The notebooks used by Fred Sanger, Britain’s most decorated scientist, to record experiments that won him two Nobel prizes have been saved for the nation.
The Wellcome Trust has stepped in to take possession of the books in which Sanger noted down the progress of research that led to his winning a chemistry Nobel prize in 1958 and a second in 1980, a chemistry double that has never been matched.
The 35 beige books – with yellowing pages and Sanger’s careful blue-ink handwriting – give crucial insights into his thinking as he carried out work that transformed medical science, first by unravelling the structure of a protein, insulin, and later by working out the DNA of a living being, in this case a virus. Both were scientific firsts. The DNA techniques of Sanger – who will be 89 a week tomorrow – are now used by gene sequencers throughout the world. If his books were sold on the open market, they would be worth millions.
Almost his only public utterance in two decades was to put his name to a letter by other UK Nobel laureates protesting about the Iraq war.
‘I was raised as a Quaker,’ he said. ‘I learned to abhor violence. During the war I was a conscientious objector and I still hate war. That is why I signed that letter.’
Bravo. I wonder if many of the current generation of cannon fodder realize how much courage is required to be a CO?
Less than is required to fight for your country despite objection to its actions.
You haven’t a clue, James. And probably haven’t considered either.
The courage required depends on the penalty faced.
Just exactly how much penalty do CO’s face these days, aside from those that /joined/ the military?
The toughest penalties, as ever, are cultural and social. Unless you live in a serious ivory tower. The point brought up, of course, reflects the older context – that I think James and I may have agreed upon in the past (maybe not).
Bring back the draft and the squirming for “ethical” concerns lands on the shoulders of middle-class twerps, once more.
Fortunately – to wander back On Topic – Sanger survived a genuinely demanding context, for his CO status was during WW2. And he still produced some stunning chemistry.
We are in full agreement with what CO used to mean… and to be a CO during WW2 was to truly stand for what you believe.
The term has since been cheapened and destroyed. If you truly believe in your point of view then the potential penalty of being a CO is meaningless. Unfortunately the generation between my grandparents and mine helped to define that penalty as, at worse, moving to Canada.
My specific comment in #1 is in direct relation to the question “I wonder if many of the current generation of cannon fodder realize how much courage is required to be a CO?” Any statement that trivializes what our soldiers are currently doing deserves to be pissed on.
Likewise, in the current context, it does take more fortitude to “fight for your country despite objection to its actions” than to sit at home and whine. This is why, unlike the previous generation, this generation is effectively ostracizing people who are anti-military.
Where’s this generation’s Commie Jane?
Yes, the toughest penalties these days are informal, though not simply cultural and social.
Now, how many cars with anti war bumber stickers have been damaged, as opposed to how many cars with stickers supporting the troops or sporting American flags? How many anti Moslem demonstrations can you think of? Want to bet I can’t find 10 times as many anti war?
The “Looney Left” is called Looney for a reason. They go into mouth frothing fits at anything that contradicts whatever the truth is today, and are not above vandalism to make their political points.
It takes a lot of courage to publicly support the war in Iraq. It takes none at all to oppose it. This is not the 60’s.
The guy looks like a frackin’ quaker, but anyways props to his political views because at least he’s consistent.
I love how politicized the Iraq War has become when even a story about a Noble Laureate’s notebook’s being saved can not be discussed without some distasteful political comment.
Also, the moonbats should head up to D.C. sometime in the next six weeks and ask the Iraq War veterans representing the organization “Vets for Freedom” how they like being being “cannon fodder.” I’m sure Pete Hegseth of the 101st, David Bellavia of the 1st ID, Knox Nunnally of the 2nd Light Armored, and Joe Dan Worley of the 1st Marines would give that suggestion a warm response.
#7, mxpwr03 — Yes. Jumpin’ JHC in a test tube, the man has won TWO Nobel Prizes. When the first non-moran here that has thought about winning a single Nobel Prize can make a sensible comment about Sanger’s achievements and not his religious beliefs, I’ll listen. Good Grief Charlie Brown!!
Just my 2 cents (2 new gold dollars) worth…
#5, James, #6, Phillep, #7, mxpwr03,
Gee, you guys are all so brave. But why oh why haven’t you brave people enlisted to fight for your country? I’ve asked James and mxpwr03 before and neither answered.
Let’s see how great out people in Iraq are. They kick down doors. They rape 14 year old girls. They shoot men to cover up crimes. They readily torture prisoners. They shoot journalists. They drive their tanks and Bradleys over Iraqi cars. They drop bombs on weddings. They wear bullet proof vests. They travel in armored vehicles. They plant guns on Iraqis they murdered to make it look good.
Then they go back to air-conditioned barracks, drink a couple of beers, surf the internet, eat a hot meal, watch some TV, then sleep in a soft bed.
So if you get right down to it, ya we sure support our troops a lot. Maybe I should change that to “where do you get WE white man”.
Bubba, well said. Most of mankind’s scientific advancement has been small steps. Sanger gave us giant steps. I won’t even hint I understand his work, but I’m glad a mind like his came along.
#9, Mr. Fusion, thanks. As a child, I dreamed of winning a Nobel prize in physics. I applaud and congratulate Mr. Sanger and his work:
Maybe it’s not too late for an old astronomer (dream on, Bubba, that lottery ticket has better odds)
#10, Bubba,
I hope I don’t sound condecending. Most researchers that found something did so by accident. I remember the story of Dr. Standford Fleming’s assistant noticing some mold growing on a culture and we ended up with penicillin. Or Wilbur Wright bending a piece of pasteboard and wondering about the shape and we ended up with the airfoil. Then there was Crick (or was it Watson) twisting a ribbon to come up with helical DNA.
But it is all the small contributions from so many people that make the big picture. Without Fleming the world would be a much more dangerous place. The airfoil helped us get to the moon. Knowing about DNA has helped hundred prove their innocence and babies find their daddies. There are thousands of small steps between what these men initially found and where we are today. Maybe next year you might find that small step that conclusively demonstrates that faster than light speed is attainable.
#11, Mr. Fusion, [in my best Ed McMahon voice] you are correct, Sir!! This will not win me any prize, but just wait until the IAU has to announce “Comet Bubba” 🙂
Mr Fusion, your argument seems to be that only military or military veterans can legitimatly support the war in Iraq, and their opinions don’t count because they are morally corrupt.
Okay, so are you objecting to the US being in Iraq doing these things because they are _doing_ these things, or because it’s the _US_ doing these things?
Let’s see your defense of your postition.
#12, Bubba,
Or, one of the new moons orbiting Saturn. I understand there are some new ones just waiting for a name. And you wouldn’t have to wait every 93 years to show your sweety your moon either. Of course, if you ever get slightly inebriated at a party, you could always ask if someone wanted to see your moon.
#13, Phillep,
No. I never suggested anything of the kind.
On the contrary, you defend your position, if you can. I realize how indefensible it is. Then join the army and go fight for the ideals you want others to die for.
[off topic]
#14, Mr. Fusion, I just couldn’t resist — you’ve been mooned! 🙂
And I’d really like to name Saturn’s latest, but they won’t let me. I’d name it, of course, er ,uh, well,…
BubbaCassini. Yeah, that’s the ticket! [I’m tired of those old Roman and Greek god’s names]News from NASA’s Saturn Cassini mission: