from a condition called “whoopassomia” and cannot be held responsible . . . .

  12. sandy says:

    she must have screamed after he walked away without paying.


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