WARNING: This video depicts graphic violence.

Ansar al-Sunnah (Followers of the Tradition) is an Iraqi Jihadist group, dedicated to the establishment of an Islamic state based on Shari’ah in Iraq, which they aim to achieve by the defeat of coalition forces and foreign occupation.

  1. RTaylor says:

    It would appear several people died violently in this video. I really have mixed feelings about the post.

  2. tallwookie says:

    BOOM!! I wonder if we could get someone to run a translation on the arabic in that video, kinda curious as to what the announcer was sayin…

    In other news, 3 people were instantly incinerated in Iraq today after a truck done got blowed up


  3. Mac Guy says:

    #1 – I agree. Take this post down, this posting needs to go, hhopper. Please show some respect to those who lost their lives.

  4. ethanol says:

    I am in agreement with 1 and 3. Take it down.

  5. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Take it down…take it down, I agree take this post down.

    Or leave it up. After all, this is George W. Bush’s legacy. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED?

    They keep showing videos (on TV, no less) of the 35W bridge in Minneapolis collapsing. Why not this?

  6. undissembled says:

    Who were they? American soldiers or Iraqi police?

    Also.. The bomb was poorly made… or it was meant to only kill the few that walked up to it. It looked like a gas bomb and not a powder charge, which would have took out the surrounding cars. Psychos got to use what they got i guess.

  7. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    I disagree strongly.

    I say that showing the unsanitized horror of what is happening every day there will get the message across to more people that this is utter insanity – and do more to motivate people to bring it to an end.

    And that is more respectful of those who died, to not hide or minimize what happened to them. If their deaths contribute to convincing others to work to prevent even more such senseless deaths, then they didn’t die in vain…

  8. ethanol says:

    Mister Mustard (#6),
    The difference is stark. This video shows murder, homicide. The Minneapolis bridge collapse, which is not shown here, is an accident, a structural failure, not the intentional killing of others.

  9. ethanol says:

    Lauren (#8),

    For the first time, I disagree with you. I am all for showing how they plant the bomb, the after-effects of the explosions, the funeral, etc. Show me a video of the power of this kind of bomb, etc. just not the murder of at least three people.

  10. Mister Mustard says:

    >>The Minneapolis bridge collapse, which is not shown here, is
    >>an accident, a structural failure, not the intentional killing of

    Right. And other than catering to the schadenfreude set, there’s little to be gained from showing Minneapolis residents being crushed by thousands of tons of steel and concrete. Over and over and over again.

    Unlike the truck-bomber video, where some Bush supporters may finally realize the impact their “president’s” policies are having on innocent victims.

    I think hhopper should leave it up.

  11. Steve says:

    Blame it on Bush? Yeah, don’t put any of it on all of the Democrats who voted FOR action against Saddam.

    I feel for the families that see the video.

  12. ethanol says:

    Mister Mustard (#11),
    Umm, I still don’t see a video of the bridge collapse here, so what are you talking about? The posts above refer to http://www.dvorak.org/blog

  13. Dominic says:

    [Ed. – duplicate post, deleted]

  14. Dominic says:

    I agree with #8. Welcome to reality. This video should be shown on prime time news if it hasn’t already. You know darn well it won’t be shown on fox. Pictures speak louder than words and that’s why we have not seen the real violence in the middle east from “real” news in America or from our gov’t.
    Visit another country besides America to see what’s really happening in the world and watch there news.

    Thanks for this uncensored blog. DO NOT take this video off this blog.

  15. ethanol says:

    Upon reflection of this discussion, I have realized why I am upset by this. I did not realize I was going to witness the deaths of several people. I don’t give a crap about your political aims, but you need to put a big warning label cautioning people what they are about to see . I click on videos all the time here on Dvorak and don’t see x-rated material (remember Faces of Death anyone?).

    For example, my wife has donated money to a wildlife rescue organization. They sent out a letter asking for donations. When you opened the letter though, SURPRISE an elephant head half torn apart by human hands. Needless to say, we no longer donate to that group.

    In summary, place a warning label, like you do with nudity, when you have a post like that.

    Thank you.

    [Done – .ed]

  16. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Blame it on Bush?

    Why not? He’s the one to blame. Those “Democrats who voted FOR action against Saddam.” didn’t vote for Dumbya to go in, willy-nilly, to spend a trillion dollars and waste American lives. They voted to GIVE HIM THE AUTHORITY, should circumstances warrant, to invade Iraq.

    Unfortunately, Dumbya couldn’t wait until the inspectors determined that Saddam had no WMDs, he couldn’t wait until American soldiers could be properly equipped; in other words, just like everything else he’s tried in life, he couldn’t do anything right.

    Ethanol, check the NYT web site. Or probably most other major newspapers as well. They have a video taken by the security cam on the West Bank side, showing the collapse, the crushing of cars, the whole thing.

  17. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Umm, I still don’t see a video of the bridge collapse here, so what
    >>are you talking about? The posts above refer to

    Oh, I get it. DU is a standalone entity, and what’s presented here can’t be compared with what is being shown on other blogs internet-wide?


    Leave the fucking post up.

  18. Jon says:

    Nice reasoning guys – show the video because it may turn more people against our mission in Iraq. Notice how the big news media has censored the 9/11 videos of planes hitting the towers for the last several years? They don’t accidentally want to remind people why we are there in the first place. Hypocrites.

  19. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Needless to say, we no longer donate to that group.

