The Inquirer – Wednesday 08 August 2007:

THE RELEASE of Apple’s new super-sleek Imacs heralds more than just a design change for the Cappuccino-based firm – it marks some prime inventory movement for the boys at AMD/ATI.

Until yesterday, and the release of the new models, ATI had its graphics chips in just two of the thirteen standard Macs – its X1600 cards were available in the mid-range previous-gen Imacs – with Intel below and Nvidia 7300 above.

The new Imac line is all-ATI, instantly doubling the company’s share of the Mac graphics business.

  1. James Hill says:

    #25 – No need: Owning your dumb ass is all the gratification I need.

    Look at all of the time you’ve spent railing on Apple, yet you’ve proved nothing. You’re a failure, and you deserved to be mocked.

    You can’t grasp the concept that not all devices are made for all people, and this combined with good marketing has make Apple the (sole) market leader in retail hardware.

    The fact it doesn’t have the features you need doesn’t mean shit to the people buying their products. Come up with better arguments, because now that you’re proven to be a moron using your own life as an example doesn’t cut it.

  2. Angel H. Wong says:


    But Lauren would say it’s a superior investment even though an inferior $500 PC would do the same thing just fine and would also last the same amount of time.

  3. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Yes Angel. A $14,000 Hyundai will take you at the same speeds to the same places a $90,000 Lexus will. Therefore, there is no advantage to owning a Lex and anyone who does is a deluded fool who would never know the difference.

    When you start buying all your food in those white boxes with black block-letter labels, let me know.

    Why don’t you use a $500 PC? I could swear you’re the one whose Website says you “love your iMac.” Maybe I’m confused – maybe it’s pedro I’m thinking of…

  4. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Angel said, and I quote, “would do the same thing just fine.” So function is what we’re talking about.

    Also, “last the same amount of time.” My intertubes box, the one I’m writing to you on, is running 10.4.10 Server. It’s a ancient B&W 350MHz G3. It’s 8 years old. I’m sure I’ll replace it someday, but I haven’t bothered, since it continues to work, 24/7/365. Oh, and I think it crashed back in March or April.

    Let’s see you attempt to run Vista Pro w/ Aero on an 8-year-old PC. I’d like a laugh.

  5. Angel H. Wong says:


    A LEXUS IS AN OVERPRICED TOYOTA But everyone knows you’re used to paying more for the same crap.


    You’re just bitter because Apple was saved by M$ in the 90s.

  6. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    That bit of pocket change was every bit as needed as the $1 per annum that Steverino pockets for salary is.

    M$ has known for a long time that if Apple were ever to fold, they’d instantly become a monopoly and on the fast track to dissolution.

    Oh, and that bit of sour grapes at the top of your post? “A LEXUS IS AN OVERPRICED TOYOTA”?

    Spoken like a true Hyundai owner…

  7. Angel H. Wong says:


    Who owns Lexus? Toyota.

    Honestly, I don’t find any justification buying overpriced Macs outside specialized areas such as marketing, graphic design & animation, I see no need for them in areas that such as accounting, finance or POS.

    And yes, I’m a bean counter; I have to deal with things such as small budgets and small businesses who just can’t blow their entire budget on a single computer when they could equip their office with 3 or 4 machines for the same price and thus increase production output.

  8. JoaoPT says:

    Since this post has scrolled down to oblivion I guess I’ll have no replies, but, all the same I’ll post.

    Angel: I used to have a company in the graphic production and printing areas. It was equipped with Macs. If I was to build another company nowadays I wouldn’t buy Macs. Not because of what you said. In fact if a Mac was marginally more productive than a PC it would be nothing to justify the leasing of that piece of hardware, since the monthly payment increase would be irrelevant compared with the added productivity.
    The fact is, macs are not more productive than a PC. And you end up spending much more money on software on a platform (CS3 for instance was as expensive as two beige boxes…) and you don’t want to throw all that away. And I happen to find the PC much more versatile than the Mac.

  9. JoaoPT says:

    By the way, that’s the whole selling point of Macs running Windows. You can still use all the software you bought for the PC and keep upgrading too…

  10. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Oh, and Angel? You can look at those too, if you like…

  11. Angel H. Wong says:


    Yes, I’m still here and guess what? I live in a country where brand names are usually sold at 3 to 4 times higher prices than generics and it has nothing to do with shipping costs. A BASIC mac mini here is sold for at least $1100 and for that price I can buy 4 PC clones WITH THE SAME PROCESSOR, THE SAME RAM, THE SAME HDD AND THE SAME VIDEOCARD.

  12. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    …but not the same OS.

    You tellin’ me that in the #1 destination in C.A. for vehicles stolen in the U.S., it’s simple to smuggle in a stolen pickup truck, but you can’t get a computer past Customs? …you did say you’re in Belize, didn’t you?

  13. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Nahnahnahnahnahnah pedro. The ol’ switcheroo, as the great Wilson Pickett said, ‘ain’t gonna get it.’

    Show me a contemporary of my B&W G3 350 – which, to save you checking, is a Pentium 300 – with a SOTA vidcard of that vintage, that’ll run the current, latest version of Windows with all the bells and whistles.

    As you already know, you can’t.

