Sometimes you really don’t know what to say…

Horror as gorillas slaughtered – Slaughtered gorillas lie tied to stretchers in the first pictures released of the killings.
The rare animals, which lived in a national park in the Democratic Republic of Congo, may have been killed to warn off conservationists who want to save the region’s rainforests – the gorillas’ natural habitat.
Experts say poachers would have sold the bodies.

The last line is as comforting as a kick in the balls. :(

  1. Nicky says:

    This is yet another example that proves the thesis that the human being is the biggest predator living on Earth!

  2. Misanthropic Scott says:

    #30 – James Hill,

    Well, on the category of more stupid human tricks, ashtrays have been made from gorilla hands. One could stuff the entire animal and use it for a variety of insulting and stupid items, how about a coat rack? How about putting an “I’m with stupid” T-Shirt on him and pointing the arrow at the owner’s favorite chair? OK, I’m out of ideas and nearly in tears.

  3. tikiloungelizard says:

    The killers aren’t stupid—-they know that no one will pay attention when they kill people, but everyone pays attention when they kill gorillas, because, well, the gorillas are worth more.

  4. Angel H. Wong says:

    OR.. This could be a just a cover up for some illegal gorilla meat export to the French, these buggers don’t care about anything unless its exotic or luxurious.

  5. jdm says:

    #3, #30 – All parts of the Gorilla are desperately needed in China to cure millions of sexually impotent men in the most populous county on Earth. The same with rhino, elephant, bear, and tiger parts. If only the Australians would work on finding a cure for Chinese impotency using only kangaroo and rabbit parts; two problems solved at once!

  6. joe says:

    conservationists… you mean those green peace/peace corps type people? screw them!

    give those gorillas US MILITARY protection! then, when those bastards shoot at the gorillas, they’ll REALLY be shooting at us, and we can just goto war with the congo, invade the congo, and PROTECT the congo (and the gorillas that inhabit the congo) from those thugs!!

  7. James Hill says:

    #32, #35 – They’ve got to be really ‘hard up’ to eat a part of a gorilla to get an erection.

    #34 – …and yet, it tastes like chicken.

  8. joshua says:

    #27…Scott…..I realize that there are good and bad, but I’ve become somewhat discouraged that the bad seem to winning.

    I have heard of the movement and subscribe to it’s premise. In fact, if the day should ever come when I feel the overwhelming need to be verbally abused, reviled, ignored, spat upon, called nasty names and mocked for my genuinely help princibles and beliefs, I’ll just adopt Fusion, rather than have children. 🙂

  9. joshua says:

    that should have been ***genuinely HELD princibles*** in #38.

  10. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    …as for me, I genuinely hold that there is no “B” in the word “principle”…

  11. joshua says:

    #40…whats the matter Lauren….no babies to kick right now?

  12. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Oh, sorry. Assumed you would regard the momentary embarassment of having a misspelling pointed out as better than going blithely through life having countless people silently dismiss what you have to say because they assume you’re illiterate…

    Carry on.

  13. Elizabeh says:

    I wish I could kill every one of those heartless bastards that did that to those beautiful animals. God will take care of them Himself someday. I hope Im there to see it.


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