    Oh, now THERE is a particularly effective way to stop human hands from tearing apart elephant heads.

    If real life is too much fer ya, maybe you should go the David Vetter route, and buy yourself a bubble to live in.

    Carnage happens, dude. If you don’t like it, maybe you should do something to stop it from happening. But ooooohh nooooo, you want videos taken down and you throw away fundraising letters from organizations that accurately describe what is happening.


  20. Mister Mustard says:

    >>This is like putting a rape victim in jail on the grounds that
    >>she deserved being raped for using provocative clothing.

    You lost me there, m’hijito. Who is the rape victim? The Iraqis? The Americans? Dumbya? Osama? The residents of WIrzistan? Harry Potter?

  21. Nth of the 49th says:


    That word Uncensored is in the title for a reason.
    Your entitled to your PC views and desire for a nanny state.

  22. Steve says:

    WMDs in Iraq. Saddam never had any. He sent a team of soldiers to kill each one of those Kurds individually with chemical hand-to-hand combat weapons.

    Yeah right….

  23. scott says:

    To #9. It’s war, not murder or homicide unless your point is that the war is a crime. Not something I necessarily agree with. Bush declared Iraq the front in the War on Terror, so we’re reaping the whirlwind right now. I agree it’s a brutal video, but we Americans in the US need to grow up. This is reality.

  24. Ballenger says:

    In no way does this comment second guess the decision of those killed or injured by the truck bomb. Clearly, regardless of how you feel about the US presence in Iraq those who died there and those continue to serve there or try to live a normal life there are worthy of our greatest respect. Enough can’t be said for the bravery of those people who approached that vehicle. But they also deserve our most objective and worthy efforts at protecting them from unnecessary risk.

    That said, every GI in Iraq should be supplied with a specifically colored smoke grenade and the meaning of that color smoke communicated to every person in Iraq. Specifically, that color smoke would mean get the hell away from the location of that smoke. The inspection and clearing of the item should be left to robots or other weapon systems.

  25. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Ostriches, preferring to keep their heads stuck in the sand… Tell it, Mustardino!

    #19 – Jon

    “Nice reasoning guys – show the video because it may turn more people against our mission in Iraq. Notice how the big news media has censored the 9/11 videos of planes hitting the towers for the last several years? They don’t accidentally want to remind people why we are there in the first place. Hypocrites.”

    Are we back to that line of shit again? Those were fucking Saudis with not one fuckin’ thing to do with Hussein who took out the WTC. Or have you forgotten that tiny detail?

    “Our” mission? “OUR”?? Maybe YOUR mission, or the Dumbya Administration’s – but it sure like a mofo ain’t MY mission – and I’ve got many tens of millions of people who would agree…

    Lay off that Halliburton-catered Kool-Aid, kid. It’s affecting your brain.

  26. bac says:

    #28 — President Bush may not be responsible for the bombings but he is responsible for every death of a US soldier and Iraqi citizen. Bush brought the war on terror to Iraq so the deaths are his responsibility.

    Congress also has same blame in this. I think these types of videos should be shown to Congress. Not for the purpose of scaring them but to give weight to their decisions.

    Bush’s attitude on this war seems to be take the mess to another country so that Americans can live their normal lives. All Americans need to worry about is American Idol. They shouldn’t be bothered by the outside world.

  27. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Notice how the big news media has censored the 9/11
    >>videos of planes hitting the towers for the last several years?

    Well, not that it makes any difference to the die-hard neocon fruitcakes, but the 9/11 slaughter DID NOT HAVE A FUCKING THING TO DO WITH IRAQ?

    Or are you one of the 9 people in the US who take Faux News seriously, and think that al Qaeda started there, the hijackers were from there, and that (plus all those WMDs that Saddam had) are the reason we occupied their country?

    Christ. PT Barnum was right.

  28. Sea Lawyer says:

    Well, at least they have high enough production values to play us some shitty music in the background while we watch them blow each other up.

  29. Mister Mustard says:

    >>WMDs in Iraq. Saddam never had any. He sent a team of soldiers
    >>to kill each one of those Kurds individually with chemical hand-to-
    >>hand combat weapons.

    Oh. So we invaded Iraq based on something that Chemical Ali had in 1988? The inspectors stated (and this has been verified a million times in the years since) that SADDAM HAD NO WMDs AT THE TIME WE INVADED IRAQ. Not to mention that IRAQ DIDN’T HAVE A FUCKING THING TO DO WITH 9/11.

    Those kind of minor details seem to be lost on the right wing. I guess they’re too busy getting fucked up the ass by crystal meth-crazed male prostitutes, offering undercover cops $20 blow jobs, and all that other stuff the Republicans do so well.

  30. Mister Mustard says:

    #28 Pedro: No, I don’t get it, m’hijito. You still have me lost.

    Dumbya invaded Iraq for not apparent reason (other than that Saddam was a big meanie), and in the process, caused a worldwid explosion of terrorism, catapulting Osama bin Laden from just another camel-fucker who hated Israel into one of the most powerful forces of evil in the world (MISSION ACCOMPLISHED?).

    So. Dumbya has to be held accountable for the consequences of his actions.

    To somehow compare that to a woman being raped because she’s decked out in sexy duds? Man, are YOU on crystal meth too? And then you drag in that shit about how Muslims oppress their women, like that somehow supports your argument? WTF? Hey, at least they don’t cut off their clits, like the Africans. Maybe we should invade Africa as well?


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