The hippopotamus is among the most dangerous and aggressive of all mammals.

  1. Misanthropic Scott says:

    Very cute!! I’ve had conflicting reports from guides in Africa. Some say a hippo can bite a croc in half. Others say no. All agree that hippos can and do kill crocs. I think the crocs try to get the baby hippos and the hippos are both defensive and territorial.

    As for the hippo killing more humans than any other non-human animal in Africa, that’s true. From what I hear, it’s mostly canoe safaris that come around a bend in the river and end up in the middle of a pod of hippos that are up to their noses in water.

    Of course, the hippos don’t eat humans, but killing in defense of territory is not uncommon. I was in a skiff when we got chased by a hippo. Fortunately our motor was faster, but not by as much as you’d expect. Hippos are surprisingly fast when they want to be.

  2. Cinaedh says:

    The hippopotamus is among the most dangerous and aggressive of all mammals.

    Of course humans are ahead of them by light years?

  3. Misanthropic Scott says:

    #2 – Cinaedh,

    Of course humans are ahead of them by light years?

    Good point!! Unless there’s a hippo out there with tact nukes. These guys might have us both beat though …

  4. Mike says:

    i want one. where do i get one? wait a min, i live in nyc…i think my cat is just about all my apartment can handle.

  5. Cinaedh says:

    3. – Misanthropic Scott,

    I dunno if we have to worry too much about morphing dolphins. With a cranial capacity 40 percent larger than ours, they may just ignore us like we ignore chipmunks and squirrels.

  6. Steve Jobs says:

    See how long those dogs last if they forget to feed Jessica.


  7. hhopper says:

    Misanthropic Scott – If dolphins (porpoises actually, a dolphin is a fish) have opposing thumbs, that means they can smoke. They’re doomed!

  8. flyingelvis says:

    there are two types of people in this world… those that have been eaten by hippos and those that have not.

  9. TIHZ_HO says:

    #7 hhopper – “a dolphin is a fish” …Sure?

    Misanthropic Scott – I have always thought the real reason we have cats is that we can complain about them to others.

    Is your cat spoiled like mine? We moved from cat food over to dog food as we have to keep changing what he eats – a very picky cat. Really its true.

    I believe this is the result.


  10. TIHZ_HO says:

    err…I meant Mike unless you have a cat Misanthropic Scott

  11. Dauragon88 says:

    “A primitive axe crafted out of driftwood and shell that is believed to be the handiwork of dolphins.”


  12. hhopper says:

    Misanthropic Scott – I know. Everyone calls porpoises dolphins. It’s pretty much accepted nowadays. That’s why they have changed the name of the dolphin fish to mahi-mahi.

    Ever seen a dolphin? Strange looking but colorful fish. (At least in restuarants.)

  13. Misanthropic Scott says:


    Actually, dolphins and porpoises are different. Oceanic dolphins are members of delphinidae and are correctly called dolphins, including killer whales. So, dolphin, as a common name, is correct for either mahi mahi or members of delphinidae.

  14. Misanthropic Scott says:

    Oops, should have posted a link.

  15. Misanthropic Scott says:

    Intermittent hardware failures in my brain today. Here’ the link to the definition of porpoises, which as to do with tooth shape, primarily.

    Another point of confusion is that the verb to porpoise means the act of swimming and coming out into the air momentarily in a rhythmic motion. So, dolphins, penguins, and even some fish, porpoise on occasion.

    From Merriam Webster’s dictionary

    Main Entry: 2 porpoise
    Function: intransitive verb
    1 : to leap or plunge like a porpoise
    2 : to rise and fall repeatedly

  16. TIHZ_HO says:

    Misanthropic Scott LOL You haven’t installed Winbrain sp2 yet ? 😉 (Chumming for Mac people – I hear these waters are full of them)

    Ahh yes George Carlin – “Cats never accept blame but look at a dog and you know who knocked over the lamp”

    That’s why I always thought of Chinese and Americans as Cats and Dogs. You never can know what Chinese are thinking while Americans you can’t help but know what they’re thinking. 😀

    #13 hhopper – that is a fine looking fish. Funny how some pics get through the GCFW but others never make it like the ‘Julia Roberts’, or the Silicone Valley teaser pic…are they meta tagged – ‘NSFC’ Not Suitable For Chinese? hahaha



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