    Now tell me all about obsolescent hardware. I particularly would enjoy hearing more about that crap of yours about how I have to replace my Mac with every new version of the OS… when it’s the Intel / M$ Axis of Evil that deliberately ups the ante to keep forcing Windows users to keep buying hardware. Billyboy makes sure certain Windows ‘features’ require Intel’s latest chips – and also helps ensure Maxtor and Western Digital a steady flow of customers for new drives big enough to hold all of M$’s bloatware…

  14. Angel H. Wong says:


    Why bother with an OS that requires you to BUY ALL THE MAJOR SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS EVERYTIME A “NEW” OSX VERSION IS AVAILABLE when all I can do with winXP is upgrade it via internet?

    And BTW I’m in Honduras, In Belize PCs are cheap enough to cost barely the same in the USA.


    *yawn* Apple switched to Intel processors bridging the gap between Macs & PCs, the only thing that has been differentiating a Mac from IBMs shoddy PCs of the early 90s (386 IBM PCs for $2000 where the rest was selling 486 clones for the same price) is a good campaign market and consumer loyalty.

    So tell me, can your 350MHz G3 run Photoshop SC3? ’cause otherwise that’s just a toy.

  15. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Nope. Haven’t tried it. Got a dual G5 for that. Doesn’t change my point a bit. PC go obsolete quicker than Macs.

  16. joaoPT says:

    Hellooo can you hear me????

    Guess you found out about RSS feed for comments…

    Lauren, you’re a regular Soldier for the cause aren’t you?
    When did you buy the G4/350? My guess is that PC was hitting 450Mhz at that time. I know it because Jobs used to show the little graphs on the Apple page showing the G4 being faster than a P3… Well news flash: My company does vinyl cutting and printing. We still use for production work a p3 at 350 and a p3 at 450. Furthermore how many beige pIII 450 a BW G4 would buy? at least two.

    BTW I’m writing this on a G3 500 iBook running on Ubuntu (couldn’t stand OSX 10.4 it was painfully slow because I have only 384Mb ram)

  17. joaoPT says:

    Read your links too… I can make an appointment with you in 18months time to check the Fantasyland status…Really, I can set a memo on my calendar…

    My friend, I don’t dig Dell. Nor HP. I never buy my PCs by brand. Only if I was crazy… There’s a lot of shops here I can buy custom built PCs. I can pick a suggested build and change components at will before I buy.
    Take these two links, one is Apple Portugal. They don’t have the new mac mini yet. But when they will, the price will be the same in euros as dollars (a huge rip off…) So… 599 and 799.
    Check all these:
    Aesthetics aside, how can you compare the entry level mini to the “College” here…twice the ram, faster, two graphics boards, 500Gb versus 80… And in a real form factor, a real box.
    Now the mini is undeniably sexy, but it’s so hampered by the form facto it’s a joke as home PC. At least in my point of view…

  18. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Soldier for the cause? Not really. I have some very grave issues with some of the things Apple has done recently, things I regard as inexcusable and unacceptable. Give me 15 minutes with ol’ Steverino, and I guarantee he’d come outta that meeting with a red face…

    However, they still beat the alternatives.

  19. JoaoPT says:

    Look, I’m not that much of a Mac basher.
    In fact I have some respect for the Mac as a well crafted machine and I must say it has a purpose in it’s price point and target market.
    What really gives me the willies is the “Field distortion”.
    And Mac fans. Those that consider that nothing coming out of Cupertino is bad…” just give’em some time… they’ll make it better on the next Upgrades”. That almost blind faith: “If God (steve) intended us to send MMS, it had a button on the front”. I used to be like that. Not anymore. I used to like clean minimalist furniture and Bauhaus style architecture. Designer chairs and stuff. The perfect world.
    Not anymore. Perfection has a too big price tag. There’s a lot to be said on imperfection, on freedom, on bad taste.
    That’s all… that’s all.

    Ps. I was serious on that calendar thing…

  20. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Watch it, Joao – my predictions have this annoying habit of coming true… 🙂

  21. JoaoPT says:

    Ok then, I’ve made a notch on google calendar (or agenda…) in 18 months time be sure to hang around here or the cagematch forums.

  22. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    The way Apple stock has been performing for me, in 18 mos. I’ll be posting from the veranda of my Palm Beach estate…

  23. JoaoPT says:

    OK ok ok man… Stock isn’t cash!
    They way you (mac)guys reason is: “geez, Apple has made me richer and richer with stocks”. But you never sell’em. “Why sell? They’ll just come up and up”… Till the day they park. They get stuck and level out. And you start thinking it’s time to sell, but “hey, it’s Apple, they’ll be doing something spectacular and they’ll go up again”. And you never sell…till the day they tank for some reason. And you go “Damn those bloggers with the fake news, they cost me a million…” And you don’t sell because you “just know ” it’s temporary and they’ll come back up again…in fact you buy some more.
    And then some heavyweight somewhere be it Microsoft, or Intel or Hollywood Pictures inc. comes and buys the company out. Or merges. Because of SOX, they won’t buy your stock… they won’t go through the stock market…Ãnd suddenly, no veranda, no estate, no Palm Beach…bummer.

    But hey… OTOH it might not be so… and if you buy enough stock, you can retire just on the dividends…

    Good luck man. I don’t know if you deserve it, but you might…

  24. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    I never (OK, rarely) hold any stock overnight… No all eggs > single basket for me.

  25. JoaoPT says:


    Hey, is this post never going to end?
    OK. I’m off. See you guys in another thread…

  26. JoaoPT says:

    And since you were talking veranda over Palm Beach…


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