President Bush was treated for Lyme disease last August, the White House announced Wednesday after failing to disclose the problem for nearly a year.

The treatment was revealed only when the White House made public all the results of Bush’s annual physical exam on Wednesday. It showed up in the “past medical history” section and in the summary along with other skin conditions.

Bush was treated for what his doctors described as “early, localized Lyme disease”…

Oh, never mind. I misread the headline. I thought it said: Bush treated for Lying Disease.

  1. Chris says:

    Wow, wow. That was weak.

  2. grog says:

    he thought they said LIME disease and as you know fruits are under don’t ask don’t tell policies

  3. undissembled says:

    It was so weak that Leno will use it tonight.

  4. Mister Mustard says:

    I wonder how long it will take for them to admit that his colonoscopy revealed his head is up his ass?

  5. James Hill says:

    A percentage of patients with Lyme disease have symptoms that last months to years after treatment with antibiotics. These symptoms can include muscle and joint pains, arthritis, stiff neck, cognitive defects, neurological complaints or fatigue.

    This explains everything. And here I just thought the populous elected, then reelected, a dumb fuck.

    Really, the left now has no ammo now. They can’t attack the sick and weak: That’s their base!

  6. sdf says:

    if alzheimer’s didn’t stop st. reagan from drooling his way through his presidency…

  7. Mister Mustard says:

    >>This explains everything. And here I just thought the
    >>populous elected, then reelected, a dumb fuck.

    The “populous” didn’t elect shit. Between the hanging chads of 2000 and the Diebold voting machines/ “scrubbed” voter rolls of 2004, the best you can say is that Dumbya oozed into office, like an oily stool from some fattie taking Alli.

    And regardless of the ineptness of the current “president” and how long the symptoms may take to appear, the fact remains: he was diagnosed and treated, then the news was released a year later.

    I still want to know how long until they admit his head is up his ass.

  8. Angel H. Wong says:

    A Democrat president gets sucked by fat chicks.

    A Republican president gets sucked by fat ticks.

  9. Matthew says:

    So sick of hearing about this man.

  10. James Hill says:

    #8 – I knew one of the hacks would take that bait. You guys can’t help but whine about 2000. You’re like parasites on that story.

    Parasites? Ticks? Love it.

  11. Wayne Bradney says:

    That’s what you get for clearing brush 4 months a year.

  12. Mister Mustard says:

    >>You’re like parasites on that story.

    Well, we said it then, and we say it now. And even the most die-hard Dumbyaphiles are now jumping ship.

    Too bad the guy’s a slimy, dishonest, moronic, war-mongering, self-serving scumbag. It was apparent to those without their heads up their asses in 2000; it’s now apparent to just about everyone.

  13. Misanthropic Scott says:

    Lyme disease? A spirochete that attacks the brain? Poor spirochetes must have starved to death.

  14. julie says:

    I am sick of disrespect for the office of president. While Bush may not have your respect, its rediculous that a report about a minor rash on his skin should elicit any comments at all. Lets just quit this game of using every excuse to be more clever (or crude) than the last person in criticizing this man.
    Its no different on the republican side. After the democratic debate, I was disgusted to hear Rush Limbaugh guffaw over the camera angle on Hillary’s butt. (Now THAT was important!) Let’s have some respect here; like her or not, she may be our next president. I certainly hope the smart men in this country will be thinking about more than her butt.
    Maybe we could solve some problems if people would use their creativity to make a positive difference in the world…get off THEIR butts, move away from their computer screens and DO something.
    Leadership is tough. Let’s have a little respect.

  15. Arpie says:

    As per wikipedia:

    Late stage symptoms — Lyme disease in its tertiary form can have a multitude of symptoms. … can appear months after initial infection and often progress in cumulative fashion over time. Neuro-psychiatric symptoms often develop much later in disease sequence, much like tertiary neurosyphilis.

    * panic attacks, anxiety
    * depression
    * short-term memory loss
    * sleep disturbance
    * hallucinations
    * depersonalization
    * neurocognitive impairment (brain fog)
    * psychosis (rare) including diagnosis of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder
    Glad it’s the early stage being treated, otherwise we could have a president with symptoms such as these… oh… wait…

  16. Mister Mustard says:

    >>I am sick of disrespect for the office of president.

    Yeah, me too! Let’s hope that 2008 brings better things, and we get someone to fill that office who deserves respect. (btw, I don’t think it’s the “office of the president” that engenders such revulsion, it’s the moron who has occupied it since 2000).

    As to the issue of “a minor rash on his skin”, wtf planet are you from?? Lyme disease is a serious illness, which if not treated properly, can lead to the neuropsychiatric symtoms listed in #16, and can become virtually untreatable.

    And you don’t think this (or its coverup) is newsworthy? With all the coverage we’re inundated with about every fart the guy makes, every stick of brush he clears off of his Crawford ranch, you don’t think it might be of some interest to the American (and world) public that the “president” is facing possible hallucinations, memory loss, depression, depersonalization, panic attacks, and psychosis???

  17. James Hill says:

    #13 – You fail at making a good rebuttal. Not that I’m surprised or anything.

  18. dwright says:

    Al Gore would have never gotten this, it’s beneath him.
    One more reason…………ah, forget it.

  19. Aaron says:

    There are long-term effects of Lyme Disease as well — almost all of them neurological. This is a good reason to get Bush out of the White House.

  20. Milo says:

    A year from now we’ll find out he’s HIV positive!

  21. Todd Anderson, III says:

    #15 I am sick of disrespect for the office of president.

    Lampooning, ridiculing, and insulting candidates for and holders of the Office of the President has a rich tradition as old as our nation itself. Any man or woman willing to suggest that he or she deserves to run the nation deserves to be mocked, prodded, etc.

    In fact, I would go so far as to say that the ability to weather criticism founded or not is a terribly important measure of the character of any one who would lead.

    Besides, if anything, the voices on DU are quite tame when compared with some of the mudslinging done during the early days of the Republic.

  22. sensible says:

    “I am sick of disrespect for the office of president.”

    Hmmm…so that might mean you are not in any way at odds about the reasons for the US being in Iraq at all? If you respect the office so much you should be a blathering idiot salivating in front of Bush’s dais. Respect is earned and don’t forget that. Your “Commander Guy” has no respect outside of his family, trust me. I don’t respect him and ummm….let’s see….a couple of hundred million(!!) people think the same.
    People like you make me ill….

  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    #9, Angel,

    Now that was great. Geeze, a good laugh right after dinner always does one well.

    #15, julie

    I am sick of disrespect for the office of president.

    Me too. As soon as we get Bush out of the Oval Office the better off this country will be. How this excuse of a drug addled, alcoholic, AWOL asshole can degrade the Office of the President of the United States of America and still be defended is beyond me.

    I am so glad you didn’t make the mistake of confusing the Office for the person.

    #18, James,

    you’re still a dipshit, trolling, lame brained, asshole. My apologizes to all the other asshole that feel offended being grouped with James Hill.

  24. James Hill says:

    #24 – And yet you can’t stop worshiping me. Please, continue.

  25. Nancy Hanks says:

    I am a Lyme disease patient, if Bush had all the symtoms that I have
    endured, no way could he be relied upon as president of anything. This is a serious illness, left untreated, and no telling how many times this prez has been infected on his is reported he has been bitten several times, OVER HALF OF THE LYME CARRYING TICKS WHO HAVE INFECTED PEOPLE, THOSE PERSONS DID NOT HAVE ANY RASH! So how long has this Prez actually had the illness?


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